Special Ops Troops’ Marriages Shaky, Survey Shows

A state of perpetual war is incompatible with good mental health and stable family relationships.

SCOTUS Fumbles On The Fifth Amendment

Yesterday, the Supreme Court narrowly decided a case on the right against self-incrimination that is likely to do great harm to individual rights.

NTSB: Lower Threshold For DUI From .08 To .05

A government panel is recommending that the BAC limit for drunk driving be lowered nearly 40%.

FDA Considering Age Limits For Caffeinated Beverages?

Recent comments from an FDA official raise the prospect that the agency is considering minor’s access to caffeinated beverages.

George Jones, Country Music Legend, Dead at 81

Legendary country music singer George Jones has died, aged 81.


Apparently, some significant number of people are starving themselves to “save calories” for getting drunk.

Coffee Makes You Smart, Sexy

Coffee makes you smarter, burns fat, and is good for your liver.

Should Super Bowl Monday Be A National Holiday?

Does America deserve a day off today because we all stayed up late overindulging?

Coca, Cocaine, and Cola

Plus some thoughts on prohibitionist policies (because sometimes a Quick Pick grows in the making).

Has Social Media Taken The Sting Out Of Political Scandal?

Does the public still care about the personal transgressions of politicians? The evidence seems to suggest they don’t.

Is The Gun Debate Over?

Conor Friedersdorf contends “The U.S. Already Had a Conversation About Guns—and the Pro Side Won.”

Happy Repeal Day!

Elmo Sex Scandal: Not A Crime, Just Creepy

Kevin Clash was falsely accused of having sex with an underage boy. He merely had sex with a boy who was too young.

Marijuana Legalization Passes In Colorado And Washington

Two states have legalized marijuana, but before you light up you should know that there are some complications.

Why Are All You People Such Jerks Online?

A new study looks at the reasons why people are so belligerent in their online communications.

Mitt Romney Vows To Continue The Same Failed War On Drugs Obama Is Fighting

When it comes to issues like medical marijuana, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are reading from the same playbook.

Drunken Bigfoot Hoax Goes Horribly Wrong

A 44-year-old Montana man went into traffic dressed as Bigfoot. It did not end well.

The War On (Some) Drugs Has Killed More Mexicans Than Fast & Furious

America’s Drug War has caused more problems for Mexico than Fast & Furious ever will.

Fast And Furious: Incompetence Is Always More Believable Than A Conspiracy Theory

The conspiracy theories regarding Fast And Furious are simply not believable, but that doesn’t mean the matter shouldn’t be investigated.

Cambridge, Mass. Considering New York Style Soda Ban

Another local official wants to join the War On Big Soda.

Trying to Sort out the “Fast and Furious” Situation

Fast and furious, or a lot of sound and fury signifying not too much?

House Oversight Committee Holds Eric Holder In Contempt

The stage is set for a showdown between the Executive and Legislative Branches.