Obama’s Executive Action On Guns Is More Symbolism Than Substance

The gun control regulations to be announced later today by President Obama later today amount to far less than the hype would lead you to believe.

Bill Cosby Charged With Sexual Assault In Pennsylvania

After nearly two years of decades old stories leaking out, entertainment legend Bill Cosby has been charged with drugging and sexually assaulting a woman in 2005.

Colorado Springs Shooter Robert Dear Admits Guilt, Confirms Motive, In Courtroom Outburst

The man who killed three and wounded several others at a Colorado Planned Parenthood seemingly admitted guilt and motive in a courtroom outburst, but questions about his mental capacity remain.

America’s Massive Decline in Gun Violence

Mass shootings rightly grab our attention. But the obscure the overall picture of violent crime.

It’s Thanksgiving, So Of Course People Want You To Start Political Fights With Your Relatives

Happy Thanksgiving! Don’t forget to start a political fight with your family!

Former Benghazi Committee Staffer Sues Committee, And Rep. Trey Gowdy

A former staffer for the House Select Committee investigation the attack in Benghazi is suing the Committee for improper employment practices, and Chairman Trey Gowdy for defamation.

Brussels On ‘High Alert’ Over Fears Of Paris-Style Attack

Another European capital is on edge over fears of a terror attack.

Bernie Sanders Wants To End The Federal Marijuana Ban, Conservatives Should Support Him

Senator Bernie Sanders wants to let states decide how to regulate marijuana, or to not regulate it at all if they choose. Intellectually honest conservatives should support his effort.

A Question for Sunday

When may I shoot a student?

Ten Dead, Multiple People Injured, In Shooting On Oregon College Campus

Up to 13 people are dead and as many 20 injured after another mass shooting on a college campus.

Cincinnati Cop Indicted For Murder In Traffic Stop Shooting Death

A police officer in Cincinnati has been indicted for murder in a case that seems to be a pretty clear cut example of improper use of force.

EEOC Finds That A 50 Year Old Law Bans Something It Doesn’t Even Mention

Relying on a particularly strained and incredulous legal analysis, the EEOC has ruled that laws against discrimination based on gender also bar discrimination based on sexual orientation.

It’s Now Illegal For Some Adults In Hawaii To Buy Tobacco

If you’re under 21 in Hawaii, you’re still technically an adult but you can’t buy tobacco.

Nine Dead In Shooting At African-American Church In Charleston, South Carolina

Nine people died overnight in a shooting at an historic African-American Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Arlington Assholes Up Bullshit Fine For Swearing in Public

It could cost you $250 to say “F- Arlington” if you happen to be in Arlington when you say it.

Colorado Supreme Court Rules Employee Can Be Fired For Smoking Pot At Home

Marijuana is legal in Colorado, but it’s illegal under Federal Law. Because of that, the Colorado Supreme Court dismissed a claim by resident who was fired when he tested positive for pot.

Iowa Supreme Court Affirms Your Right To Be Drunk On Your Front Porch

The Iowa Supreme Court strikes a blow for liberty.

Minnesota Archdiocese Faces Criminal Charges For Covering Up Child Sex Abuse

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has been charged criminally for its role in covering up sexual abuse of children by Priests.

Federal Judge Bars Enforcement Of Restrictive D.C. Concealed Carry Law

A Second Amendment victory in the District of Columbia,

Americans Becoming Less Christian And Less Religious, Survey Says

A new survey shows that Americans are becoming less Christian, and less religious overall.

Supreme Court Limits Ability Of Police To Use Routine Traffic Stops To Search For Drugs

In a 6-3 vote that defied traditional expectations, the Justices have limited the ability of police to detain people on the side of the road for long periods of time.

Chris Christie’s Reefer Madness

When it comes to marijuana policy, Chris Christie is stuck in the past.

Missouri Republican Wants To Ban Food Stamp Recipients From Buying “Luxury” Food

One Missouri legislator is going on a crusade against a “problem” that may not actually exist.

Your Second Third Drink

You should stop at three drinks. But you can stop there more than once.

Joe Cocker Dies At 70

Oklahoma And Nebraska Sue Colorado Over Marijuana Legalization

Nebraska and Oklahoma are suing Colorado over the Centennial State’s decision to legalize marijuana, but they don’t seem to have much of a case.

Obama Has Made An Historic Change In U.S. Cuban Relations, It’s A Good First Step

The resumption of diplomatic relations between U.S. and Cuba, and expansion of some commercial trade ties, is historic but it’s only the first step toward the goal of ending an outdated embargo.

F.D.A.’s Mandatory Menu Labeling Regulations Won’t Work, Could Hurt Consumers

The Food & Drug Administration’s new regulations requiring calorie and other information on menus in restaurants and elsewhere won’t work, could limit consumer choice, and may not be Constitutional.

How To Argue With Family About Controversial Political Topics At Thanksgiving: Don’t

Today is a day for turkey and football, not a day for politics.

Retailers Opening On Thanksgiving Day Yet Again, But Don’t Blame Businessmen

Once again, some people are upset because retailers are opening on Thanksgiving Day, but that’s only because people are coming out to shop.

Marion Barry, Four-Term Mayor Of Washington, D.C., Dies At 78

For better or worse, Marion Barry was a fixture in D.C. politics for much of the 40 year period of home rule that began in 1975.

Stealing Isn’t a Crime When Police Do It

Civil asset forfeiture gives “highway robbery” a whole new meaning.

Voters In Washington, D.C. And Oregon, And Probably Alaska, Approve Marijuana Legalization

Big victories for advocates of marijuana legalization.

Federal Judge Blocks Sports Betting In New Jersey, But It Should Be Legal Everywhere

Not surprisingly a Federal Judge has blocked New Jersey’s latest effort to legalize sports gaming. As a matter of policy, though, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be legal to place wagers on sporting events.

10 Drinks a Day is a Lot of Drinks!

The Ezra Klein-less Wonkblog makes us feel good about our drinking habits.

The New York Times Endorses Marijuana Legalization

The Grey Lady sees the light on a major part of the War On Drugs.

Is The Law That Saved Hobby Lobby Unconstitutional?

Is the Religious Freedom Restoration Act itself an unconstitutional Establishment of Religion barred by the First Amendment? There’s a compelling argument that it is.

Why We Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Too regularly engage in “bedtime procrastination,” creating a vicious cycle.

No, It’s Not Time For A New War On Booze

A supposed conservative calls for massive increases in taxes on alcohol.