Biden nominees Janet Yellen, Tony Blinken, and Avril Haines are under scrutiny for their financial disclosures.
The President didn’t want to hear about bad behavior from Moscow, so he wasn’t told.
US higher education is made up of far more than just the Ivies and other elite schools.
Conservatives claim to support freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but they’ve utterly failed that test when it comes to their reaction to players who peacefully and respectfully kneel during the National Anthem.
61 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of a man who left office a failed president.
The Commission on College Basketball recommended an end to the one-and-done rule and other major reforms.
For better or worse, Mike Pompeo will be confirmed as the 70th Secretary of State by the end of this week.
Staffers are fleeing the administration like rats from a sinking ship.
While the glass ceiling in high-level posts was shattered decades ago, men still dominate the field.
Donald Trump’s irrational tweets are once again focused on the leader of North Korea.
One of the few Republicans willing to speak out against Donald Trump is retiring at the end of his current term.
In a closer than normal vote for the position, Rex Tillerson has been confirmed as Secretary of State.
A bad day for the Clinton campaign.
With Donald Trump now destined to become the GOP nominee, some Republican insiders are trying to put together another ‘too little, too late’ strategy to stop him.
Republicans haven’t really moved beyond the legacy of George W. Bush’s failed Administration as much as they’d like to think, but it doesn’t seem to be hurting them very much.
You’ve got your playoff College Football fans, as imperfect as it was inevitably going to be.
The right decision, or the triumph of mob rule?
The votes are in. And the outcome is meaningless.
A new book by former SecDef Robert Gates is making political waves in Washington power circles, but will it matter to ordinary Americans?
While no official announcements have been made, President Obama’s second term national security team appears to be taking shape.
Depending on what time you watched any of last night’s proceedings in Charlotte, you got a very different experience.
The GOP claims to be a party that favors limited government, but its foreign policy positions reveal this to be little more than a lie.
Condoleeza Rice’s first trip onto the political stage was very successful last night. Where will she go from here?
Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”
Today’s convention activities will include the opening salvos of an attack on the President’s foreign policy. This strikes me as a mistake.
The New York Times finds some infighting among old Republican foreign policy hands.
Despite their rhetoric, there would be few differences between a Romney Administration and an Obama Administration when it comes to foreign policy.
John Hawkins has compiled a list of The Top 20 Most Influential Black Republicans. It’s not impressive.