A new poll indicates that at least some Democrats continue to hold Biden’s 2002 vote in favor of the Iraq War.
Marco Rubio is taking heat for missing a lot of Senate votes since he started running for President, but he’s not really any worse than other legislators who have run for President.
As much as I wish it were otherwise, Iowa and New Hampshire are not losing their influence over the Presidential primary process.
After nearly 20 years in office, Harry Reid announced early today that he would not seek reelection in 2016.
The 2008 runner-up has scared off all serious challengers for 2016. Why?
One of the most repeated comments about the 2016 race is based on something that just isn’t true.
Members of Congress are responding to the protests against SOPA and PIPA by withdrawing their support for the bills.
When the CFTC wanted to change a rule, Jon Corzine used his influence to stop them.
Romney consolidated his position as the presumptive nominee, Perry continued his disintegration, Cain discovered what it was like to be a serious candidate, and Bachmann doubled down on crazy.
Perhaps understandably, the Anthony Weiner incident seems to have caused some politicians to rethink their Twitter strategy.
Congress has been wrestling with the net neutrality issue for years. Two major players may force a decision soon.