The free high-resolution photo of hand, wine, glass, restaurant, celebration, meal, drink, cheer, alcohol, wine glass, stemware, alcoholic beverage, sense, distilled beverage , taken with an unknown camera 12/26 2016 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. The free high-resolution photo of hand, wine, glass, restaurant, celebration, meal, drink, cheer, alcohol, wine glass, stemware, alcoholic beverage, sense, distilled beverage , taken with an unknown camera 12/26 2016 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.

The Tipping Point

The culture seems to be shifting.

The free high-resolution photo of person, photography, money, child, business, singing, euro, merit, businessman, finance, wealth, profit, performing arts, stock exchange, revenue, investments, speculate, stock broker, speculation, share price, capital market , taken with an NIKON D3200 02/10 2017 The picture taken with 250.0mm, f/7.1s, 10/400s, ISO 400 The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. The free high-resolution photo of person, photography, money, child, business, singing, euro, merit, businessman, finance, wealth, profit, performing arts, stock exchange, revenue, investments, speculate, stock broker, speculation, share price, capital market , taken with an NIKON D3200 02/10 2017 The picture taken with 250.0mm, f/7.1s, 10/400s, ISO 400 The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

Taxing ‘The Rich’

It’s a relative thing.

Fixing The Credit Card System

It’s great for the well-off but increasingly problematic for the larger economy.

About That Cult Thing…

Cults of personality are not the same as cults.

President Joe Biden drives a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon during a clean cars event, Thursday, August 5, 2021, on the South Lawn Driveway of the White House. President Joe Biden drives a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon during a clean cars event, Thursday, August 5, 2021, on the South Lawn Driveway of the White House.

The Politics of An Auto Strike

The President’s support for labor and aggressive action on climate change are in tension.

China’s Flailing Economy

Xi’s government is taking a drastically different approach to the slowdown.


An acronym has slowly morphed into a mnemonic device.

Corporations and Pride Month

Damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Sometimes both.

University of California TAs and Postdocs on Strike!

A showdown over wages could upend the apprenticeship arrangement that has long characterized graduate education.

Price Differentiation and Class Consciousness

Apparently, more expensive versions of products are often better.

Trump, Article II, and January 6, 2021

He failed to fulfill his oath.

Vegan Upcharge!

PETA has launched a weird protest against Starbucks.

The Dreaded Green Bubble

Apple’s iMessages and teen chic.

SCOTUS Says Cheerleader’s Snapchat F-Bomb Protected by 1st Amendment

Another narrowly-crafted but overwhelming opinion from the Supreme Court.

Why They’re Still Out of Toilet Paper

It’s not greedy hoarders after all.

Chick-Fil-A To Stop Donations To Anti-LGBT Groups

Chick-Fil-A is ending its charitable giving to organizations that oppose LGBT rights, and conservatives are predictably freaking out.

Bernie Sanders Raises $25 Million In Third Quarter

Bernie Sanders has slipped in the polls but retains his ability to raise money.

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Ends Presidential Bid Nobody Knew Existed

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is ending a Presidential bid nobody knew existed.

[different skin tones holding hands] [different skin tones holding hands]

Fundraising While Black

An incident this week in Arkansas is just the latest example of a depressing and dangerous trend.

Saturday Night Live Closes Season With Hits At Trump And Abortion Bans

Thanks to Donald Trump and the GOP, there’s plenty of material out there for Saturday Night Live.

Can Coverage of Women Candidates Be Non-Sexist?

Gender bias is real. Most examples cited, though, aren’t.

Howard Schultz’s Seinfeldesque Campaign About Nothing

Based on his appearance on CNN last night, Howard Schultz appears to be running a campaign about nothing.

Today in Terrible Columns

Bret Stephens on Howard Schultz

The Argument For a Centrist Democrat In 2020

While much of the attention in the race for the Democratic nomination to date has been on the left, there is a path forward for a more centrist candidate.

The Constitution Makes A Successful Third-Party Presidential Run Unlikely

The way we elect Presidents make it unlikely that a third-party candidate like Howard Schultz could ever actually win the the Presidency.

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz Considering Independent Run For President

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz is considering an independent run for the Presidency. This would likely be good news for President Trump.

Carlos Sanchez, Who Portrayed Coffee Icon Juan Valdez, Dies At 83

Carlos Sanchez, who portrayed Juan Valdez the unofficial ambassador of Colombian coffee for some 30 years, has died at the age of 83.

Bernie Sanders Planning An Aggressive 2020 Campaign, Reports Say

Bernie Sanders has not officially said that he’s running for President, but he’s reportedly planning a much more aggressive campaign than what we saw in 2016 if he does.

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz Considering Presidential Run

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz is apparently considering running for President.

October Delivers A Solid Jobs Report

Jobs Growth in October exceeded expectations, as did wage growth. It’s unclear, though, how long these numbers can be sustained.

No Questions (Or Answers), But Plenty Of Fireworks At Kavanaugh Hearing

The first day of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings was much ado about pretty much nothing, but then that can be used to describe a process whose outcome is pretty much foreordained.

John Kerry 2020?

He’s tan. He’s rested. He’s ready.

Another Year, Another Stupid Controversy Over Starbucks Holiday Cups

Some conservatives appear to believe that this year’s Starbucks coffee cops are “promoting a gay agenda.”

Donald Trump Is President, America Will Survive This

While vigilance is called for, America will survive Donald Trump just as it has survived everything else we’ve faced since the nation’s founding.

Nonexistent Culture Wars And The Nonexistent ‘War On Christmas’

The people who believe there is a ‘War On Christmas” tend to be the same ones who hold to the largely false idea that their religious beliefs are under assault due to a “culture war.”

Republican House Member Introduces Resolution To Fight The ‘War On Christmas’

A Colorado Republican Congressman has introduced a resolution meant to involve our nation’s representatives in the non-existent ‘War On Christmas.’

Paris, San Bernardino, And The Dangers Of An Anti-Muslim Backlash

As we deal with the fall out from the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, we need remember the years after September 11th, 2001 and avoid holding an entire religion responsible for the actions of fanatics.

‘War On Christmas’ Apparently Now Being Fought With Coffee Cups

You may not be aware, but your local Starbucks is the new front in the ‘War On Christmas.’

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Tip at Chipotle! Stop the Presses!

The scandal that will make everyone forget about Benghazi.

Texas Attorney General Makes A Particularly Silly Argument Against Same-Sex Marriage

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has made an incredibly weak argument in favor of his state’s ban on same-sex marriage.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Semper Venti Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

CIA’s Stealthy Starbucks

WaPo’s Emily Wax-Thibodeaux reports that, “At CIA Starbucks, even the baristas are covert.”

Target To Customers: No Guns In Our Stores, Please

Target is the latest business to ask customers to leave the guns at home when they go shopping.

NBC’s Rogue Sochi Starbucks

They really love their Starbucks at NBC–and not just on “Morning Joe.”

The Coffee Insurgency?

The Economist reports that “The coffee insurgency” is winning.