Vance v. The Onion on Shootings

The Onion is more cogent.

The ‘Outside Agitator’ Trope

It’s been around for a very long time.

Alex Jones and Our Weird Bankruptcy Laws

The conspirator is living large while his victims go unpaid.

Dianne Feinstein, 1933-2023

A trailblazer is gone at 90.

’60 Minutes’ Past its Prime

A format unchanged since the Ford Administration* doesn’t suit the modern era.

Kavanaugh Stalker Charged with Attempted Murder

A man who claims he was going to kill the Supreme Court Justice is in jail.

A Fascistic and Authoritarian Response

Donald Trump and friends speak to the NRA.

What Are Police For If They Won’t Risk Their Lives to Save Children?

Despite their military trappings and propaganda, they’re seldom heroes.

The Uvalde City Budget The Uvalde City Budget

The Graph Of The Day

It doesn’t appear the Uvalde TX police were underfunded

The free high-resolution photo of train, transport, vehicle, yellow, public transport, stop sign, bus, schoolbus, school bus, land vehicle, automotive exterior , taken with an NIKON D40X 02/24 2017 The picture taken with 30.0mm, f/9.0s, 10/3200s, ISO 100 The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. The free high-resolution photo of train, transport, vehicle, yellow, public transport, stop sign, bus, schoolbus, school bus, land vehicle, automotive exterior , taken with an NIKON D40X 02/24 2017 The picture taken with 30.0mm, f/9.0s, 10/3200s, ISO 100 The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.

More Police In Schools Is NOT The Answer

An example of security theater with proven negative social impacts

Yet Another School Shooting in America

Alas, it’s unlikely to change the policies that enable them.

Mass Shootings, Ideology, and Mental Illness

We know a lot less about the motives of spree killers than the public discourse suggests.

The Cold War Was A Sobering Influence For A Silly People

As scary as the Cold War was, it did reduce the silliness in American politics.

Supreme Court Allows Case Against AR-15 Manufacturer To Proceed

The Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of a case from Connecticut filed by the parents of victims of the Sandy Hook massacre.

Joe Biden Being Joe Biden is Hurting Joe Biden

The 76-year-old Democratic frontrunner’s penchant for gaffes is raising questions about his fitness to govern.

On A Day That Called For National Unity, Trump Reverted To Attacks And Division

On a day that called for national unity and empathy, President Trump couldn’t help but revert to form.

Florida School Guard Who Retreated From Gun Fire Charged

Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who hid from fire during last year’s school shooting in Florida has been charged criminally. The legal basis for those charges seems flimsy.

Cesar Sayoc, 56, Arrested And Charged In Connection With Political Bombing Attempts

Authorities have arrested a Florida man named Cesar Sayoc, a 56-year-old Trump supporter, in connection with the wave of bombing attempts directed at critics of the President.

Alex Jones Loses Access To Social Media

Facebook, Google, and several other companies have closed down accounts associated with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Commission Set Up To Examine School Shootings Won’t Look At Role Of Guns

The Trump Administration’s School Safety Commission isn’t getting off to a very good start.

Efforts To Arm School Teachers Run Up Against A Problem: Insurance Companies

In the end, it may be insurance companies that have the biggest voice in the debate over arming teachers. 

More Sandy Hook Families Sue Alex Jones

Alex Jones is finally being called on to answer for his irresponsible lying about events like the Sandy Hook shooting.

School Shootings No Longer Shock Students. It Shouldn’t Be Like This

We have a generation of schoolkids who aren’t even surprised when there’s a shooting at their school. That’s a problem.

N.R.A. President Oliver North Blames School Shootings On Drugs Used To Treat ADHD

The new President of the National Rifle Association has a new theory to explain mass shootings, but there’s no basis for believing it’s accurate.

More Americans Killed in School Shootings Than Military Service This Year

In the wake of yesterday’s killing of eight in a Texas high school, WaPo’s Philip Bump provides a chilling statistic.

At Least Eight Dead, Multiple Injuries, In School Shooting At Texas High School

Another school shooting, this time in Texas.

Battle For Control Of Congress Remains Relatively Stable, And Good For Democrats

The Generic Congressional Ballot has tightened in some recent polls, but on average the battle for control of Congress continues to favor Democrats.

Support For Gun Control Waning In Wake Of Parkland Shooting

Support for gun control spiked in the wake of the Parkland, Florida school shooting but it appears to be returning to more normal levels, and that’s bad news for gun control advocates.

Poll Shows Support For Gun Control Slipping Only Two Months After Florida Shooting

Two months after the shooting in Parkland, Florida, support for gun control measures seems to be slipping.

Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones For Defamation

The parents of two of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre are suing Alex Jones for falsely accusing them of lying about the deaths of their children.

How That “Caravan” Of Immigrants Became A Focus Of Panic On The Right

Thanks to a combination of sensationalism and outright lies, a fairly conventional story about an annual protest march in Mexico was turned into Fox News fodder that raised images of an invading army of illegal immigrants.

New Poll Shows Strong Support For A Variety Of Gun Control Measures

New polling shows that public support for several gun control proposals continue to increase in the wake of February’s shooting at a Parkland, Florida High School.

Spurred By Parkland Shooting, Students March, But Will It Lead To Any Actual Change?

Organizing protests was the easy part. The hard part for those who would seek to expand gun regulations is yet to come.

NRA’s Post-Parkland Tone Deafness

Personal attacks on teenagers whose friends were murdered is a strategy sure to backfire.

The Strange World of Shepard Smith

Having journalistic integrity at the Fair and Balanced network has never been more challenging.

National School Walkout Commemorates Florida School Shooting

Students across the country are staging 17-minute protests at 10 am in their time zones.

Trump Backs Away From Age Restrictions On Gun Sales

Not surprisingly, the Trump Administration is backing away from gun regulations opposed by the N.R.A.

N.R.A. Sues Over New Florida Gun Law

Within hours after the new Florida gun law was signed by Governor Rick Scott, the National Rifle Association had filed a lawsuit seeking to strike it down.

Is Fear of School Shootings Irrational?

Kids are more likely to be killed driving to school than shot while there. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and prevent them.

Michigan Man Sues Dick’s Over Gun Age Restriction Policy

Another lawsuit has been filed against Dick’s Sporting Goods over its policy barring gun sales based on age.

Alabama School Shooting Kills 17-Year-Old Girl

Witnesses say another student was “showing off his gun.”

Did Trump Really Move Left On Guns? Don’t Count On It

President Trump appeared to change positions on several gun control ideas, but he probably doesn’t mean it.

Supreme Court Mulls Whether States Can Ban ‘Political’ Apparel At Polling Places

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in a case pitting the First Amendment against the right of states to regulate elections.

Donald Trump Channels Archie Bunker

“All In The Family” predicted a policy proposal that President Trump and many other conservatives have made in the wake of the Florida school shooting.

Prospects For Congressional Action On Guns Are As Dim As Ever

Despite the activism we’ve seen in the wake of the school shooting in Florida, it’s unlikely that we’ll see significant Congressional action on guns.

Dick’s Sporting Goods Announces Limits On Gun Sales, Stops Selling “Assault Weapons”

Dick’s Sporting Goods will no longer sell “assault weapons” at any of its stores, and will limit the sale of any gun to people aged 21 and above.

Rhode Island Governor Orders Confiscating Guns from ‘Red Flag’ Persons

As with any such discretionary power given to police, it will surely be abused. But the Parkland shooting was yet another in a long line of situations where obvious “red flags” were ignored until it was too late.

Poll Shows Increased Support For Gun Control In The Wake Of Florida Shooting

New polls show increased support for various gun control measures, including limitations on so-called “assault weapons,” but that doesn’t mean we’re likely to see Congressional action on the subject.

Trump’s Job Approval Dips To A New Low In Two New Polls

President Trump’s job approval hits a new low.