Trump’s Mandate

It’s neither unprecedented nor powerful. It doesn’t exist.

Chris Christie 2024?!

Can the fat man take down the elephant in the room?

Age, Illness, and American Politics

The controversies over our geriatric Congress continue.

Democrats Outperform Expectations

The Needle is Broken

Midterm Polls Shifting Republican

The race is returning to expectation.

Sarah Palin, Ranked Choice Voting, and the Perils of N=1 Analysis

More details from the Alaska special election.

Takeaways From the Takeaways

It’s not all about Trump.

Trump Wanted to Seize Voting Machines

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Sean Hannity’s TXT Messages To Mark Meadows [Updated]

How the host’s off-camera views contradict what he was telling his audience

The Rarity of Supreme Court Retirements

There have only been eleven since 1981.

Biden Strikes Bipartisan Tone

The President used his first speech to Congress as an attempt to unite the country.

More Census 2020 Takeaways

The trends over the last half century are really something.

The Dishonesty of Restrictive Reforms

The fixes worsen the stated problem (more on Iowa and other states’ attempts to restrict voting).

Did House Impeachment Managers Make Their Case?

Most agree that it was good theater. But it’s not clear what they’ve proven.

Cancel the Rest of the Debates?

More of what we saw last night would be bad for the country.

Super Tuesday Creates Joementum

A bad night for Bloomberg and Warren has radically reshaped the race.

Trump Has Already Fixed His Impeachment Trial In The Senate

The trial phase of the Trump impeachment is set to be an absolute partisan joke.

Poll Shows Majority Support For Impeachment Inquiry

Public opinion on impeachment has shifted rapidly to the point where a majority of Americans support an impeachment inquiry and support for removal is growing as well.

Trump Is Worried About The Economy And 2020. He Should Be.

The Trump Administration and 2020 campaign are clearly worried about the state of the economy. They should be, because it could be the one thing that dooms his re-election chances.

Trump Delays Tariffs On Chinese Consumer Goods

President Trump is delaying implementation of his recently announced tariffs on Chinese goods.

Trump Caves On Citizenship Question

After a year of fighting, the Administration has given up on its effort to get a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Trump Trails Most Major Democratic Candidates In Head-To-Head Polls

It’s still way too early to be predictive, but the latest head-to-head matches between the President and the top contenders for the Democratic nomination.

No Mitch McConnell, It’s Not “Case Closed”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared “case closed” on the Mueller Report and the Russia investigation. This is far from the truth.

On Cows, Devin Nunes, and Twitter

On one level, it is rather amusing; on another is it quite insidious.

What is the Deal with Lindsey Graham?

Graham is blocking a vote on a non-binding resolution on the Mueller report.

Howard Schultz’s Seinfeldesque Campaign About Nothing

Based on his appearance on CNN last night, Howard Schultz appears to be running a campaign about nothing.

Northam Refuses To Resign, Denies Racist Photos Are Of Him

Despite overwhelming calls for his resignation, Ralph Northam is refusing to step down as Governor of Virginia.

Trump’s Withdrawal From The I.N.F. Treaty Is Exactly What Putin Wants

The American withdrawal from the I.N.F. Treaty gives Vladimir Putin exactly what he wants.

Another Shutdown In Three Weeks?

Is the settlement of the government shutdown just delaying the inevitable?

It’s Time To Make Government Shutdowns Impossible

There’s a way that Congress and the President could make future government shutdowns impossible, but they probably won’t do it.

Rudy Giuliani: When I Said There Was ‘No Collusion’ I Didn’t Mean There Was No Collusion

Once again, Rudy Giuliani is contradicting his client.

Senate Overwhelmingly Repudiates Trump On War On Yemen, Khashoggi Murder

In a small, but meaningful, step, the Senate has rebuked the Administration’s policies toward the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Could Losing Congress Actually Help Trump?

The GOP is likely to lose control of the House of Representatives tomorrow, but could this actually help Trump?

The Real Goal Of Russian Election Interference

Russia’s real goal in interfering in American elections may not have anything to do with favoring one candidate over another.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Not Going Anywhere

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she’d like to stay on the Court at least until she turns 90, but it’s unlikely she’ll go anywhere voluntarily as long as Donald Trump is President.

Trump Administration Considering Revoking Security Clearances Of Administration Critics

Based on what can only be described as pure vindictiveness, the President is apparently planning on revoking security clearances of former officials who have been outspoken against the Administration and its policies.

Michael Cohen Sends A Shot Across Trump’s Bow

In a new interview, former Trump attorney and ‘fixer’ Michael Cohen gives the strongest signal yet that he’s ready to cooperate with investigators.

TIME ‘Crying Girl’ Cover’s Truthiness

The crying Honduran girl who has become a symbol of a brutal policy actually is not one of its victims.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Trump Administration Family Separation Policy

New polling shows that the Trump Administration’s family separation policy is widely unpopular, with only Republicans supporting it. That last fact, though, is why Trump is unlikely to change the policy.

Mike Pence Thinks A Year Is Long Enough For The Russia Investigation

Mike Pence’s obsequiousness to his master knows no limits.

Senate Rejects Four Different Proposals To Extend DACA Benefits

The prospect for a fix to help DACA beneficiaries is looking gloomier than ever.

Of Course Donald Trump Wants A Military Parade

Of course Donald Trump wants a military parade, it would be consistent with his delusions of grandeur.

Trump Tried To Fire Robert Mueller In June

And the evidence for obstruction of justice continues to mount.

Steve Bannon Out At Breitbart

Steve Bannon loses his position at Breitbart after his blistering comments about the President and others in the Administration became public.

Donald Trump: Working Hard, Or Hardly Working?

New reports indicate that the President is spending more and more time watching television and tweeting. That’s not what he was elected to do.

Trump Considered Dumping Gorsuch Over Perceived Disloyalty

Report that President Trump considered withdrawing the Gorsuch nomination are another sign of his unhealthy obsession with pledges of loyalty from people who have no business giving it to him.

Roy Moore Accuser Speaks Out While White House Effectively Endorses Moore

The woman who says Ray Moore assaulted her when she was just 14 spoke out this morning at the same time that the White House effectively endorsed Moore’s candidacy.

Senator Al Franken Accused Of Groping A Woman In 2006

A Los Angeles reporter says that Minnesota Senator Al Franken groped her and engaged in other inappropriate conduct during a 2006 USO tour.