Read All About It: Evangelicals Superstitious Hypocrites

An email from The New Republic editor Franklin Foer begins,

If you listened to all the hype surrounding David Kuo’s insider tell-all memoir about the Bush administration, you would believe that the White House seduced and then betrayed its evangelical’s [sic] supporters, promising them political favors before relegating their pet projects to the back burner. So why do they continue to defend the president? This riddle is answered in an essay by Alan Wolfe, one of the nation’s preeminent sociologists of religion. He provides a learned look at the world of born-again Christians, where decisions are based not on empirical facts or policy positions, but compelling (if often false) stories of spiritual transformation and ringing (if insincere) professions of faith. Subscribe today for only $9.97 to read this article.

Ten bucks to read about what silly, hypocritical fools religious folks are? I believe I shall pass.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Anderson says:

    But what’s this about the $10 subscription? For how long?

  2. legion says:

    Well, you’re falling into the same trap that makes average republicans think that all dems are anti-religious… The essay (which I’m not going to dump $10 for either) is clearly discussing one particular group – evangelical biblical literalists – rather than all Christians.

    Although I admit, even bringing the topic up in that limited a context is walking into a minefield…

  3. Tano says:

    I dont see how the argument could be spun to claim that religous folks are hypocritical. Foolish, perhaps, in the sene of being naive, prone to manipulation, and having a tendency to trust, but not verify the seductions of politicians.

    Strikes me as an eminently sensible explanation. It is hardly to be unexpected that if one enters the political arena with anything other than cold-eyed pragmatism, one will eventually find oneself up a garden path.

  4. just me says:

    So when will they charge ten dollars for the study on why 90% of African Americans are superstitious and easily manipulated, given that they vote for the dem in larger percentages than evangelical Christians do (yep evengelicals if I remember right vote about 70% GOP 30% DNC).

    Although, nobody is going to do this study, because they would be called racists.

    Oh and I admit I am not paying $10 to read it either.