Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney Getting Annulment
Actress Renee Zellweger and country singer Kenny Chesney are getting their four-month-old marriage annuled.
Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney Split (AP)
Bridget Jones is untying the knot. Renee Zellweger, who played the lovelorn Brit in “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” and country music star Kenny Chesney will have their four-month-old marriage annulled, Chesney’s publicist, Holly Gleason, and Zellweger’s Los Angeles-based publicist Nanci Ryder, confirmed to The Associated Press on Thursday.
People magazine first reported the breakup, which brings to an end a whirlwind romance that began shortly before a surprise wedding in May. The 36-year-old actress and Chesney, 37, wed in a small ceremony on the Caribbean island of St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. It was the first marriage for both.
Given that one presumes they consumated the marriage and that neither was already married to someone else, one wonders what the grounds for annulment would be.
According to FindLaw:
Annulment is distinct from divorce in that a divorce terminates a previously valid marriage. Remember that the key to an annulment is that the marriage was never a valid one in the eyes of the law. As in divorce, however, in annulment cases the court may award custody of children of the marriage and require payment of child support and support of a party.
Legal Grounds for Annulment
Courts will order that a marriage be annulled if one of the following situations can be established:
* Mental Illness, Insanity or Retardation: If a person is married while mentally ill, insane or so mentally retarded that he or she could not knowingly and willingly consent to marriage, then the marriage may be annulled. Here, annulment would be granted on the theory that marriage is a consensual relationship, and most mentally ill, insane, or retarded people are considered incapable of giving legal consent.
* Temporary Insanity: If temporary or periodic insanity is claimed, the affected person’s condition at the time of marriage governs whether or not his or her possessed the legal capacity to marry. A marriage will not be annulled if it was entered into during a “lucid” interval between episodes of temporary insanity.
* Fraud: If one of the parties did not tell the truth, or misrepresented information in order to induce the other party to enter into the marriage, then the marriage may be annulled because of fraud.
* Lack of Consent or Duress: If a person is compelled to marry another under a threat of violence that would overcome the mind and will of a person of ordinary mental strength, the marriage may be annulled on the theory that marriage is a consensual relationship, and that compulsion under threat is inconsistent with consent. Actual threats of serious violence are required.
* Intoxication: If either spouse was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the marriage, or if it can be shown that there was such intoxication at the marriage ceremony that either spouse was incapable of knowing the nature of the marriage contract and its consequences, annulment will be granted.
* Inability to consummate the marriage (or “impotency”): To obtain an annulment for impotency, the person seeking annulment must prove that the other spouse was permanently and incurably impotent when the marriage was entered into, and that the person seeking annulment did not discover the fact until after the marriage.
* Lack of parental consent for an underage marriage: Most states have age requirements for marriage. Generally, persons under the age of 18 must have parental consent to marry. If an underage person managed to obtain a marriage license without court or parental approval, the marriage would be subject to annulment.
* One of the people is already married (bigamy): A marriage is subject to annulment when it is entered into before the dissolution of an earlier marriage of one of the parties becomes final.
* Incestuous marriage: All states prohibit marriages between parents and children — including grandparents and grandchildren of every degree; between brothers and sisters of the half as well as the whole blood; and between uncles and nieces, aunts and nephews, and first cousins.
The mind actually boggles at the possibilities here.
All of the above?
Just curious…a little while back, there was a post about some celebrities who were engaged, and the blogger was writing something like how much this wasn’t news worth covering…and now we have this piece of gripping news about more celebrities…hmm…
Hormonal intoxication. They were not in love, they were in lust. Now they’ve come to their proper senses. Well, as proper as actors and actresses can be, anyway.
Celebrities and the longevity of their marriages are like buying a Government 30 year callable bond, yielding 15% and thinking you’ll keep it for 30 years. You can be sure that it won’t last longer than a liberal’s guilt trip.
That was Stotch.
His point, I think, is that celebrity engagements don’t merit inclusion as a top “news” story on a news aggregator. Plus, that was smack in the middle of the wave of news on Katrina recovery, which made it even less noteworthy.
Celebrity coverage has its place, I think, even in “serious” newspapers–just not on the main page under most circumstances. OTB has a “pop culture” category, and that’s where this post is.
Seems that her request is based on fraud. Details not yet revealed.
Kenny Chesney is gay, plain and simple. This
was an arranged marriage and she simply got
tired of waiting for sex that never came.
There’s nothing more phony than a gay guy playing
I doubt very seriously that K.C. is gay and shame on you for tagging him as such, J.I.
She decided his tractor wasn’t so sexy after all.
Those last three words do not belong in a sentence that begins “All states prohibit…” In fact many states do permit first cousins to marry.
And before the Arkansas jokes get started, I believe one of them is New York.
I bet Renee is Frigid.
Interestingly (?), it is not in fact illegal in all US states for first cousins to marry, nor for that matter in most of the world. Something like 20 states permit it, as do most Western countries.
I have distant relatives in Canada, first cousins married to each other. Perfectly legal.
But… ick.
Kenny Chesney is gay… those of you who don’t believe that, are mearly not opening your eyes up enough to see all the signs…
bulemia and anorexia are mental illnesses, of which Renee certainly has one.
Kenny Chesney is NOT gay; however Renee Z does seem a bit frigid and wierd. After all, she did date that wierdo freak Jack White (ewww GROSSSSS) not long before she and Kenny met/began dating. I think she just wasn’t/isn’t playing with a full deck…few sandwiches shy of a picnic…half a bubble off…WHATEVER!
Further, Renee reportedly made the public statement that: “Contradictory to my intentions to maintain the integrity of our privacy by not commenting on the specifics of our decision, it seems necessary to clarify that the term ‘fraud’ as listed in the documentation is simply legal language and not a reflection of Kenny’s character. I would personally be very grateful for your support in refraining from drawing derogatory, hurtful, sensationalized or untrue conclusions and greatly appreciate your understanding that we hope to experience this transition as privately as possible.”
Chesney also made a statement: “This is an incredibly sad time … I just hope everyone can respect the privacy that I know Renee has already asked for.”
K.G. can take it like a man, at least when he’s not being the puppy, gay as San Fran, boys and girls, i should know…
so sad to see people like “tw” in such denial…
well, someday you’ll snap out of your denial and realize that he is gay and accept the fact that even though he is, he’s still talented and has his looks to boot. I’m sure he’s a bottom though, what do ya’ll think? 🙂
He looks like a bottom. Actually he’s got a nice bottom too so there. He’s gay. It has been circulating for awhile. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s all good
i live in nashville, my husband has worked with kenny on many of his albums and his publicist is a close friend of ours. this marriage was an attempt to deflect the rumors that kenny is gay from circulating as they had started to come up more and more frequently. they are true and most people in his circle are completely aware of his preference and could care less, but his career will be damaged by this. What I do not know and what his publicist is not sure of, is whether of not Renee’ knew and then later decided not to be part of the cover up, or it she caught him or figured it out. the language of the court papers seems to indicate she was not part of the coverup and this discovery came as a great shock. It is also not known whether this was just simply a cover up for him or if he truly did want to try to make a go of this marriage and try to be in a marital relationship with her.
Like I said before, this information was not a shock to most industry insiders in Nashville. Think about this – I am not big fan of his, and I am not sure why he is thought of as so handsome but he is and could have pretty much anybody he wanted – he is mobbed at every concert and could have a girl from 18 to whatever age he wanted. But in the years of his career becoming high profile he has never ever referred to a girlfriend in any sort of interview or article, nor does anyone close to him remember ever seeing him simply out on a date with a woman. You would have seen this at least once or twice in the six or so years he has been in the forefront of country music. He never brings a date to industry functions, he never has a guest at award shows, he is never photographed with a woman of any sort, he has moved to the Virgin Islands where he can live his life in a much more private place where the press isn’t on top of his every action. Just telling everybody what is so,… take it or leave it. You can’t believe how much this goes on in the “biz.”
Wait a second…there was a whole article in People Magazine right after he got married about his long time girlfriend. So, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.
why don’t you check out and let me know what date that article ran. I just did a check on the site and read each article published in the mag since their wedding (5-9-05) , there were 6 or so, no mention of any longtime girlfriend because there is not one. And the articles are each a few paragraphs long because there is not much to write about these two, they are not often together. I met her and saw them together one time at the recording studio this summer. She was very nice, picked up subway for everybody when she stepped out to get herself something. He did not bring her to ACM awards in Las Vegas in May eight days after their wedding and we were hoping to see her again the CMA’s Nov. 15, but obviously she won’t be attending.
You must have read about someone elses long time girlfriend – and if he had one, what was he doing marrying someone else. There is not another woman’s name mentioned in any of those People articles except the name of his publicist Nancy in one of them.
I invite you to let me know where you read that. Check for yourself at Nothing like you are describing exists.
I attended a Kenny Chesney concert a few years ago and was ‘lucky’ enough to be able to go backstage after the concert. There were lots of young college girls backstage and Kenny was living it up. He was instructing several of the girls to make out with each other, strip for him, obviously drink lots of alcohol. My best friend and I stepped out to go to the bathroom and Kenny followed us in. He started to fondle us and then began to push my friend to her knees. She attempted not to, but he said, ‘suck my cock, bitch, or else you will leave’. We tried to leave the bathroom but he was leaning agaisnt the door and we were unable to get out. I started to scream for help and he said, ‘shut up you stupid cunt’. The security guards were there instantly and asked what was wrong. Kenny opened the door and said that we had followed him into the bathroom and that we were making unwanted advances towards him. We were quickly escorted out, but not before the guards took our cameras, gave us $500 in cash, and told us it would do no good to tell anyone about what had happened because there were dozens of witnesses that saw us harrass him and none that saw him attack us.
To jh- Kenny really was engaged to the blonde in his video “How Forever Feels.” In a CMT interview he was reported as saying that it was difficult for him to show that video at his concerts. Also on a talk show recently a Nashville reported stated that Kenny had told his family that he was still in love with Allison, a girl he had been dating for a couple of years before Renee. You obviously don’t keep up with country music.
To iagradgirl– Why would he put his career in jeopardy in this manner?
Kenny, I’ve got two passes to see BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN premiere in NYC…wanna go? Call me. RJ
Kanny has always raised a blip on my gaydar. Now that Renee Zellweger is ending their 4-month marriage for “fraud,” the blip just got brighter. Live and let live– Who cares, he still is a great entertainer.
More importantly, this case certainly adds to the pile of evidence in favor of equal marriage rights for gay people. Keep the high-profile, minute-long, impulsive marriages coming. Each one makes mockery of the argument that marriage is too “sacred” an institution to be lowered to allow gay people the legal right they deserve.
I have been married for 7 years and we still have not made love. I have seen a doctor and it is and my be true that he has something going on in his life or past that keeps him from wanting to get close. I thought I may be gay because it is not normal, but after 7 years and still together with out seeking sex from men or another woman it is mental and emotions that can stop someone from getting close in that way. I see on here about it being a gay thing, what closed minded can you get with that……….
I happen to know Kenny was dating someone from Houston for a couple of years before marrying, I know her personally and she got tired of the QT. He sent her gowns and and flew her to several award events but was kept behind the scenes for publicity reasons. He was to keep his hot macho single act going for his women fans then all of a sudden he was married. Sooo maybe he is still in love with another woman, but gay NOTTTTTTTTTTTT!
I also read the article about Kenny’s longtime exgirlfriend – i don’t recall her name, but it said she also got married right around the time KC married Renee. I’m from Jersey, home of the governor who famously “came out” on national TV, mortifying his family including his wife and children! The thing is our gov’s homosexuality was known by many and the most shocking thng was that his wife didn’t know! I’m not sure if Kenny pulled a “McGreevey” but if he is gay, I’m sure there are people who know and I guess the truth will come out!
The girl he dated so long, name is Allison.
If you divorce someone, it doesnt mean your gay! Kenny was engadged before Renee anyyways! Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston broke up… is Brad Gay??? NO! so why is everyone assuming Kenny is gay? maybe Kenny and Renee didnt get to see eachother often… maybe they didnt want to be married any more. Did that cross anyyyy of yalls minds???
did any of you people think that maybe renee wanted kids and kenny didnt because of his career? the marriage didnt work out. that does not mean that kenny is gay!!!! maybe he is, maybe he isnt. who cares?!?!
On the radio station “The Buzz” here in Houston, one of the male DJs said that K.C. was gay. The female DJ responded that he may be bi, but he is not gay. She said that a friend of hers in Kansas City spent the night with K.C. and he was DEFINITELY able to perform…
People just like to gossip. Kenny rocks and was way to cute to be with such a nasty scag like Renee. Kenny you will find the right girl and for all of you that think he is gay dream on. He is not gay and definately 100% man.
I don’t think that Kenny is gay. I think that they both had a different picture of how their marriage was going to be and they figured out that it wasn’t going to happen that way. I read in People that he had made a comment once that he wanted to find the right women and settle down and marry and have the family life. Maybe he decided that he could not give up his everything and she could not give up her everything to live that family life, 100% commitment.
hey amy, being gay doesn’t make you less of a man… so you might want to rethink that ignorant statement you made “He is not gay and definately 100% man.”
he’s a nice looking man.. and yay, he’s gay!
didnt he brake off the engagment of his long time gf beacuse of the man he was seen with i duno i was told he had this man he was always hanging out with. i still think hes hot. maybe he acts like he could be gay but hes not maybe he wants a gf but dosent want her to be subjected to alot of limelight ex he doesnt want her to get scared off from to much media or press
First off the girl he was previousley engaged to was named the flipping insert from his Greatest Hits cd…he calls her Mandy. Secondly the man is not gay, he married a hideous scag with absolutely no personailty and who was extremly pale. I dont know why just because two people get divorced or an annullment that automatically makes the man gay. Thats just ignorant to even say that and make those remarks, I honestly do not think he could be in the limelight all this time and then all of a sudden become gay. If he is gay that is entirely his business and no one elses even though I highly doubt hes gay. Renee Zellwegger said on several occassions that she wanted children, and Kenny however has said on several occassions that he wasnt sure if he ever wanted kids. No one knows the truth and no one may ever know the truth and the entire situation needs to be left alone!
Kenny Chesney is not gay….Renee has always been quiet and never adored by fans… Maybe she can’t handle his fans or all the attention he gets. Whatever the reason it is definitely not because he’s gay.
so what if he is? i don’t think that makes him any less of a man, or entertainer. I just wish he would make a truthful statement, so this would be over. I’m still a fan no matter what, and still think his tractor’s sexy!!!
Kenny, i’d be willing to bear you children, and keep your secret. just shake that tight little booty for me.
that renee might be str8, and almost single, but she is dead dawg ugly………mebbe KC saw her in good light……and knew he had to beat feet!!
Marc-you are so right….he likes to drink and after the tour was over and he sobered up he realized how UGLY she was and had to split!! 🙂
Reminds me of Kevin from the Backstreet Boys. When the heat about his being gay got to hot, he suddenly married his “long time girlfriend” – you know the one you never heard about before and never again. Hello, Kenny! You are hot. Sad though, the women lose another hot one to the men.
Reminds me of Kevin from the Backstreet Boys. When the heat about his being gay got too hot, he suddenly married his “long time girlfriend” – you know the one you never heard about before and never again. Hello, Kenny! You are hot. Sad though, the women lose another hot one to the men.
I thought Kenny was gay long before this. It isn’t the annulment that makes me think he is gay, I thought this before. The marriage screamed “beard” to me the first second I read about it. There is NOTHING wrong with being gay. But in the country music world and with the redneck fans, it would be worse than Natalie Maines trashing the President on foreign soil for his career. All those girls who think he’s so sexy would stop buying his albums. Hopefully someday he can come out of the closet and live his life with the man of his choosing. Ty Herndon is still denying he is gay ten years after he solicited a male police officer in the park. Sad world we live in that people can be themselves.
Someone PLEASE explain the attraction to Kenny Chesney. He is not good looking to me at all. And even when I don’t personally find someone attractive I can still see why other people do–like Benicio Del Toro. But I cannot see this at all! He’s a skinny bald guy. He looks like he weighs about 90 pounds. I guess with the cowboy hat he looks a little better, but without it his ugliness is really revealed. Is it a country thing? The tight jeans?
As far as gay, come on. It cracks me up people don’t see that he’s gay. Such homophobic denial. “The singer I love is GAY! Oh god, NOOOOOO” Deal with it. He’s gay. This sounds awful, but just look at him! He’s gay. He has a ‘gay’ face–yes, it’s true. Some gay men have the ‘gay’ face. Just ask other gay men. And other gay men know he’s gay–and yes, they would know. And he has it 100%. More power to him. I wish he’d come out.
It’s very difficult to find a picture of Kenny without a cowboy hat, cap or any hat… Try an internet search for “Kenny Chesnay bald” and you will see why he ALWAYS covers his dome! HA HA HA
Kenny looks like a damn mouse; a scrawny one at that…and Renee looks like a white, sick cat..hmmm… a match made in heaven?…cat and mouse! Maybe Renee found out he doesn’t like “Puss” after all..
U’d be pretty stupid and naive to assume KC isn’t gay, u could just see it, guess it take an experienced ‘eye’ to catch it. And him marrying her put him in the ranks with the others who hide behind these nice ladies because they are afraid what the public would say …. i know of a few men who aren’t famous who are doing the same thing and it’s sad, sad, sad. I just hope Renee actually got to do it with KC, tell us about it GURL!
I suppose he is gay, and he picked the kind of girl that a gay guy would prefer, skinny, flat as a board and if they did it, it was from behind!
Better luck next time, Renee, pick a cute BRIT guy cuz you were so good with Hugh and Colin in ‘Bridget Jones’!
I am from Knoxville, TN… my girlfriend has known Kenny and his whole family since she was in middle school. She is very good friends with his sister. His sister is married into my girlfriends family as well as Kenny’s uncle.
So she knows he is not gay and for all of you people out there saying he is gay, then you must have a boring life to sit there and judge someone you do not know. Just because a marriage doesn’t work out.. doesn’t mean the guy is gay. You all are just jealous it seems…knocking someone down because you wish you could be famous. So get a life and quit gossiping. You all sound like you work for the National Enquirer or something.
Respect their privacy and quit worrying about them. I am sure they can handle things just fine.
Wow, denial is a strong emotion. Anyone ever hear the saying “Whatis usally most obvious, usually IS?”
The sad truth of the matter is, if Kenny WAS to publically come out about being gay, our country isn’t sophisticated enough to be cool and understanding. He would be judged, ridiculed and destroyed. That is the real story here. He would have no career as a gay country singer, lets be real. So he is forced to lie, manipulate (not that I feel bad for Renee because she is an idiot for not seeing it) and pose as someone he isn’t, just to fullfill his dream. It is a high price to pay for stardom, and being a gay man myself who struggled to come to terms with who I am, I would rather be piss poor in the gutter with no job, and be true to myself, than a rich superstar, who has to lie to get by every day. Shame on him, and shame on us as Americans for being so ignorant and intolerant. It is embarrassing really.
I am a gay man, and it’s not knocking someone down for being gay. There is NOTHING wrong with being gay. That kind of attitude is the reason Kenny can never come out of the closet while he’s in the public eye. Rednecks think there’s something wrong with a person if they are gay. Poor Kenny, with friends like this.
Aaron, kinda what I was trying to say, only shorter and sweeter, LOL
If you think about it, what other kind of FRAUD would there be to grant an annulment? To those of you who are claiming that “he just wised up” because Renee is ugly, you are ignoring the facts. She is the one who filed, and she based this on Fraud. Him being gay certainly fits these facts much better than some contrived “they just realized that they weren’t right for each other”. If that was the case, he or she would have filed for DIVORCE. Big difference. And I agree, his country music career would be badly damaged, rightly or wrongly. I don’t condemn that, people have a right to buy whatever music they want. If the artist offends them, thats their choice to not spend any of their hard earned money on that artist. This is true of the Dixie Chicks, or Kenny Chesney, or Toby Keith, or anyone. Holds true for all of the liberals who don’t buy country music at all. Thats what makes America great in my opinion, we are free to make up our own minds and act accordingly.
Kent, your comments are gay. The guy is an obvious fanny bandit and what’s up with his music. It sucks so he has to also.
Truthfully I could careless if he is or isn’t gay. Like I’ve read in many other comments, what else would be the reason for “fraud”. I have been to three of his concerts. One of which, was before I was a KC fan. He definitely shakes his hips like no man should and prisses around on the stage. I was at his show in Birmingham in July there was a wedding ring, however I also went to his concert in Atlanta which was the following week and there was no ring. That to me means this has been in the works for the last few months. If they would both make a truthful statement all of the gossip would slack off.
God made Adam and Eve…not Adam and Steve… I’m sick of this gay pride stuff. I’m not a homophobic I am just tired of this world coming to accept gayness especially this country. God destroyed two cities in the Bible.. Sodom and Gamora because of the homosexuality in these cities. Our country is trying its best to become like one of these doomed cities. Our country having so much freedom is the cause of this too and the straying the Bible in politics is getting further and further. This country was founded on Christianity and our Constitution was written up with a lot of the moral values which you find in the Bible.
I also hate when I hear people say they were born gay.. BS.. Thats just an excuse… and thats not an excuse God will accept when you stand before him and he tells you Depart for He knows you not! But thats a whole other conversation.
Mark..if you are going to post something show a little more intelligence than you have in your previous post. You sound like a little kid with those comments.
There are thousands of explanations we could imagine that would be considered as “fraud” for their reason for annulment. So sitting here trying to make up stories is very ignorant and immature. Especially of those who have posted obvious lies.
Dear Gay Pride/Choice believers,
I am Kent’s girlfriend(the one who knows Kenny and his family very well through marriage and is best friends with his sister). Just because you are gay doesn’t mean the whole world is or wants to be. No one is “BORN” gay. This world has just seemed to accept gays and will be punished for it. And Tor, you tell me why someone would chose to live such a disgusting and sinful lifestyle. Someone who choses to live that lifestyle is the epitome of ignorance and Kent(my boyfriend) doesn’t have anything up his azz nor would he enjoy anything like that…That’s your preference to have something up your azz.
Just because the wedding was annulled on “Fraud” doesn’t mean he is gay. And for someone to automatically say that someone is gay because of this reason is very close-minded. The Fraud could have been that they didn’t realize things were not going to work out because he’s always on tour and she’s always in Hollywood or doing a movie somewhere. But no everyone jumps to the GAY chit, because it’s “Cool to be Gay!”
Dear Gay Pride/Choice believers,
I am Kent’s girlfriend(the one who knows Kenny and his family very well through marriage and is best friends with his sister). Just because you are gay doesn’t mean the whole world is or wants to be. No one is “BORN” gay. This world has just seemed to accept gays and will be punished for it. And Tor, you tell me why someone would chose to live such a disgusting and sinful lifestyle. Someone who choses to live that lifestyle is the epitome of ignorance and Kent(my boyfriend) doesn’t have anything up his azz nor would he enjoy anything like that…That’s your preference to have something up your azz.
Just because the wedding was annulled on “Fraud” doesn’t mean he is gay. And for someone to automatically say that someone is gay because of this reason is very close-minded. The Fraud could have been that they didn’t realize things were not going to work out because he’s always on tour and she’s always in Hollywood or doing a movie somewhere. But no everyone jumps to the GAY chit, because it’s “Cool to be Gay!” Notice the sarcasm! People get annulments every day because of Fraud….Are they gay too?? NO! Get on with your own pitiful lives!
Sorry about the second post, but on the first one it left out the end of my post so please ignore my first post.
are you illiterate as well Heather? I wrote ITS NOT, repeat, NOT a choice to be gay. I also wrote “Why would someone choose to live a lifestyle where they would have to deal with ignorant, close-minded, fucks like you?” So why are you saying “why would someone chose”. Even in the animal world, there is homosexuality. And WHEN did I ever say that the “whole world is or wants to be”?
Sheesh girl, just cause you read the bible doesn’t make you able to walk on water.. and until then, you shouldn’t be judging peoples NATURALY CREATED, NOT CHOOSEN lifestyle, like you’re God.
But then you probably won’t see my point on that cause your mind is just so damned closed.
maybe I should be like your kind for a minute and spout ignorant comments like you are doing.
Why don’t you and your boyfriend/brother/cousin, step away from the computer and fry up some bologna in your trailer and try to think about the real world.
Well Tor,
If you had read what I said…I said “No one is BORN gay” meaning you CHOOSE to be gay. Trust me I read every word you said correctly. I don’t think you have because when I said back to you “you tell me WHY someone would choose to live such a disgusting and sinful life” meaning I have NO clue why someone would chose to be gay and seeing as you are gay as it appears, maybe you might know why. When you are born people don’t say “Aww, hes/shes gay!”…they say “Aww he/she is so adorable, has 10 fingers, has a lot of hair, looks like her/his mom, etc.” And I never said you said the whole world wanted to be gay, it just seems that every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to be gay. Everyone screams “GAY PRIDE” and Homosexuals jump out of the woodworks everywhere.
And NO I don’t think I can walk on water but all will be judged by God and God will cast any gays to hell. I am not God but I know what the Bible says and I try my best every day to follow it.
And personally I love fried bologna along with many other foods and I live in my own house. Seems like you are the close-minded one here.
I knew you wouldn’t catch the sarcasm of me throwing you an example your own ignorant view when I wrote my last sentence. Funny how you didn’t argue about your boyfriend/brother/cousin… lol
And you are ignorant if you still believe being gay is a choice. You are very ignorant if you think I choose to live this way. How dense are you to tell me that I choose this when I didn’t? How fucking arogant are you to get upset because the gay community wants to fight for thier rights as humans. I’m sure you wouldn’t be so quick to be bitching about “Gay Pride” if you women weren’t given the freedoms and privleges you have today because of the work of “Women’s Lib”. You’d be too busy being “barefoot and pregnant” in the kitchen to worry about us.
But you have your freedoms and liberties…
So don’t go shitting on us because we expect the same.
Don’t be so fucking blind that you forget your gender was in the same boat.
no girlfriend, you were BORN that way.
So with that in mind, GAY PEOPLE DIDN’T CHOOSE.
Damn… this thread was supposed to be talking about Kenny.. let’s go back to the subject at hand shall we.
and the name is By-Tor, not Tor
got it Heath?
Hey Heather and Kent: don’t hate, congratulate! When u see Kenny again tell him good luck and all the ‘girls’ out there are rootin for her oh i mean HIM.
I will not participate in this ignorance and slander anymore. I have my beliefs and stand by them. Kenny Chesney just wasn’t ready to settle down with one WOMAN! And “By-Tor”(dam you are biotchy…no wonder you are gay) notice I am from Tennessee not Kentucky. We have houses, our teeth, can read/spell, and don’t marry our cousin/brother/sister. I swear IGNORANCE IS BLISS! Have fun in your boring lives on posting on this subject….Goodbye!
I have no idea weather this dude is gay or not but one thing must be clarified. Please don’t confuse being “male” with being a Man. If someone is living a gay lifestyle, that precludes them from being “100% man”. Seems to me and to the rule of logic that a homosexual by definition is contrary to natural manliness. Sorry but images of Erasure and Elton John don’t quite have the same effect as John Wayne and Charlton Heston. So, bring on the “homophobia” b.s. but the facts are the facts. One man, one woman following Christ… that’s a 100% Man!
WOW, here is the problem right here, people who think being gay is a choice. If that was the case, why would Renee leave him? he could then just CHOOSE to be straight again, if it was that important to him, but alas, he cant, because you see ignornant neanderthals, being gay is way beyond the control of any religion. God did indeed many all living things, including homosexuality. Yes it is true. SO all the bible thumping idiots who think gay people wake up one day and say “hey, I KNOW, today I am gonna sck dck out of sheer bordem, or because I feel like being Anti-Catholic!!!” are completely delusional, and I truely feel sorry for you. For those of you who are straight, do you CHOOSE to BE? Meaning, if God came down to you tomorrow and said, “Tomorrow, you have to be gay!” Could you? Of course not, because you aren’t. WOAH, well guess what? Same holds true for gay people! That is how it works folks. NO one can force you to be gay, nor could you choose to be gay, gay people cannot choose to be straight. This is such a simple ideal, yet so many idiots don’t get it, because they let religion decipher who to judge. I thought religion was about love and acceptance? Shows you where this country is headed, and its sad, and scary….
Have you heard the phrase “love the sinner, hate the sin”. I believe, as do most Bible believing Christians, that homosexuality is in fact a choice. Show me the “gay gene”. It can’t be done. What you have with homosexuality are warped desires taken to fruition. To be tempted to do something is not a sin, to act upon it is. I believe some people may be inclined toward homosexual perversions just as some people are turned on by bondage, and even pedophilia. However, that doesn’t make it okay to act upon it. There are Christian-based organizations that help people turn from their gay lifestyle and have had amazing successes. The word gay is a verb not a noun… it’s something you do. Further, from the personal experiences I’ve known (friends/colleagues) most tell me their first homosexual experience was with an older man when they were underage, that is called rape. The homosexual agenda is like most other liberal movements that don’t take responsibility for their own actions and instead want to blame others people or genetics as an excuse. BTW, I’m far from ignorant with an undergrad from the University of Texas as well as an MBA. I’d be more than happy to compare W-2s if you like. As a side note, God would never ask someone to be gay as it’s completely unnatural and perverse.
I think he was on drugs. My friend says he is queerer than a $3 bill. And what’s with the hat?? Why does he never take it off? I think he’s got horrible jug ears. When Renee saw them she shrieked in horror and disgust, and off she went to the lawyer. (It is as a theory as any of the above posts!)
I think he was on drugs. My friend says he is queerer than a $3 bill. And what’s with the hat?? Why does he never take it off? I think he’s got horrible jug ears. When Renee saw them she shrieked in horror and disgust, and off she went to the lawyer. (It is as good a theory as any of the above posts!)
New Kenny Chesney Song
You Had Me From Hello But Thats About As Far As It Goes
One man, one woman following Christ… that’s a 100% Man!
Hilarious! So now you hafta “follow Christ” to be a man. Well, I’m a man and I’m not a Christian, jackass.
The fact that Zellweger filed for divorce and that she listed “fraud” as the reason is quite compelling evidence that Chesney may well be gay. And if he is, so what? Get over it, folks! If he lied to her, he did her wrong. But he did no wrong by being gay.
If he is gay (and my gaydar’s going off big time), I hope he comes out and shows all you homophobes how gays don’t fit your ridiculous narrow-minded stereotypes.
And to those of you above who argue that it might be because Zellweger did this or that, SHE filed for divorce and SHE said it was because of fraud, so it clearly ain’t some problem HE had with HER. Sheesh! Read the friggin stories before you start assuming he’s pure as the driven snow and ripping into her.
God would never ask someone to be gay as it’s completely unnatural and perverse.
Please pick up a biology book sometime. Soon. Homosexuality appears all over the place in nature. So it is NATURAL. And, no, God doesn’t ask anyone to be gay because God doesn’t ask anyone anything. In fact, if you’re hearing God ask you anything, you should probably consult with a therapist. He didn’t ask you to be an American. (Or a narrow-minded homophobe.) People are born gay. People are born straight.
Why are So Many Women So Clueless when it comes to Gay Men??
“Oh, He’s Not Gay!… No, He Can’t Be!… I’m His Number One Fan, So I KNOW He isn’t GAY!!!”….
Oh Please!
Why are So Many Women So Clueless when it comes to Gay Men??
“Oh, He’s Not Gay!… No, He Can’t Be!… I’m His Number One Fan, So I KNOW He isn’t GAY!!!”….
Oh Please!
wow janet, did it take you all night to come up with that one about opinions, or did you just look at one of your bumper stickers on the back of your car? Caps Lock, try to use it sparingly… :p
Thats nice to know you use all caps while sending messages while you are at work. And no shit about “some people” working for a living, care to tell me that water is wet now? As for finding something better to do, I have a suggestion, why don’t you see one of your doctor’s about having that stick up your ass removed. Ahhh… It’s fun posting while AT WORK, isn’t it?
Texas Judo:
Having Degrees and being educated, does not make you “smart” nor does it make you “sophisticated” neither of which you are. Being you aren’t gay, you have no standing to discuss it as if you are an expert. Gay is not a Verb, it isnt like riding a bike or going to a store. It is just as much who you are as having blue eyes, or being Jewish. Physically, I couldnt force myself to have sex or relations with a woman, just as much as YOU couldnt force yourself to have sex or relations with a man. It just couldn’t physically happen. And you can opinionate all you want about what “your God” thinks of Gay people, but MY God is much more open minded and loving than the one you apparently follow. I believe the Bible also says God doesn’t make mistakes, well he made me! I love the hypocracies that goes along with the whole “hate the sin love the sinner”. Doesnt the bible ALSO say, that judging others is one of the biggest sins to committ? Well Judo, looks like you just moved ahead of me in the line to hell!
Also, there is a reason the “fly over states” are called that. People with your archaic and ignorant viewpoints would never survive in NY, we would eat you for dinner, gladly I might add! the less stupidity and predjudice in this country, the better!
Hey Rob, I don’t think you should try arguing with these “educated” fucks. They apparently are so educated that they’ve become god and have the right to judge others. Didn’t you know that? Well, this is something we should add to our newsletter in our next “gay agenda” meeting that Heather seems to think we have also. And for your educated ignorants out there… most of this was meant sarcastically, so keep that in mind when you prepare your well thought out argument.
hey brad, r u gay? is this what this is all about?… how did i get a stick up my ass.. i simply stated a fact. none of us know Kenny or his sexual orrientation. i personally believe he isnt gay, you personally think he is. BIG FREAKIN DEAL! hey Rob.. why dont you discuss with Brad “how judging others is one of the biggest sins to committ”.