Signs Of Russian Meddling In Brexit Vote
It appears Russia attempted to influence last year’s Brexit vote in the same manner it did the 2016 election in the United States.
It appears Russia attempted to influence last year’s Brexit vote in the same manner it did the 2016 election in the United States.
Things are heating up very quickly in Catalonia.
Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy has said he will act to remove Catalonia’s pro-independence leadership from power.
As the date for Catalonia’s disputed independence referendum nears, tensions are rising between Madrid and Barcelona.
In less than a month, voters in the Catalan region of Spain will be voting whether to remain part of Spain or assert independence.
At least thirteen dead in an apparent terrorist attack in Spain.
Legislators in Spain’s Catalonia region took a step toward independence, but Madrid apparently wants nothing to do with it.
Despite seeing the effort fail in Scotland, Catalans say they intend to move forward with their own independence effort.