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Blaming Dallas For Kennedy’s Assassination

Don’t blame Dallas, or 60s era Texas conservatism, for what happened in Dallas 50 years ago,

No, America’s Generals Aren’t Planning a Coup

A bizarre hit piece in National Journal gives the false impression that our military leaders are considering removing the president.

Does Benghazi Rise To The Level Of A “Scandal?”

Republicans looking to Benghazi for political ammunition are likely going to be disappointed.

Joe Scarborough Answers the “Is our Pundits Learning?” Challenge

Seems that the answer continues to be “no.”

Unskewed Polls Guy Now Claiming Election Was Stolen

Dean “Unskewed Polls” Chambers is back, and he’s as deluded as ever.

The Answer to the Benghazi “Scandal”?

Has Petraeus provided the basic explanation for the administration’s immediate responses to Benghazi?

Petraeus Debunks Petraeus Conspiracy Theories

People continue to spread conspiracy theories explaining the “real reason” that David Petraeus’s extra-marital affair became public.

What do I Mean by “Benghazi Conspiracy Theories”?

An attempt to lay down some basic groundwork for discussing this story.

David Petraeus Resigns As CIA Director, Admitting To Extra-Marital Affair

A surprise Friday resignation at the CIA.

Get Ready For The Post-Election Truthers

Will conservatives freak out if Romney loses? That’s pretty much guaranteed.

When It Comes To President Obama, Many Conservatives Are Living Inside A Bubble

The 2012 campaign is revealing once again that many conservatives have a view of President Obama not shared by the public at large.

The Family Research Center, “Hate Groups,” And Tony Perkins’s Persecution Complex

Whether or not it’s proper to call the FRC a “hate group,” the persecution complex being displayed in the wake of Tuesday’s shooting is absurd.

Family Research Center Shooter Charged, Tony Perkins Blames FRC Critics

Entirely unsurprisingly, the shooting at the Family Research Center’s office in Washington, D.C. is already being politicized.

An Alternative History Exercise: What If JFK Hadn’t Died?

Examining a history that might have been.

Gore Vidal Dead at 86

The novelist, playwright, and social critic Gore Vidal has died, aged 86.

Is It Racist To Oppose Barack Obama?

Figuring out how much of the opposition to a black president is based on racism is . . . complicated.

Was The Romney “Bullying” Story Good Journalism?

There’s much to question about The Washington Post’s decision to run a 47 year old story about Mitt Romney.

Twilight Of The RINOs?

The GOP Establishment is in crisis, but it has nobody to blame but itself.

Why Are We Letting Them Fool Us?

There’s an entire industry that profits from exploiting political controversy and division. Why do we let them get away with it?

Frank Gaffney Banned from CPAC

While I’ve expressed my dissatisfaction with the degree that CPAC has embraced the worst elements of the conservative movement in recent years, it does appear that there is a line.

The Paranoid Wing Of The Tea Party

The tinfoil hat crowd has made its way back into the mainstream.

Supreme Court Overturns Murder Conviction Due To Improperly Withheld Evidence

Another death row inmate. Another case of prosecutorial misconduct from the office of Harry Connick, Sr.

Was Dominique Strauss-Kahn Set Up?

New head-scratching revelations in the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case.

Hank Paulson, The Bush Treasury Department, And Crony Capitalism

Guess who got advance warning of government actions on the eve of the 2008 financial crisis?

Family: Osama bin Laden Executed

Safia bin Laden says that her infamous father was caught alive by U.S. forces and murdered in cold blood.

Dear Birthers: STFU, GBTW

A conspiracy theorist is never troubled by facts.

Slow News Day

Glenn Beck Against Google Use?

Beck is now concerned about Google.

Alzheimer’s Claims In New Book Lead To Reagan Family Feud

A new book by President Reagan’s youngest son raises allegations that the former President was showing signs of Alzheimer’s Disease while still in office, and that’s led to a family feud between the two Reagan brothers.

Just What Haiti Doesn’t Need: “Baby Doc” Duvalier Returns

The last thing that Haiti needed was for a former dictator to return, but that’s exactly what has happened.

Tucson, Political Rhetoric, And Where We Go From Here

There is a problem with political rhetoric in this country, but telling people to be nicer to each other isn’t going to cool it down.

The Inevitable Oklahoma City/Tucson Comparisons, And Why They’re Wrong

It was, perhaps, inevitable that someone would attempt to draw a comparison between Saturday’s shootings in Arizona and the Oklahoma City bombing, but the two events really don’t have anything in common.