A new racist meme questioning Kamala Harris’s background is circulating on the Internet.
Tulsi Gabbard was born in American Samoa, an American territory whose residents are generally not American citizens from birth. However, she is nonetheless a “natural born citizen.”
A new poll shows that most Americans believe that race relations have gotten worse under President Trump.
Finally, “law and order” Joe Arpaio gets what he has long deserved.
Damon Linker writes, “Millions of people disagree with your political views. That doesn’t make them moral monsters.”
A New Jersey judge, along with a Judge in Pennsylvania, is among the first to rule on the meaning of the ‘natural born citizen’ clause.
Donald Trump is trolling the depths of the Internet’s conspiracy dungeons once again. This time to raise the largely absurd argument that Marco Rubio may not be eligible to serve as President.
Just in case there’s any question, yes, Ted Cruz is Constitutionally eligible to serve as President.
Several conservative groups have jumped on the bandwagon of what appears to be a controversial Mississippi politician.
Many conservatives are living inside of a media bubble and they’ll continue to have problems until the consciously decide to break out of it.
It’s no wonder partisans can’t agree with each other when they can’t even agree what the facts are.
The Romney Campaign is reportedly planning a more aggressive campaign against the President for the fall.
Romney declared “I believe the president was born in the United States” on national television the day after he announced his 2012 campaign.
Once again, people are demanding to see Barack Obama’s college transcripts for no good reason.
Mitt Romney continues to keep Donald Trump close. It makes no sense, but it isn’t likely to matter in the end.
Some blogger wants to pay someone to get Barack Obama’s college transcripts. It’s time for this silliness to end.
E-mail forward raises serious questions about judge’s judgment .
The Birthers have suffered yet another totally predictable loss in Court.
Ron Paul doesn’t want to talk about his newsletters now, but he was pretty talkative 15 years ago.
Birtherism dies a quick death–and with it the notion that Obama’s opponents are motivated purely by race.
In a move sure to satisfy Deathers as much as a contemporaneous newspaper story satisfied Birthers, al Qaeda has released a statement confirming that Osama bin Laden is dead.
The birthers are dead (kinda), so long live the transcripters!
Surprising no one, President Obama’s release of his long-form birth certificate has satisfied none of the Birthers.
For the first time, Donald Trump is leading a poll for the GOP 2012 nomination. That’s bad news for the GOP.
Mitt Romney forcefully said Tuesday night that he believes President Barack Obama was born in America and that “the citizenship test has been passed.”