Does Making Killers Famous Make More Killers?

Almost a decade ago, Roger Ebert wondered if making mass murderers famous doesn’t provide a perverse incentive.

New Star Wars Movie Coming in 2015

George Lucas has sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney, which has announced a new Star Wars movie for 2015.

Politics Stinks

There’s no doubt about it, our political culture is pretty horrible.

Obama Loves Eastwood

President Obama says he’s a huge Clint Eastwood fan and wasn’t offended by his performance at the RNC.

Director Tony Scott Commits Suicide

“Top Gun” director Tony Scott is dead, aged 68, after an apparent suicide.

Is The New Red Dawn The Dumbest Movie Ever?

The new Red Dawn promises to be even sillier than the first.

50 Greatest Films of All Time (Mostly Another Time)

“Vertigo” has ended “the 50-year reign” of “Citizen Kane,” which has dropped to second place.

Gore Vidal Dead at 86

The novelist, playwright, and social critic Gore Vidal has died, aged 86.

Is Algebra Hurting America?

Andrew Hacker argues that, while quantitative skills are “critical for informed citizenship and personal finance,” making kids master algebra to graduate high school has disastrous consequences.

Chick-Fil-A Comes Under Fire For Stance On Same-Sex Marriage

Restaurant chain Chick-fil-A is facing criticism after its President’s comments on same-sex marriage.

Federal Judge: Websites Must Comply With Americans With Disabilities Act

A recent decision out of Massachusetts threatens to make business quite difficult for online service providers.

Where Are The Women?

What hath a fury greater than a woman scorned? Hundreds of scorned women with Twitter accounts.

A Long Time Ago In A Movie Theater Far, Far Away….

Thirty-Five years ago, an adventure began.

The Beastie Boys and the Segregation of American Music

The outpouring from my Twitter stream yesterday on the news of the death of Adam Yauch, MCA of the Beastie Boys, surprised me.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The It Takes A Village People Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Message from Samuel L. Jackson to George Zimmerman

Roger Ebert and I don’t agree on much, from politics to movies. But share a fondness for Samuel L. Jackson and a contempt for George Zimmerman.

The Junior Mints Are Too Damn High!

Movie theater snacks are expensive. This is not cause for a lawsuit.

The Greatest Star Wars Movie?

Was Return Of The Jedi the best of all the Star Wars films? One writer thinks so.

Republican Party Sex Problems

Rick Santorum is at the front of a brigade that wants to re-fight the sexual revolution. They’ll lose.

Whitney Houston Dead at 48

Whitney Houston, once one of the biggest stars in American popular culture, has died.

Bureaucracy Killing DC’s Movie Industry

The DC government’s incompetence knows no bounds.

Is There An American Cultural Divide?

Have Americans divided themselves into what are becoming increasingly different cultures?

It’s A Socialist Life?

One conservative contends that George Bailey is teaching America the wrong lessons.

Dark Knight Rises Trailer

The trailer for the next Batman movie, “The Dark Knight Rises,” is out.

North Korea’s Kim Jong-il Dead At 69

Big news from North Korea.

Andy Rooney Dead at 92

Andy Rooney, best known to recent generations as the cranky old man at the end of “60 Minutes,” has died at 92.

What’s Really Behind The Netflix/Qwikster Split?

The decision to split Netflix into two companies makes no sense. Unless you look behind the scenes.

Netflix Gets Out of DVD Business, Spins of Qwikster

In a truly bizarre move, Netflix is spinning off the DVD-by-mail business that built them into an international brand and going stream-only. Those wishing to keep getting movies will have to sign on to something called Qwikster.

George Lucas To Continue Killing Star Wars In Blu-Ray Release

George Lucas is once again “enhancing” his epic films for the upcoming Blu-Ray release.

It Is News That Apple’s New CEO Is Gay?

Tim Cook is succeeding Steve Jobs as head of the world’s biggest technology company. Does it matter that he’s gay?