The Gender Wars

They’re apparently ongoing. Who knew?

The Shot Heard Round the World

Did Trump’s stoic reaction win him the election?

Trump Refused to Call Off Capitol Rioters

Details of a heated phone discussion with the top House Republican have emerged.

Forty Years Ago Tonight: The Star Wars Holiday Special

Forty years ago tonight, the Star Wars universe came to television in a production so bad that it makes Jar Jar Binks seem positively Shakespearean by comparison.

Burt Reynolds Dies At 82

The tough guy actor best known for the “Smokey And The Bandit” movies has passed away at the age of 82.

Republican Candidates Stuck With The Donald Trump Albatross Around Their Necks

Whether they like it or not, Republican candidates in the midterms will have to run with the albatross of Donald Trump around their necks.

A Bizarre First Day for Republican National Convention

I haven’t yet watched any of the 2016 Republican National Convention but the first day was a beauty.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Mongo Likes Ghandi Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Mitt Romney to Announce 2016 Plans Today

Mitt Romney is set to make an announcement at 11 Eastern today. [UPDATE: He’s out!]

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Humphrey The Camel Edition OTB Caption Contest is now over.

Romney Campaign Required Campaign Tweets To Be Approved By 22 People

Clearly, the Romney campaign didn’t get the point of social media.

Hollywood’s Changing Male Ideal

On screen body objectification is now equal opportunity.

President Joe Scarborough?!

Was there ever a more tepid endorsement than “Joe Scarborough for President? Sure, Why Not?”

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The La-Z Boy Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Elmore Leonard Dead at 87

Author Elmore Leonard has died at the age of 87.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Standing Room Only Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Politics Stinks

There’s no doubt about it, our political culture is pretty horrible.

Republicans Getting Nervous About The State Of Romney’s Campaign

Understandably, Republicans are becoming nervous about the way things are going for Team Romney.

Can Mitt Romney Turn This Election Around?

It’s still possible for Mitt Romney to win this election, but is it probable?

Obama Leading Romney In New Polls, Extent Of Convention Bounce Is Unclear

A new round of polling has Obama in the lead and shows reasons why Romney’s supporters should be concerned, but it’s unclear how long any of this will last.

Obama’s Convention Bounce Becoming More Apparent

If the first round of post-convention polling is correct, President Obama may be pulling away from Mitt Romney.

Political Conventions Prove Their Own Uselessness

The recent;y concluded party conventions are further evidence that the events have largely outlived their usefulness.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Less Filling Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Obama Loves Eastwood

President Obama says he’s a huge Clint Eastwood fan and wasn’t offended by his performance at the RNC.

Very Little Convention Bounce For Romney In Early Polls

So far, there’s very little movement in the polls for Governor Romney.

Nobody On Team Romney Taking Credit, or Blame, For The Eastwood Fiasco

Not surprisingly, Romney campaigns staffers don’t seem to want to take responsibility for Clint Eastwood’s performance last night.

Romney’s Closing Speech Was Good, But Was It Good Enough?

Mitt Romney’s speech last night was the best he’s ever given, but it’s impact may have been undercut but several odd production decisions that preceded it.

Clint Eastwood Channels James Stockdale

After three days of buildup to a “mystery speaker,” the closing night of the Republican convention featured a rambling performance by Clint Eastwood and an empty chair.

Clint Eastwood Chrysler Super Bowl Ad Becomes Political Football

Was Clint Eastwood’s Chrysler ad a political message, or just a well done commercial?

James Arness Dead at 88

James Arness, best known as the iconic Marshal Dillon on Gunsmoke, has died at 88.

Beloit Mindset List, Class of 2014

Students entering college today have never worn a wristwatch and think email is slow.