RNC Night 2: This Is More Like It
I’ll give more coherent thoughts in the morning but I’ll say that tonight’s roster beat last night’s in one rather important regard: It kept me tuned in until the end.
I clicked it on a couple minutes after 8 and John McCain was talking. Some of the speeches were better than others but none were so bad that I turned away. Condi Rice’s speech was outstanding. Paul Ryan’s was, at best, pedestrian. But I made it well past my bedtime and am writing this during the benediction. So, kudos on that much.
Here’s my Twitter stream from the night, “sponsored” by Johnny Walker Black:
Hey, she's "buying" the stairway, nobody's giving it to her RT @jeremyscahill: “@jessmisener: "stairway to heaven? we totally built that"”
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Best line of the speech so far. RT @warnerthuston: #GOP2012 Paul Ryan: My iPod goes from AC/DC to Zeppelin.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Then, Alabama kicks off RT @DanielLarison: What Michigan looks like when times are good: the trees are just the right height
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Hope is a strategy, right? RT @dandrezner: If the GOP can blame Obama for 20somethings freeloading off their parents, this election is over.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Joe Scarborough gives better speeches than this off the cuff at 6 in the morning. @MSNBCMorningJoe for VP!
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
I saw Jack Kemp on TV when I was a kid. You sir, are no Jack Kemp.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
I can't believe I'm foregoing sleep for this speech.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
"If we're smart and we lead, we can do this." So, we're screwed, then.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Also: The Oak Ridge Boys RT @JacksonDiehl: Paul Ryan is looking pedestrian and predictable compared to Condi #GOP2012
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
RT @NickKristof: Condi Rice & Susana Martinez hold up their half of the sky for Repubs RT @RameshPonnuru: Women are saving this night.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
RT @RBStalin: Everyone trying to figure out if it's okay to clap at a line delivered in Mexican.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Apparently, Republicans need to start taking more chubby women to lunch.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
The biggest applause line of the night involves a Hispanic teenager carrying a .357 magnum.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
In America [something in Spanish] [ applause line at Republican convention]. Man, this party loves them some immigrants.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
"The status of your birth is not a permanent condition." Is Condi taking a shot at the Birthers?
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
RT @blakehounshell: RT @Chris_Moody Our reporters on the convention floor say Condi got the biggest applause of the night. No contest.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
I love that Condi Rice is being brought in to the strains of "Sweet Home Alabama."
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
I'm not sure what Huckabee is getting at by point out that Romney is faithful to his wife and loves his kids. Obama has those credentials.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
But it compensated by not being funny RT @speechboy71: That Debbie Wasserman Schultz joke was just mean.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Mike Huckabee was apparently picked to show that Tim Pawlenty doesn't suck as bad as we thought
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Soft bigotry of low expectations RT @dmataconis: @drjjoyner @speechboy71 Huntsman would've given a better speech than T-Paw just did
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
RT @blakehounshell: Tim Pawlenty's speech would be improved by him saying "Wokka wokka wokka" after each line.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Paul Ryan's would be a much better Vice President than Sarah Palin. She's a much better convention speaker. There may be a lesson here.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Is it too late to draft Condi for VP?
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Not a fan of the expression "one party rule" to refer to the outcome of 536 democratic American elections.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
A plant in the district I represent in Congress is closed. I blame Obama. WTF?
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Janesville, Wisconsin: You can check out, but you can never leave.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Dude: I would not have told that RT @jaketapper: @dmataconis There was a point i thought he could be the nominee
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Like Rob Portman, Tim Pawlenty is validating Mitt Romney's decision not to choose them for vice president.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
I'm not sure I get the critique that Obama is a shitty president and he takes too many vacations.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
America is awesome, as all great Republicans from John Kennedy forward can attest.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Given its musical choices and speakers, the Republican Party must attract virtually all Hispanic votes, right?
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Why won't this Republican convention speaker speak English? Doesn't she know this is America?
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Why won't Obama let our companies expand and hire? That just seems really dumb on his part.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
You're an easy grader. RT @DanaPerino: Great speech by sen Portman. Really great.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
What a snob RT @mattyglesias: Do any of the leaked excerpts of Ryan's speech reveal if he's bought clothing that fits properly?
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
RT @johnhawkinsrwn: Libs keep misunderstanding our coded dog whistles. We're not being racist, we're saying "Liberals can kiss our ass."
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
"Mr. President, where is the Keystone Pipeline?" not quite "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
834 Eastern: Time to repeal ObamaCare.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Not an ObamaCare fan but hard to argue that something passed by both Houses of Congress was "imposed over the will of the people."
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Is it just me or is the Republican speakers list a covert demonstration of the pitfalls of affirmative action?
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Several people who weren't exciting enough to be vice president will be speaking next.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Who is the musical director for the GOP convention and why does he have a job.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Flipped from CNN to CSPAN, which is using the novel idea of broadcasting the convention rather than blathering anchors.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) August 30, 2012
Note: Those are supposed to appear as embedded tweets, not raw links. They were momentarily.
There were also more lies tonight. Breathtaking dishonesty.
@Quinn: I’ll address that in more detail in the morning. Much of it is just standard boilerplate, though.
Uh huh, “standard boilerplate”…
@An Interested Party: You’ve hit on the problem. Joiner has acquired a taste for Kool-ade.
Joiner, you’re just another shill for what you keep saying you don’t believe in. But it’s ok because “it’s just boilerplate.”
@Quinn: if lies aren’t for you I’d avoid charlotte, any “successes” they may speak of are already invalid, unless they want to brag about increasing the deficit to the point that our grandchildren will be paying for it. otherwise ‘it’s all somebody else fault’.
lol, dude, Ryan was awesome, Even better then Palin….
@James Joyner: James, am I kidding myself, or was there once a time that truth was something that conservatives valued? Is there any lie that Romney-Ryan campaign could come up with that you won’t be an apologist for?
Successes that certainly aren’t invalid include the death of Osama bin Laden, expanding health care access for more Americans, and trying to lessen the impact of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression…oh, and “our grandchildren” were responsible for paying for the debt while Barack Obama was still in college–the Reagan years? Perhaps you might remember them…
No one could have predicted that.
They’re not lies! They’re boilerplate! Boilerplate, I tell you! There’s a big big difference!
I’m afraid the sports rivalry takeover of politics is showing in the comments here. The other side is aways bad, evil, liars, spawn of the devil. And they don’t understand that they are not the audience, the Republicans on the convention floor and watching on TV are. The undecideds will not care about the convention speeches, so your invectives are wasted.
I was watching the coverage on CNBC with Dr. Larry Kudlow (PhD, Econ, OMB staffer under Reagan), focused on the economic issues rather than Entertainment Tonight stuff (though their post debates were trivial too). Such a relief from CNN, Fox, MSNBC (all adjacent channels so I did minor channel surfing) though they don’t have full coverage (showing CNBC specials I’ve already seen when not covering the convention). Meanwhile there were 2 Pres Clinton ads/hour for Obama (from the Obama Campaign, I approve this ad), and 4 Chevy Volt ads/hour talking about how stupid they are that they forget how to fuel a car at the gas station (with folks looking like hipsters – no man I know wears a loose scarf with summer clothes). Not sure if the Chevy Volt ad is coordinated with the Obama campaign, but it is stupid.
Gov Huckabee’s speech was the only one that was evenly delivered from start to end – but he is a talk show host (only talking technicals here, not that I agree with him). Most of them took a few minutes to get their rhythm.
OMG, I’m not about to look at that tweet list, sorry.
@bill: Do you know what caused those deficits? Do you think the Bush tax cuts and wars were a factor? If only there were a chart around to explain things.
Bull$hit…calling out lies is hardly part of a “sports rivalry” mentality nor is it attaching all possible negative attributes to those on the other end of the political spectrum…
Ohhhhhh…so telling the truth about Ryan’s lies is of no importance because those calling out his lies aren’t part of the audience he is appealing to…now there’s some sensible reasoning…
You’re inadvertently highlighting the heart of the problem, which is summarized in the article Interested Party cited:
“Boilerplate” means material that’s used over and over again. And that’s precisely the problem: your people are telling the same lies over and over again, even though the lie has already been pointed out. When you call it “boilerplate” you’re essentially acknowledging that he told the lie before. That makes matters worse, not better. Yes, certain lies have been adopted as “standard boilerplate.” Why are you saying that as if it’s a good thing?
Krugman asked the key question months ago:
Mitt is not the first politician to tell a lie, but he is taking it to a new extreme, with what can be called the first real “Post-Truth Campaign.” The brazenness of it is captured in this statement from “Romney pollster Neil Newhouse:”
English translation: ‘we’re going to continue lying because we think this is the winning strategy.’ Mitt has made a strategic decision to lie a lot even though the lies will be pointed out. He has undoubtedly calculated, maybe correctly, that his lies will stick and win because he has such a big megaphone.
What happens when we set a precedent that the best way to win is to be the most brazen and extreme liar, because there is essentially no penalty for lying? Especially when we have a system based on spending astronomical sums provided by hidden sources? Do you see any problems with where this road leads?
If by better you mean told more demonstrable lies, then I am in total agreement with you. Then again, it was harder for Palin to lie when her speech contained so very little substance.
Condi Rice followed by Susana Martinez probably resulted in liberal heads actually exploding, like in “Scanners.” Two outstanding speeches. Two amazing success stories. For obvious reasons the liberal media and the liberal academe were unavailable for comment.
Portman was very good. A tad wonkish in some parts, but clear and persuasive. Shoulda’ been veep.
Ryan was excellent, if a tad verbose. Had he cut 15 minutes and had slightly better organization it would have been a home run. The dissection of the stimulus was very good. The reference to Gen. Y still living at home with their parents, unemployed, with faded Obama posters on their walls, was priceless. The yarn about his mother’s small business was very effective. The case for Romney was very effective.
Overall a solid B. Had they eliminated a few peripheral speeches (e.g., Pawlenty, Huckabee), shortened some of the other speeches, and timed the deliveries to be more in prime time, EST, and less in prime time, PST, it would have been a tour de force.
Sigh…what lies did he tell?
And did you drink a shot of kool aid every time he said Obama?
How about this one, numbnutz?
@Tsar Nicholas:
Indeed. Of course, Gov. Martinez left out this part: Susana Martinez, N.M. gov., says grandparents came to US illegally
What was that about heads exploding?
So the default position of the GOP is dishonesty?