The Trump Realignment

Not a Red Wave but a Red Shift?

Biden’s Catastrophic Debate Performance

A second Trump presidency got much more likely last night.

Convict Trump

Will the first President convicted of crimes be the first convicted felon re-elected as President?

Sunday Afternoon Tabs

The number of open tabs is just getting silly.

House Approves $61 Billion Ukraine Aid Package

A win for the good guys and a loss for Trump and Putin.

Testing Section 3

State election officials are standing by for challenges to Trump’s right to run.

Never Trumpers Never Win

Being against something just isn’t enough.

Trump Committed Four Crimes, Say January 6 Committee

The ball is now in Merrick Garland’s court.

Pelosi Attack a Turning Point?

What will it take to end the cycle of violence?

Yet Another School Shooting in America

Alas, it’s unlikely to change the policies that enable them.

A Little Monday Tab Clearing

Several stories, not enough time for full write-ups.

On Coups, Insurrections, and Security Theater

Reflections on the events of 6 January two months later.

Stop Blaming the Framers for Everything

America’s institutions are undemocratic but only some of them are a product of the Constitution.

Trump Trial Fallout: Who Knows?

Early analysis merely confirms analysts’ priors.

Trump and His Party Doing Permanent Damage to America

The President who promised to “Make America Great Again” has made her a laughingstock. And worse.

Former Right-Wing Media Star Turns Against Right-Wing Media

So, it turns out that Fox News wasn’t really all that fair or balanced.

At Trump’s Urging, Netanyahu Bars Two Members Of Congress From Entering Israel

After urging from President Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has barred two Muslim-American Congressmen from visiting Israel. It is a foolish and outrageous decision.

Trump Says He’d Accept ‘Dirt’ About Opponents From Foreign Sources

President Trump says in a new interview that he would be willing to break the law to get “oppo research” on an opponent.

Media, Free Speech, and Violent Extremists

Free expression sometimes enables horrible crimes. How does a free society deal with that tension?

The Death Of The Weekly Standard

Thanks apparently to the fact that it remained unwilling to get in line behind the Trumpidians, the conservative owner of The Weekly Standard has shut the magazine down.

Trump Skips Visit To American Military Cemetery

Claiming it was because of the weather President Trump chose to skip a visit to a cemetery at the site of one of the bloodiest battles involving Americans in World War One.

A ‘Soft Coup’ Inside The White House Isn’t The Antidote To Trumpism

Donald Trump is a bad, inept, and potentially dangerous President. That doesn’t mean that a ‘soft coup’ inside the White House is the answer to the problem he presents to our democratic republic.

Kevin Williamson and the Limits of Polite Discourse

The Atlantic fired one of their few conservative voices for saying women who have abortions should be hanged. Was this beyond the pale?

Donald Trump’s Dereliction Of Presidential Duty Is Self-Evident

Donald Trump’s dereliction of duty in response to clear evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election is a staggering and flagrant dereliction of the duties he agreed to take on when he took the Oath Of Office more than a year ago.

Trump is Right

The Russian government likely is quite pleased.

Trump Says That He’s A “Very Stable Genius”

Donald Trump’s latest Twitter rant is one of his most bizarre.

No, The 25th Amendment Isn’t The Way To Solve The Donald Trump Problem

A Constitutional coup d’etat is not the way to solve the Donald Trump problem.

Bill Maher’s Mea Culpa

With Donald Trump on the ballot, Bill Maher regrets some past words. He shouldn’t be the only one.

California, Four Other States, Set To Vote On Marijuana Legalization

If polls are any indication, voters are set to legalize marijuana in five more states on Tuesday.

Gun Control Is No More Likely After Charleston Than It Was Before

Political reality shows us that the shootings in Charleston are not going to have any appreciable impact on the likelihood of any type of gun control law passing anywhere outside of the bluest of the blue states.

What Gun Laws Would Help?

David Frum calls for several measures to reduce gun violence.

Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

Time For A GOP/Tea Party Divorce? No, Time To Re-Open The ‘Big Tent’

Much like the Tea Party, David Frum wants to make the GOP tent smaller.

The First Clue?

The 2016 Democratic Nomination Is Hillary’s If She Wants It

For the moment, Hillary Clinton looks unbeatable if she chooses to run in 2016

Marriage Has Changed; It’s Not Because of the Gays

Ross Douthat bemoans the evolution of American cultural norms over the past fifteen years.

Republicans Foolishly Risking Default To Prove A Political Point

Once again, the House GOP is risking sending the economy into the tank to prove a political point.

Congressional Gridlock And The Disappearing Swing District

There are very rational reasons behind the current gridlock on Capitol Hill.

America’s Dysfunctional Election System

Fareed Zakaria declares “America’s election process an international embarrassment.” He’s right.

“Shocking” Obama Video Turns Out To Be Not So Shocking

A five year old “shocking” video of President Obama speaking to a group of African-American ministers proves to be not very shocking at all.

How To Fix The Republican Party

Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses, the GOP needs to evolve or be doomed to minority party status.

An Illustration of Part of the Problem

Conservatives are suposed to be cheerleaders these days.

What Happens To The GOP If Romney Loses?

Some Republicans are beginning to ponder what might happen to their party if Mitt Romney loses in 2012.

Rick Santorum: “The Smart People Will Never Be On Our Side”

In Rick Santorum’s brand of conservatism, no smart people need apply.

August Jobs Report Shows Continued Weakening Of Labor Market

Another bad jobs report threatens to undermine whatever good will the President had coming off the Democratic National Convention.

Would Romney Spend The Nation Into Debt To Increase Defense Spending? Yes, He Would

Left with a choice between their hawkish foreign policy and their supposed commitment to fiscal conservatives, Republicans will, without fail, spend the nation into debt.

Fix America’s Political Party Conventions By Making Them Much Shorter

The quadrennial political conventions have become, long, boring, tedious, and largely predetermined. It’s time to shake things up by making them a lot shorter.

Fareed Zakaria Shot the Sheriff But Did Not Shoot the Deputy

This charge is false, as 10 minutes’ work by the Washington Post would have shown.