Chris Matthews Retires

The longtime talking head is the latest poster boy for #MeToo. And mandatory retirement.

Tom Steyer Drops Out

The billionaire has decided to stop tilting at windmills.

Bloomberg’s Campaign Costing Taxpayers?

A law professor makes a bad argument in favor of a pet policy.

Pro-Trump Group Running Fake Obama Ads

Anti-Biden ads using the former President’s words are being aimed at black voters.

Money Could Decide Super Tuesday

Competing in fourteen states plus overseas territories in one day is expensive.

Bloomberg Tweets Doctored Debate Video

Creepy misinformation? Or just lame?

Nevada Democratic Debate Roundup

Most national pundits saw it differently than I did.

The EC Helps Small States!

(Or not. Part 1,276,524).

Bloomberg’s Billions Buying Ground Game

An unprecedented spending blitz is upending the campaign.

Has the Democratic Race Changed?

Is there a new frontrunner?

Iowa Shifting the Narrative?

The media coverage continues on script.

SOTU Ends Pretense of Normalcy

The State of the Union is petulant.

Iowa Makes us Wait

We do not have results yet.

Senate Republicans Think Trump Guilty, Shouldn’t Be Removed

A binary choice will produce a worse outcome than necessary.

We Don’t Need Witnesses

What difference at this point does it make?

Kobe Bryant Killed in Helicopter Crash

The basketball legend and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, were among five fatalities.

No, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin Our Democracy

Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.

Jim Lehrer, 1934-2020

A legendary newsman has passed.

Disney Drops ‘Fox’ Name

More fallout from the consolidation of media brands.

Polarization and the Media

Rules for covering the Senate trial highlight changes in how we get the news.

More on Trump’s Foreign Policy

Policies towards Iran and NK are both a mess.

The Problem With Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws

Willie Simmons is 61 years old. He’s spent the last 38 years in prison for stealing $9.00 thanks to what clearly appears to be an unjust and overly hard “habitual offender” statute. His story is far too common.

Sixth Democratic Debate Draws Lowest Viewer Numbers Yet

Thursday night’s Democratic debate drew the lowest numbers of any of this season’s debates.

New Jersey Congressman Makes Party Switch Official

New Jersey Congressman Jeff van Drew, elected just last year as a Democrat, is now a Republican.

House Set To Debate And Vote On Impeachment

By the end of today, Donald Trump will most likely be the third President of the United States to be impeached by the House of Representatives.

Hallmark Reverses Decision To Ban Ads Featuring Lesbian Couple

After an online backlash, The Hallmark Channel has reversed its decision to ban ads featuring a lesbian couple.

Hallmark Channel Caves To Anti-LGBT Bigots

The Hallmark Channel caved to the complaints of a small group of so-called Christians who objected to a television commercial.

China And U.S. Reach Deal Averting Additional Tariffs

China and the U.S. have reached an initial trade deal that averts billions of dollars of new, inadvisable, tariffs, but the devil is in the details.

Bloomberg Rising In The Polls, But Most Democrats Don’t Want Him

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is in fifth place in national polling, but a new poll suggests that he may not rise much further.

René Auberjonois, Benson and Star Trek Actor, Dead At 79

René Auberjonois, a long time character actor best known for his roles on Benson and Star Trek: Deep Space NIne, has died at 79.

Carroll Spinney, The Man Behind Big Bird, Dies At 85

A sad day for those of us who grew up watching Big Bird, Kermit, and the rest of the Muppets.

Rudy’s Propaganda Tour

Why mount a defense when you can go make a TV show in Ukraine?

Impeachment Hearings Go To Law School

Yesterday’s hearing before the House Judiciary Committee did a good job of explaining how the facts of the Ukraine scandal meet the Constitution’s definition of impeachable offenses.

The GOP Is Now The Party Of Putin

Much like the President they obsequiously defend, Republicans have become useful idiots in Russia’s war on Western liberal democracy.

House Intelligence Committee Releases Impeachment Inquiry Report

The House Intelligence Committee has released its report resulting from its investigation of the Ukraine scandal.

Trump Fine With Letting His Foolish Trade War Continue Past 2020 Election

President Trump said this morning that he’s fine with letting his trade war with the rest of the world continue all the way to the 2020 election.

Duncan Hunter To Plead Guilty To Embezzlement

Later today, California Congressman Duncan Hunter, Jr. will plead guilty to charges of embezzling up to $250,000 from his campaign’s bank account.

White House Rejects Invitation To Participate In Impeachment Hearings

After arguing for a month about an “unfair” impeachment process, the WHite House is saying ‘no thanks’ to an invitation to participate in the next round of impeachment hearings.

E.T. Returns In XFinity Ad

A sequel to E.T. The Extraterrestrial of sorts, premiered yesterday.

Giuliani Sought Contracts With Ukrainian Government

The vultures keep circling above the head of “America’s Mayor.”

Democrats Growing Skeptical Of ‘Medicare For All’

Even as candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders continue to base their campaigns on it, Democrats appear to be growing skeptical of ‘Medicare For All.’

Happy Thanksgiving From WKRP

It’s still the best Thanksgiving television episode ever.

Thinking About Arguing About Politics Over Thanksgiving Dinner? Don’t

Given the times we live in, you may be tempted to argue about politics tomorrow. Here’s my advice — don’t do it.

After Months Of Protests, Hong Kong Heads To The Polls

After months of anti-government protests, Hong Kong headed to the polls in record number.

Mike Bloomberg Is Running For President.

After flirting with the idea many times over the past decade and a half, Mike Bloomberg is officially running for President.

Benjamin Netanyahu Indicted On Multiple Charges

After a year of controversy and investigation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicated on charges of fraud and bribery.

Republicans Attack An American War Veteran, Have They No Decency?

Republicans used to honor the men and women who serve our country. In the Trump Era, they attack them in defense of the President.

Long Day Of Impeachment Hearings Brings More Evidence Against Trump

After a long day of hearings, the case against the President is becoming clearer and Republican defenses becoming more absurd.

Former Ambassador Describes Effort By Trump Associates To Push Her Aside

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch described how the President’s allies intimidated her out of her position, while the President intimidated her live on Twitter.