Romney Leads Obama In Meaningless Poll
More than a year after the 2012 election, a new poll shows Mitt Romney leading President Obama among registered voters:
As more bad poll numbers continue to pour in for President Barack Obama, a new survey finds that if the 2012 election matchup were held this month, Mitt Romney would hold the edge with the voters.
Romney topped Obama 49 percent to 45 percent among registered voters in the Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday. Among all Americans, the 2012 rivals would be tied, at 47 percent.
Obama beat Romney 51 percent to 47 percent a year ago to win a second term.
This is largely a reflection of the fact that President Obama’s job approval rating, about which I’ll have more to say later today, has plummeted in the wake of the disastrous roll out of the Affordable Care Act. It does not mean that voters now wish that Romney had won the election, no matter how much people on the right are going to try to spin it in that direction. Indeed, it’s worth noting that Romney’s numbers in this poll are not significantly different from what he finally got in the 2012 election, it’s President Obama’s numbers that have slipped. So, no, this is not a sign that the public is regretting that they didn’t pick Romney over Obama.
I take this poll as a measure of the latent support for Romney(Obama) Care.
Again, showing how stupid the American Media is…
Obama (and any Dem) starts with 220+ electoral college votes.
Romney (and any GOP candidate) starts with about 100.
It so much easier to find 50 electoral votes than it is to find 170.
It’s about the EC, stupid.
It means Romney should start running for President again. Third time is the charm, Mittens!
I really cannot get enough of watching that man lose.
Romney could have run Obamacare better than Obama.
Maybe. See
Selective memory is a wonderful thing!
@Jimbo OPKS: And he already did!
(No, really. He did. In Massachusetts. When he was the Governor.)
Anything that leads a low-information voter to take a more critical stroll through his decision-making process is a good thing.