Majority Opposes Trump’s Muslim Immigration Ban, But It’s A Different Story With Republicans

Polling shows that most Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plan to bar Muslim’s from immigrating to the United States, but Republicans are far more receptive to the idea.

Trump’s Plan To Bar Muslim Immigration Widely Condemned, But It’s Unlikely To Hurt Him

Donald Trump’s plan to bar all Muslim immigration to the United States is being widely condemned by his fellow Republicans and others, but the proposal probably won’t hurt him politically in a Republican Party that is deeply bigoted against Muslims in general.

The 2016 GOP Race And The Battle To Define What ‘Conservative’ Means

Much more so than in the past, the race for the Republican Presidential race has become a battle to define what it means to be a ‘conservative.’ Especially on issues like immigration and national security, one side seems to be winning the battle.

Republicans And The Legacy Of George W. Bush

Republicans haven’t really moved beyond the legacy of George W. Bush’s failed Administration as much as they’d like to think, but it doesn’t seem to be hurting them very much.

George H.W. Bush Highly Critical Of Rumsfeld And Cheney In New Book

In a new book, former President George H.W. Bush is highly critical of two of his son’s closest advisers in the White House.

Elizabeth Warren’s Supporters Aren’t Thrilled About Joe Biden, But Who Is Really?

Joe Biden may want to run for President, but does anyone else? It doesn’t really seem like it.

The Wrong Iraq Question

To lose something one has to have it in the first place. (It is pretty basic logic).

Rand Paul: GOP Hawks Have Advocated Policies That Have Helped ISIS Flourish

Rand Paul is out with one of his more forceful attacks on Republican hawks to date.

Rand Paul Says It Was A Mistake To Depose Saddam Hussein And Qaddafi

Rand Paul bucks Republican orthodoxy on Iraq, Libya, and negotiations with Iran.

Facing An Uphill Battle, Rand Paul Enters The Race For President

Rand Paul is the latest Republican to enter the race, but his path to even becoming a contender is a difficult one at best.

Rand Paul Breaks With Other 2016 GOP Contenders In Backing Obama’s Opening To Cuba

Rand Paul is one of the few Republicans who seems to be evaluating the new policy toward Cuba through something other than an outdated Cold War perspective.

The Amorality Of Dick Cheney And The Right In Response To The Truth About C.I.A. Torture

Vice-President Cheney’s amoral defense of torture has come to define how most conservatives view the issue, and that’s a problem.

Senate Intelligence Committee Report Reveals A Dark and Regrettable Time In American History

A dark and regrettable time in American history is finally seeing the light of day.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Luke, I Am Your Voter Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Rand Paul’s Foreign Policy Ideas Present An Opportunity For the GOP

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul continues to challenge Republican orthodoxy on foreign policy, and that’s a good thing.

Hillary Clinton Hurting 2014 Democratic Candidates?

Some on the left are saying that Hillary Clinton isn’t doing enough to help Democrats in 2014.

Rand Paul, Rick Perry Spar Over Foreign Policy

Rick Perry and Rand Paul are highlighting what looks to be a coming battle inside the GOP over foreign policy.

News Media Mostly Ignoring Iraq War Critics

When it comes to Iraq, the media only seems to be giving Americans one side of the story.

It’s Still Ad Hominem If They’re Neocons

My latest for The National Interest, “Neoconservatives, the Iraq Debate and Ad Hominem Attacks,” has posted.

Rand Paul, Dick Cheney, And The Foreign Policy Battle Inside The GOP

The Kentucky Senator and former Vice-President are at the front of a battle that will unfold inside the GOP as we head toward 2016.

George Will Has A Question For Republicans About Iraq, And So Do I

Some questions for the Republicans who would be President about the actions of the last Republican President.

Should We Eliminate The Vice-Presidency?

Does the office of Vice-President serve any useful purpose anymore?

Joe Biden 2016?

Tan, rested, ready, Biden in 2016?

On Mandela, Some Conservatives Get It And Others Quite Obviously Don’t

Some on the American right have a very odd view of both Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid regime he fought against.

US Orders Airliners to Comply with Chinese Notification Demands

Even as it defies China’s illegal territorial claims with military flights, the Obama administration is urging US airlines to comply.

The Enzi/Cheney Primary, Rand Paul, And The Wider Fight In The GOP

Some interesting taking of sides is already taking place in the GOP Senate race in Wyoming.

Pentagon’s Broken Payroll System

The military’s finance and accounting system has been dysfunctional for decades and is getting worse.

When Is A Leak Not Really A Leak? When It’s Beneficial To Those In Power, Apparently

Outrage over leaks like those that Edward Snowden makes doesn’t exist when its politicians doing the leaking.

What Happens When A President You Don’t Trust Has These Powers?

Even if you trust the current occupant of the White House to exercise the powers granted to the agencies operating in secret under him, do you trust all future Presidents?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Tank Girl Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Fox News Reporter Faces Potential Jail Time For Refusing To Disclose Source

A Fox News reporter may go to jail for refusing to reveal a source. Should journalists have an absolute testimonial privilege?

The Iraq War And The Damaged Legacy Of The GOP

The Iraq War did significant damage to the legacy of the Republican Party.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Ready, Fire, Aim Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Expectations High For Paul Ryan Ahead Of Debate

Expectations are high for Paul Ryan heading in to Thursday’s Vice-Presidential debate. That’s not necessarily a good thing.

A Romney Critic’s Case Against Obama

Mitt Romney is a deeply flawed candidate, but that doesn’t mean the President is any better.

Turmoil On Team Romney

The Romney campaign infighting is becoming public.

Obama’s Rove

The front page of Sunday’s NYT profiled Valerie Jarrett, the power behind the throne at the Obama White House.