Normalizing Hitler

When the abnormal ceases to be.

More On MAGA Attacks On Haitian Migrants

Thoughts that didn’t fit in my last post

Image of a scupture of a snake eating it's tail. Photographer: Leo Reynolds Image of a scupture of a snake eating it's tail. Photographer: Leo Reynolds

The Fox News/Trump Ororboros

To what degree is right wing media shaping Trump’s view of Harris?

Biden Press Conference Doesn’t Stop Bleeding

A relatively strong performance doesn’t change the narrative.

We’re Stuck With Biden

Democrats desperate for a different nominee are falling in line as the President refuses to go.

Democrats’ Messaging Challenges

Touting the accomplishments of the last two years isn’t working.

CNN Boss Eschews ‘Big Lie’ Branding

The new honcho at the original 24 hour news network wants to be more subtle and less alarmest.

Christian Nationalism and American Democracy

A Manichean struggle between good and evil.

America’s Four Parties

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans truly represent most Americans. Fixing that is exceedingly unlikely.

Covid Quick Links

Stories from the ongoing pandemic.

The Endless Corruption of the Trump Presidency

Same endless song, different verse.

Will Trump Quit?

I don’t see it.

The Language of Sexual Violence

We need a better vocabulary for treating the spectrum between rude and horrific.

U.S. Drone Strike Hits Head Of Iranian Revolutionary Guard

An American drone strike has taken out the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a move likely to significantly increase tensions across the Middle East.

Fox News Now Little More Than Trump Propaganda Machine

Fox News Channel in general, and Fox And Friends in particular, have become nothing but a propaganda network for the White House and the President.

Bill DeBlasio Drops Out Of Presidential Race

New York City’s Mayor ends a campaign that was going nowhere.

Former Congressman Joe Walsh Launches Primary Challenge Against Trump

Joe Walsh, a former Tea Party stalwart who served in Congress nine years ago, has thrown his hat in the ring against President Trump for the 2020 GOP Presidential Nomination.

#metoo artistic graffiti girl shocked #metoo artistic graffiti girl shocked

Mark Halperin Attempts A Comeback After #MeToo Allegations

Mark Halperin, the former MSNBC political analyst who was accused of misconduct during the height of the #MeToo Movement, is trying to make a comeback with a new book.

Are Our Critics and Commentators too White?

Should the pundit class look more like America?

Donald Trump And The Triumph Of The Conservative Grifters

At least some conservatives appear to finally be recognizing that their movement has been taken over by grifters and frauds. The only question is, what took them so long?

#metoo artistic graffiti girl shocked #metoo artistic graffiti girl shocked

Mark Halperin’s Making a Comeback

A year and a half into the #MeToo era, we’re still debating who gets to have a career.

Post-Mueller Recriminations

The mea culpas and I-told-you-so’s are rather premature.

Kamala Harris Set To Enter Presidential Race On Martin Luther King Jr. Day

California Senator Kamala Harris is set to enter the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination later this month.

Kamala Harris To Decide On Presidential Run By End Of Year

The 2020 campaign is already heating up, and California Senator Kamala Harris could be one of the first serious candidates for President to throw her hat in the ring.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Married

The morning show co-hosts tied the knot at a secret ceremony at the National Archives.

Charlottesville Anniversary March A Complete Dud

White supremacists held a rally in Washington on Sunday, and almost no one but their opponents and the police showed up.

Trump’s Top Financial Man Called To Testify Before Grand Jury

The man who knows all of Donald Trump’s financial secrets has been called to testify before the Grand Jury investigating Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

Should Trump’s Translator Be Compelled To Testify About That Meeting With Putin?

Some Democrats want to compel President Trump’s translator to testify about his private meeting with Vladimir Putin. That’s a bad idea.

How Should We View Trump’s Tweetstorms?

President Trump has been tweeting up a storm since Sunday, raising a question. Should we view his Tweets as the rantings of a cranky old man, or as something more serious?

Paul Ryan Not Running For Re-Election

Paul Ryan won’t be running for re-election this year, opening up both a Congressional seat and a leadership spot.

What Is The Proper Role Of Cabinet Members And Presidential Advisers?

As a general rule, Presidents are entitled to have a Cabinet and advisers he is comfortable with, but a Cabinet full of “yes men” is not ideal with any President, and certainly not with this one.

Attorney For Stormy Daniels: Client Was Physically Threatened To Remain Silent

A new bombshell allegation in the Stormy Daniels affair.

Republicans Are Slavishly Backing Trump At Their Own Risk

Despite mounting evidence and outrageous behavior, Republicans nationwide and on Capitol Hill continue to do the Administration’s dirty work. They’ll most likely live to regret it.

Mitch McConnell’s Shutdown

Both #TrumpShutdown and #SchumerShutdown put the blame in the wrong place.

Donald Trump And The ‘Being There’ Presidency

Donald Trump spends an inordinate amount of time watching television and regurgitating what he sees on Twitter. That’s not healthy.

Sean Spicer Says He Regrets The Lie That Set The Tone For His Time At The White House

Sean Spicer now says he regrets the lies that defined his time at the White House.

The Trump Effect? MSNBC Reaches No. 1 In Total Viewers

A big change appears to have taken place in American cable news viewing habits.

Another Deplorable Trump Twitter Tirade

Once again, Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to attack women, embarrass himself, and embarrass the nation he purports to represent.

Republican Karen Handel Wins Georgia Special Election

In one of the most closely watched Special Elections in American history, the outcome turned out to be not entirely surprising.

President Trump Thinks The Media Hates His Twitter Habit. He Couldn’t Be More Wrong.

Donald Trump thinks the media doesn’t like his Twitter habit. In reality, they love it.

Congressman Shot, Others Injured, At Congressional Baseball Practice

A Congressman was shot, and a staffer and security detail members injured, at a practice session for tomorrow’s Congressional baseball game.

Donald Trump Undermines Defense Of His Muslim Ban In Morning Tweetstorm

President Trump took to Twitter again this morning and promptly shot himself in the foot.

Zbigniew Brzezinski Dead at 89

A legendary statesman has passed.

What Trump’s Civil War Comments Reveal About Him

President Trump’s comments about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War reveal something about how he thinks, and it’s not good.

Trump’s Best Speech Was Still Pretty Awful

It was both the best speech Trump has ever given and the worst presidential address I can recall

Trump’s Press Conference Performance Confirmed Everything Bad We Thought About Him

For seventy-seven minutes yesterday, President Trump held forth in a press conference that confirmed the most dire predictions about what he’d be like as President.

Appeals Court Upholds Restraining Order Barring Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Another judicial slap at the Trump Administration.

Judge Gorsuch Parts With Trump On Attacks On Judiciary

Judge Gorsuch isn’t much of a fan of Donald Trump’s comments about the judiciary.