Kavanaugh Hearing Up In The Air Amid Negotiations

Monday’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the charges made against Judge Brett Kavanaugh is still on as scheduled, but the details are still being negotiated.

Federal Government To Test ‘Presidential Alert’ System Thursday

Be prepared to get a test message from the Federal Government at 2:18 pm Eastern Time on Thursday. This is only a test.

Kavanaugh’s Second Day Of Questioning Was Bumpy, But Won’t Derail His Nomination

The second day of questioning for Judge Brett Kavanaugh was a bit rockier than the first, but nothing happened that seriously threatens his eventual confirmation.

No Questions (Or Answers), But Plenty Of Fireworks At Kavanaugh Hearing

The first day of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings was much ado about pretty much nothing, but then that can be used to describe a process whose outcome is pretty much foreordained.

Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr., Early Trump Backer, Indicted

California Republican Duncan Hunter Jr, who was an early backer of President Trump’s campaign, has been indicted on charges he used massive amounts of campaign funds to pay for personal expenses.

Christine Hallquist Becomes First Transgender Candidate For Governor In The U.S.

Vermont Democrats nominated a transgender woman for Governor yesterday but she faces long odds in November.

Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Hawaii Law Barring Open Carry Of Weapons

A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down part of a Hawaii law barring open carry of weapons, but this win for gun rights advocates may turn out to be short-lived.

Trump Administration Considering Revoking Security Clearances Of Administration Critics

Based on what can only be described as pure vindictiveness, the President is apparently planning on revoking security clearances of former officials who have been outspoken against the Administration and its policies.

Did The Supreme Court ‘Overrule’ Korematsu? Not Really

Contrary to what many people have claimed, the Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v. Hawaii did not overturn one of the most controversial decisions in its history.

Supreme Court Upholds Final Version Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

In a ruling that largely relies on the authority granted by Congress to the President to regulate immigration on national security grounds, the Supreme Court has upheld the final version of the Administration’s travel ban.

A Busy Two Weeks Ahead For The Supreme Court And Supreme Court Watchers

With two more weeks to go, there are plenty of “big” cases still awaiting the release of a decision.

Ahead Of Singapore Summit, The U.S. And North Korea Still Seem Very Far Apart

With the start of the Singapore Summit just hours away, it’s not at all clear what the respective parties can possibly agree to other than what amounts to a photo opportunity.

Could SCOTUS’s Ruling In Masterpiece Cakeshop Impact Trump’s Muslim Ban?

Some legal scholars are speculating that the Court’s ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop could impact the ruling on the President’s Muslim Travel Ban. This seems unlikely.

Supreme Court Set To Hand Down Several Landmark Decisions By End Of June

With one month to go in its term, there’s still a lot on the Supreme Court’s plate.

US-China Tensions Escalating

Clashes between the US and Chinese navies in the South China Sea have intensified.

Three Years After Obergefell, Two-Thirds Of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

As we approach the third anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, a new poll finds that two-thirds of Americans support same-sex marriage.

Trump To Postmaster General: Raise Rates On Amazon

President Trump continues his unhinged, and unsupported by facts, war on Amazon and its owner Jeff Bezos by pressuring an independent agency to raise shipping rates.

USPS Loses Billions Per Year, But Not Because Of Amazon

The Postal Service is losing billions of dollars, but not for the reasons the President claims.

Connecticut Joins National Popular Vote Initiative

Eleven states plus DC, who have 172 of the 270 electoral votes needed to elect a President, are now part of the compact.

Texas And Six Other States Sue To End DACA Program

A new lawsuit seeks to have the 2012 DACA program declared unconstitutional.

Supreme Court Appears Skeptical Of Challenge To Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Supreme Court heard oral argument in the challenge to President Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban. It didn’t appear to go well for the challengers.

Hawaii Legalizes Physician-Assisted Suicide

Late last week, Hawaii became the seventh state and eighth major American jurisdiction to legalize assisted suicide.

Joe Arpaio Returns To Birtherism

Joe Arpaio is saying he might reopen his “investigation” into former President Obama’s birthplace if he’s elected Senator.

UMBC Whips UVA in First 16-Seed Over 1-Seed in NCAA Tourney History

The near-impossible happened last night, demonstrating why March Madness is the most exciting and most absurd way to pick a champion.

Arlington National Cemetery Will Run Out Of Burial Space By 2040

Absent changes in policy, the nation’s most hallowed military cemetery will run out of space in two decades.

The President’s Self-Imposed Bubble

POLITICO buries the lede in making the case for “Donald Trump’s bubble presidency.”

John Bolton Is Foolishly Calling For Preemptive War Against North Korea

John Bolton is leading a cry for preemptive war against North Korea.

Fourth Circuit Strikes Down Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Another day, another Court ruling against the Trump Administration.

Congress Approves Budget Deal, Ends Overnight Shutdown

While most of America slept, the government was shutdown thanks to some faux theatrics by a single Senator.

False Missile Alert In Hawaii Still Shrouded In Mystery

Two weeks later, it’s still unclear what caused a false missile alert to be sent out in Hawaii.

Supreme Court Takes Up Appeal Of Order Barring Enforcement Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Supreme Court agreed to hear the Government’s appeal of the Trump Administration’s revised Muslim Travel Ban

False Missile Alert In Hawaii Causes Panic And Raises Questions And Concerns

Fortunately, yesterday’s missile alert in Hawaii was a false alarm. However, it is raising questions about the early warning system that’s in place and the state’s preparedness in case of an actual attack.

Appeals Court Strikes Down Third Version Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Late yesterday, a panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling striking down the latest version of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban.

Seventh Woman Alleges Al Franken Groped Her As Calls For His Resignation Mount

A seventh woman has come forward to accuse Senator Al Franken of having groped her as calls mount from his Democratic colleagues for him to resign.

Supreme Court Lifts Injunctions Against Trump Administration’s Muslim Travel Ban Version 3.0

The Supreme Court is allowing the latest version of Donald Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban to go into effect.

Jim Nabors, Television’s ‘Gomer Pyle,’ Dies at 87

Jim Nabors, who became famous as Gomer Pyle on The Andy Griffith Show and Gomer Pyle USMC, has died at the age of  87.

North Korea Conducts Another Ballistic Missile Test

North Korea tests another missile, and sends another message to the United States and its allies in Asia and the Pacific.

There Are Two Options When It Comes To North Korea, And Only One Of Them Makes Sense

On North Korea, there are two options, deterrence and war. And only one of those options makes sense.

Trump And The Federal Courts

Federal Courts continue to rule against the Administration, and the President continues to lash out at Judges and demonstrate his contempt for the Rule Of Law.

Donald Trump Is A Culture Warrior, Not A President

Donald Trump’s entire modus operandi involves pushing divisive cultural hot buttons.

Two Federal Courts Block Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Again

Two Federal Judges have issued orders blocking the latest version of President Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban.

District Of Columbia Will Not Appeal Ruling Striking Down Concealed-Carry Law

The District of Columbia has decided not to risk an appeal of a lower court ruling striking down its restrictive concealed-carry law.

Remembering 9/11 Without Obsessing Over It

At some point, it will be time to move on.

Trump Administration Suffers Another Court Defeat On Travel Ban

The Trump Administration has suffered another Court defeat related to the President’s Muslim Travel Ban.

Trump, The Arpaio Pardon, And The Constitution

The pardoning of Joe Arpaio was distasteful and an affront to the Rule of Law, but it was completely within the powers of the President and should not be a ground for impeachment.

Trump’s Travels On Pace To Cost Taxpayers More In One Year Than Obama Did In Eight

It’s not the time away from the White House that matters, it’s the hypocrisy.

North Korea Launches Another Ballistic Missile Test

Another escalation on the Korean peninsula.

North Korea Launches Another Ballistic Missile Test

More provocation from Pyongyang.

Supreme Court Partly Upholds, Partly Lifts, Stay On Muslim Travel Ban

In a decision that hands a victory to both sides, the Supreme Court has partly upheld, and partly lifted, the stay on President Trump’s Executive Order that banned travel from six majority-Muslim nations.

Ninth Circuit Upholds Stay On Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Trump Administration’s Muslim Travel Ban suffers another defeat at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.