Congress Passes Budget, Averts Government Shutdown
Five months too late, we’re back to the Biden-McCarthy deal.
Five months too late, we’re back to the Biden-McCarthy deal.
The race is on before the 89-year-old has announced her intentions.
After two days of futility, a deal is coming together to make futility permanent.
The Schumer-Manchin compromise includes a massive increase in the tax collection budget.
Implications for Alabama and the GOP as well as considerations on the evolution of American politics.
Thad Cochran, who represented Mississippi in Congress for 45 years, has died at the age of 81.
Just over a week after he called it off, President Trump announced this afternoon that the June 12th Summit in Singapore was back on.
The 80-year-old Mississippi Republican, who was first elected to the Senate in 1978 after serving six years in the House, has been in poor health.
It’s been seven years since Congress eliminated earmarking, and what we’ve seen has provided good evidence for the argument that it should never have been eliminated.
The fallout from Donald Trump’s debate performance, and his comments afterward, continues, and it’s leading some to wonder if we may finally be at the end of this ridiculous charade.
A little known Congressman from North Carolina has filed a motion to “remove” John Boehner from the Speakership.
The relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia has seen better days.
Congressional elections have become “nationalized” to a far greater extent than they have ever been.
Recent anti-corruption measures have contributed to making American government worse.
Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.
In calling for the sequestration cuts to be delayed, Republicans are demonstrating their lack of seriousness on the issue of fiscal responsibility.
Last night’s debate may have been the last one. It was also the least informative.
A new poll shows Santorum surging ahead of Mitt Romney nationally
It was a photo finish in the Hawkeye State.
The much celebrated ban on earmarks isn’t stopping Congressmen from trying to earmark.
Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) took to the floor yesterday to lambaste Grover Norquist and his influence over the GOP.
Not surprisingly, there was very little about the President’s jobs speech to write home about.
Tim Pawlenty took aim at Michele Bachmann yesterday but will he keep up the attack?
Thanks to the help of a group of Tea Party Freshman in the House. Congress has finally cut off funding for a second engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that the Pentagon never wanted.
The American public still has a totally unrealistic view of what it will take to get the Federal Government’s fiscal house in order.
Earmarks or no, members of Congress are going to bring home the bacon to their districts. It is what their constituents want (and expect) them to do.
The incoming House Republicans aren’t making a good first impression.
Just weeks after voting for a broad ban on earmarks, Republicans are looking for ways to get money to their districts without calling it an “earmark.”