Both campaigns seem to be focusing on an argument that the voters don’t want to hear.
There is much to critique in Washington, but the nexus of the governance problem at the moment is the GOP.
There are signs that the economy is slowing down so quickly that we may inevitably drift into recession.
The Obama campaign’s focus on Mitt Romney’s alleged involvement in moving companies overseas is entirely phony.
Wouldn’t it be easier to bury the power lines instead of dealing with storm damage and week-long power outages seemingly every year?
The Republican strategy on health care in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision needs some tweaking.
The conspiracy theories regarding Fast And Furious are simply not believable, but that doesn’t mean the matter shouldn’t be investigated.
Public opinion of the Supreme Court has declined in recent years. But It’s not because of anything the Court did.
Michael Fumento becomes the latest prominent conservative to criticize what conservatism has become.
Is the now-familiar refrain that the individual mandate was originally a conservative idea really true?
George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin met on the night of February 27th. Martin died, and a firestorm has erupted.
The race will go on after Super Tuesday, but the outcome seems ineviable
This morning’s unexpected death of Andrew Breitbart, the conservative muckraker, has sadly if unsurprisingly brought out a wave of nasty commentary.
A bill likely to become law in Virginia will require all women seeking abortions to undergo an invasive ultrasound examination.
If one has views that one will not change even in the face of the best case scenario for new data against those views, then one cannot claim to be an analyst.
David Frum begins a withering review for The Daily Beast, “Charles Murray’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 is an important book that will have large influence. It is unfortunately not a good book.”
Are the Republicans the party of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich? Or a viable contender for the White House?
Understanding the state of the GOP field requires recognizing that President Obama is actually pretty moderate.
Treating entertainment as entertainment is one thing. Treating it as news and education is another.
Herman Cain’s response to allegations of sexual harassment 20 years ago raise as many questions as they answer.
Rush Limbaugh, who three years ago said Mitt Romney embodied all three legs of the conservative stool today declared that Romney is not a conservative. He was right both times.
Mitt Romney’s jobs plan is detailed, but it doesn’t seem to be impressing anyone.
Any politician telling you that solving our problems will be easy is lying to you.
Barack Obama’s biggest enemy in the debt negotiations has been himself.
One of the GOP’s staunchest media allies isn’t too impressed with their Balanced Budget Amendment.
Some things are worth repeating.
The idea that we can avoid the consequences of failing to raise the debt ceiling is patently absurd.
A former opponent of same-sex marriage admits he was wrong.
You don’t often see a candidate for President tell Iowans that he wants to eliminate ethanol subsidies, but Tim Pawlenty did.
President Obama doubled down in his speech before this year’s AIPAC conference. Why he did so only he understands.
Will the successful action against Osama bin Laden cause people on the right to stop believing crazy things about the President? Don’t count on it.
Donald Trump, who may or may not be running for President, is continuing his strange obsession with the birther myth, and reminding Republicans that two years of silence in the face of lunacy may come back to bite them.
The speculation on Keith Olbermann’s abrupt departure from MSNBC’s top-rated show continues. Was he fired? Did he quit? Did the Comcast overlords push?
Inevitably, the Nazis made an appearance during yesterday’s debate over health care reform in the House. It’s time for it to stop, or at least time for the rest of us to stop taking seriously anyone who resorts to such arguments.
There is a problem with political rhetoric in this country, but telling people to be nicer to each other isn’t going to cool it down.
Palin is missing an opportunity in the way she is dealing with the whole target graphic situation.
Last night’s Delaware Senate debate was entertaining, but it’s unlikely to move the polls very much.
Newt Gingrich is drawing fire for his comments about that the President has a “Kenyan world view.” But, will Newt every pay the price for his inflammatory rhetoric ? Don’t count on it.
David Frum assesses the current state of right-of-center think tanks and the significance thereof.
Conservatives have long complained about liberal media bias. But conservative media seems to be much worse.