Suicides Surging Among American Troops

After a decade of war, suicides are surging among American troops.

N.Y. Governor Cuomo Proposes Marijuana Decriminalization

New York’s Governor is proposing a change in the law that could spare thousands of people a year from an unnecessary trip through the legal system.

Washington Privatizes Liquor Sales, Jacks Up Costs

Washington has become the first state in decades to privatize its state-run liquor stores. They’ve coupled this with onerous fees on private distributors.

Mike Bloomberg Wants To Control The Size Of Your Soft Drink

New York City’s Mayor wants to control the size of soft drinks.

Is It Too Hard To Amend The Constitution?

Did the Founding Fathers make it too hard to amend the Constitution? No, they didn’t.

POM Pomegranate Juice Not a Wonder Drug?

Apparently, pretended overpriced pomegranate juice is a magic healing elixir is more than the law will allow.

Study: At Least 2,000 People Wrongfully Convicted In 23 Years

Innocent people have gone to jail, and some of them are still sitting there.

Let’s Get The Federal Goverment Out Of The Political Convention Business

Your tax dollars should not be paying for this.

George Zimmerman Granted Bail At $150,000

An unusual proceeding, but an unsurprising result.

A Crack in the Logic of the Drug War Coalition?

Well, maybe a tiny one.

Are You An Almost Alcoholic?

A new book would classify most of us who consume alcohol as “almost alcoholics.”

America’s Prison Culture Destroying Our Future

We’re literally choosing locking up drug offenders over investing in our children.

George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin, And Rushing To Judgment

It’s time to let the legal system do its job.

Alphabet Soup Collision: PR at the UN by the NAACP over Voter ID

The voter ID issue goes on the road.

What Can’t The Government Mandate?

What are the limits on government power?

Voter ID Laws Won’t Work If Problems Like This Aren’t Dealt With

Voter ID laws are a good idea, but we have to be careful in how we implement them.

Army Raising NCO Retention Standards

Over the last decade-plus of war, the US Army has relaxed its promotion and retention standards for commissioned and non-commissioned officers. As we transition into peacetime, the pendulum is swinging the other direction.

Whitney Houston, Chris Christie, And America’s Obsession With Celebrity Worship

An object lesson in celebrity worship from the State of New Jersey.

Why Toxicology is So Slow

Unlike TV, real life medical examiners take weeks, even months, to establish a cause of death.

Florida Bill Would Ban Food Stamps For ‘Unhealthy’ Food

Once again, a government entity thinks the average person is too dumb to take care of themselves.

Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution

One year later, Egypt’s revolution remains unfinished.

Penn State Students Riot Over Joe Paterno Firing

The firing of legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno led to a full-blown riot by outraged students.

Occupy Olympia camp attracting homeless Occupy Olympia camp attracting homeless

Occupy Being Occupied

The tents at Occupy Wall Street are increasingly housing the homeless.

Beer Don’t Get No Respect

Why does wine get so much more written treatment than beer?

Supermarket Self-Checkouts Being Replaced With People

The conspiracy by grocery store owners to turn us all into unpaid cashiers may be ending.

Beer Bikes Banned By Bavarian Buzzkills

If you haven’t experienced the joys of peddling around Germany with 15 of your closest friends while enjoying several liters of Munich’s finest, you’re too late.

Acting BATF Director Reassigned In Wake Of Gunrunning Scandal

Why was the ATF allowing thousands of weapons to be smuggled to Mexican drug gangs?

Rick Perry: Radical Libertarian? Theocrat? No, Just Another Big Government Conservative

Rick Perry isn’t as radical as some on the left are saying, but that doesn’t mean he’s any good.

Florida’s ‘Drug Tests For Welfare Recipients’ Law Is, Most Likely, Unconstitutional

Florida’s new law requiring welfare recipients to pass drug tests seems to clearly violate the Fourth Amendment.

Are We Overprotecting Our Kids?

How did we survive without all the molly-codding kids today get?

Tea Party Leader Tries to Explain Position on Debt Ceiling

He doesn’t do a very good job.

Dayton Surrenders in Minnesota Shutdown

Mark Dayton is willing to give in to key Republican demands to end a two-week shutdown. Will it be enough?