Susan Collins and other Senators claiming otherwise are just wrong.
POLITICO has obtained what purports to be the 1st draft of the opinion.
Oral arguments on the biggest abortion case in decades will be heard today.
Is the Chief Justice laying a trap or simply ‘calling balls and strikes’?
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has blocked a Mississippi law that banned nearly all abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy.
The Supreme Court sent a signal yesterday that seems to indicate how it might deal with future abortion law challenges and it doesn’t bode well for pro-lifers.
A new poll shows that roughly two-thirds of Americans, including a large number of Republicans, do not want to see Roe v. Wade overturned.
Republicans have spent the past week putting as much distance as they can between themselves and the latest round of radical anti-abortion laws.
A Mississippi law that seeks to ban most abortions after 15 weeks was struck down by a Federal District Court Judge.
With the support of two holdout Senators, the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh now appears to be all but official.
While I was originally content to let Brett Kavanaugh sail through to confirmation, I now feel compelled to oppose his nomination to be a Supreme Court Justice.
Republicans intend to “plow through” on the Kavanaugh nomination even after yesterday’s hearing, but it’s not clear that they have the votes to confirm him.
The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is, effectively, assured. Democrats should be careful about how much further they push their opposition.
Day One of questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh went about as you’d expect.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh reportedly told Senator Susan Collins that he considers Roe v. Wade
“settled law.” This will likely be enough to get her support and that of another holdout Republican Senator.
A fourth poll in less than a month shows that most Americans support keeping the rights protected in Roe v. Wade alive.
As Washington gets ready to fight a new battle over Roe v. Wade an new poll shows that most Americans oppose overturning that decision.
In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court struck down a California law requiring Crisis Pregnancy Centers to provide information about abortion.
How far should judicial confirmation hearings go in asking potential Judges and Justices their opinions about issues that may come before them?
While the Trump Administration slowly tries to remake the Federal Judiciary, states are moving to pass radical new challenges to Roe v. Wade.
The Supreme Court appears ready to strike down a California law requiring Crisis Pregnancy Centers to provide information on abortion.
Mississippi has passed a law that seems designed to directly challenge the underpinnings of Roe v. Wade.
Day One of the questioning of Judge Neil Gorsuch went very well, and it suggests that his path to confirmation is basically clear of serious obstacles.
Depending on the outcome of the election, the Supreme Court’s just concluded term will most likely be remembered as the point at which the Court’s rightward tilt that began at the end of the Warren Court Era came to an end.
The Supreme Court has handed down a major abortion rights ruling that reaffirms the central reasoning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and makes it less likely that Roe will ever be overturned.
The Supreme Court seems as closely divided as ever on an issue that has divided the nation for forty years, but the implications of Justice Scalia’s death were quite apparent during oral argument in the Texas Abortion Law case.
The Supreme Court has accepted a case involving a new Texas abortion law for review, the first abortion rights case it will hear in eight years.
Yesterday, the Supreme Court let stand a ruling striking down North Carolina’s mandatory ultrasound law.
Either the majority and dissenting opinions in NFIB v. Sebelius were among the sloppiest in Supreme Court history or the Chief Justice switched sides at the 11th hour.
The fight over Federal funding for Planned Parenthood seems to be about much more than whether taxpayer dollars should be going to Planned Parenthood.