The Florida Fantasy Meets Hard Reality
How a hideous, diabolical, pestilential, God-abandoned hellhole became our 3rd largest state.
How a hideous, diabolical, pestilential, God-abandoned hellhole became our 3rd largest state.
A journalistic legend has passed away just days after his retirement was officially announced.
Mitt Romney played it safe on a controversial issue again.
One of the less ballyhooed parts of ObamaCare has been tossed aside as too expensive before it even went into effect.
The first two months of Rick Perry’s campaign are a good example of why it helps to start a Presidential campaign early.
In five days, Rick Perry has gone from calling Social Security a “monstrous lie” to saying we need to have a conversation about fixing it.
Asserting the Social Security needs reform is one thing. Asserting its failure is another.
Whether it’s a “Ponzi Scheme” or not, Social Security has serious systemic problems that must be addressed.
Rick Perry took a stroll down the third rail of American politics last night.
There were eight people on the stage last night, but the GOP field has narrowed significantly.
Last night’s GOP debate was a two-man affair.
Rick Perry’s big mistake may have been putting his opinions about Social Security on paper.
Assuming that the President is easy to beat could cause Republicans to move too far to the right.
Rick Perry placed his cowboy boots firmly on the third rail of American politics.
Social Security is like a Ponzi scheme in one way but not in other, more important ones.
Now that Republicans have the House, wouldn’t they be better off playing nice?