Peter Rodino, Congressman Who Led Nixon Impeachment, Dies at 95

Congressman Who Led Nixon Impeachment Dies

Peter W. Rodino Jr., a little-noticed Democratic congressman from New Jersey until he led the House impeachment investigation of President Nixon, died Saturday. He was 95.


Rodino was named chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee just months before the panel began its historic impeachment hearings in 1974.


Rodino often would say his claim to fame prior to the Watergate hearings was sponsoring the bill that made Columbus Day a national holiday.

Ironically, Columbus Day is now more controversial than the Nixon impeachment.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Half Sigma says:

    Columbus Day is a continuing controversy, while Watergate is a political maneuver that becomes forgotten with age.

    There were plenty of issues from the 1800’s that were highly controversial during their time, but arouse the least controvery or interest today.

  2. John Cole says:

    That is ironic, unlike rain on your wedding day. Or a free ride when you have already paid, or a traffic jam when you are already late.
