Did the Boomers Ruin America?

An interesting but uneven debate.

The Consolidation of Journalism

The Internet killed the newspaper without really replacing it.

Performative Leadership

The downfall of Andrew Cuomo shines a light on toxic workplaces and governance styles.

Matt Yglesias Leaving Vox for Substack

A trend continues.

The Language of Sexual Violence

We need a better vocabulary for treating the spectrum between rude and horrific.

The Hidden Left-Liberal Divide

One side is arguing over rules while the other is focused on consequences.

Why Democrats Have to Play By Different Rules

The Republicans are playing a different game.

Hillary Clinton Has A Theory To Explain Why White Married Women Didn’t Vote For Her

Hillary Clinton has found another group to blame for her loss, educated white married women in suburbia.

The Steady Decline of News

The business of the media is business. Business is not good.

Rush Limbaugh Really Doesn’t Get Donald Trump

Chris Cillizza thinks “Rush Limbaugh totally gets Donald Trump.” I disagree.

Hillary Clinton Running Away with the Race

The 2008 runner-up has scared off all serious challengers for 2016. Why?

Republicans Would Be More Credible On Immigration If They Had A Plan Of Their Own

The fact that Republicans lack anything approaching a coherent immigration plan makes it hard to take their criticism of the President seriously.

Mind-Blowing Maps

Trending on Twitter this morning is a collection of infographics compiled by Ezra Klein under the heading “22 maps and charts that will surprise you.”

10 Drinks a Day is a Lot of Drinks!

The Ezra Klein-less Wonkblog makes us feel good about our drinking habits.

‘Open and Free’ Compared to What?

The “open and free” Internet is an ideal type, not a myth.

Where’s The Outrage Over The Outrage?

When everything’s an outrage, is anything outrageous?

Donald Rumsfeld Has ‘Absolutely No Idea’ if His Tax Returns Are Accurate

Our tax system is so complicated that whether we’re filing our returns correctly is a known unknown.

Ezra Klein and Matt Yglesias to Launch New Venture Doing News That Isn’t New

Ezra Klein has put out a teaser of the project that he left WaPo to pursue.

Volokh Takes The Boeing

On the day that news broke that Ezra Klein and Wonkblog are leaving the Washington Post, the Volokh Conspiracy made its debut there.

Ezra Klein Going Solo

Wonkblog’s founder is leaving the Washington Post to start a new media outlet of his own.

Jawa Report Turns 10

Blogging has changed much over the last decade, and not all for the good.

Administration Creates Yet Another Partial Delay Of Obamacare Provision, Rule Of Law Suffers

Once again, the Administration has unilaterally changed the Affordable Care Act.

Senate Goes (Partly) Nuclear, Limits Filibusters For Some Nominees

It wasn’t a Thermonuclear move, more like something the size of Hiroshima, but today the Senate took an historic move nonetheless.

Obama Introduces “Administrative Fix” That May Create More Problems Than It Solves

A contrite President Obama offered a “fix” for one of the biggest problems that the PPACA has created.

Healthcare.gov May Not Be Fixed By November 30th

With just over two weeks today, rumors are starting to float out that the efforts to fix the Federal Exchange website may not be done in time.

Obama Apologizes to People Who Lost Lousy Insurance Because of ObamaCare

President Obama has apologized for breaking his “If you like your plan, you can keep it” pledge. Does he have anything to be sorry about?

The GOP’s Seinfeld Shutdown

The GOP’s shutdown was about as pointless as a show about waiting for a table in a Chinese restaurant.

Debt, Default, And International Faith In The American Government

Would you trust the men and women in this building?

Good Government Reforms Gave Us Bad Government

Recent anti-corruption measures have contributed to making American government worse.

Boehner Won’t Allow Default Over Debt Ceiling, Still Insisting On Negotiations

Speaker Boehner told his caucus members that he will not allow a default over the debt ceiling but don’t look for a change in strategy.

The Self-Made Nature of the US’ Immigration Problem

Unfortunately, our immigration debate is just plain dumb.

How The New York Times Lost Nate Silver

Apparently, there was a culture clash at the Grey Lady.

Harry Reid Backs Away From The Nuclear Option, Filibuster Alive And Well

Once again, the threat of the “nuclear option” appears to have had less megatonnage than some expected and others hoped.

Flying On A Plane Is Safer Than It Has Ever Been

Despite yesterday’s tragic events in San Francisco, flying by plane remains the safest way to travel.

Who’s In Charge Of The FISA Court? John Roberts, And Apparently Just John Roberts

Chief Justice Roberts is the only person who gets to say who sits on the FISA Court.

Obamacare Employer Mandate Delayed Until 2015

On a slow news day, a major concession on Obamacare

CBO Report Cites Economic Benefits Of Immigration Reform

A new Congressional Budget Office report finds real economic benefits from immigration reform.

Van Halen Principle

Ezra Klein has a really smart piece titled “How Van Halen explains Obamacare, salmon regulation and scientific grants.”

Congress Wants Exemption from ObamaCare Exchanges (Or Does It?)

There’s bipartisan agreement on Capitol Hill that they don’t want to participate in ObamaCare.

Sequestration and Punishing the Taxpayer: Air Traffic Control Edition

Airport delays are the latest example of targeting sequestration cuts where the taxpayer will feel them most.