Those seeking to escape the global south are facing resistance from DC to London to Paris.
He’s using a tool he denounced as cruel to deal with a humanitarian crisis.
Pondering lack of US interest in our friends to the south.
The case of Roland Gramajo is an excellent example of what’s wrong with the Trump Administration’s immigration policy.
The Supreme Court handed the President a victory last night, ruling that the Plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging his funding of the border wall did not have standing to challenge his diversion of Defense Department funds. This may only be a temporary victory, though.
One photograph that has gone viral is standing as a visualization of the Trump Administration’s inhumane asylum policies.
The United States and Mexico reached a last-minute deal to avert tariffs that would have gone into effect on Monday. Whether the deal accomplishes anything substantive remains to be seen.
Last night, President Trump announced a new round of tariffs against Mexico for reasons that have nothing to do with trade itself.
Stephen Miller and others wanted to punish Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats by dumping detained migrants in their districts.
“If you don’t fund the State Department fully, then I need to buy more ammunition…” — James Mattis
Trump’s threat will not make things better (and the notion of actually closing the border is insane).
Trump declares he will end aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
It turns out there actually is a crisis on the US-Mexico border.
The situation in Venezuela entered a new stage yesterday as opposition leader Juan Guaidó claimed the nation’s Presidency.
President Trump is now threatening to close the border if he doesn’t get funding for his border wall.
As the midterm campaign draws to a close, Donald Trump is returning to the message of xenophobia and fear that dominated his Presidential campaign.
President Trump wants to send more troops than we have in Syria and Iraq combined to the border to deal with a non-existent threat.
A Federal Judge has rejected a Trump Administration effort to change a 20-year-old legal settlement that bars long-term detention of immigrant families.
Donald Trump had to be talked down from considering military intervention in Venezuela.
The answer is, of course, no. Really, this is a post about the wall as policy.
A respected scholar has an interesting suggestion for fighting the Forever War.
Remember the border crisis? Yea, it’s not much of a crisis these days.
Rick Perry is sending 1,000 members of the Texas National Guard to the border to do nothing.
That ball is in your court, Congress.
Trying to make sense of a very complicated issue.
Ann Coulter: a blonder version of Pat Buchanan