A Night Of Terror In Paris

Reports of at least up to sixty dead, a hostage situation, and attacks at multiple locations in Paris.

You Can Forget About Obama’s Promise To Close The Guantanamo Bay Prison

President Obama is set to sign a military spending bill that effectively guarantees that his 2008 campaign promise to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba will go unfulfilled.

Consensus Continues To Grow That Russian Airliner Was Taken Out By A Bomb

The investigation continues, but the consensus seems to be growing that Metrojet 9268 was taken out by a bomb.

U.S. Intelligence: Russian Passenger Jet Likely Brought Down Over Sinai Peninsula By A Bomb

American intelligence officials are saying that a Russian passenger jet that went down over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula was most likely brought down by a bomb.

The Daily News Crosses The Line From Journalism To Murder Porn

A front page cover on yesterday’s murders in Virginia crosses the line from reporting to exploitation.

The Confederate Flag Has Always Been About Hate, Not “Heritage”

The people who continue to claim that the Confederate Flag is about anything other than hatred, racism, and a nation that celebrated slavery are lying to you and to themselves.

Andrew Sullivan on Gay Marriage Ruling

Andrew Sullivan, perhaps the man most responsible for putting the notion of marriage equality into the national debate, has come out of his blogging retirement to weigh in on yesterday’s historic ruling.

Does It Matter Whether Charleston Was Terrorism?

The debate is ultimately academic.

Putin Using Fear Of ISIS To Enhance Russian Influence In Central Asia

A well-founded fear of ISIS seems to be drawing many of the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia closer to Moscow.

George W. Bush Wants To Send Combat Troops To Iraq Again

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.

Americans Say Civil Liberties Trump Terror Threats, Politicians Don’t Care

The American people don’t believe that liberty should be sacrificed in the name of security, but their leaders largely don’t care.

Senate Renews, Modifies, Patriot Act

The Senate passed a bill that renews, and modifies, the Patriot Act

D.C. Metro Bans All Political Ads Rather Than Run Mohammed Cartoon Poster

The agency that runs Washington D.C.’s mass transit has banned all political ads after Pamela Gellar attempted to run an advertisement featuring a drawing of Mohammed.

Domestic Spying ‘Suspended’ But Almost Certainly Continues Unabated

Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.

Patriot Act Lapses, Civilization Still Stands

Many provisions of the Patriot Act lapsed at midnight, but apparently the world hasn’t ended.

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham says that, if elected president, he would summarily kill anyone thinking about joining ISIS.

How Will ‘Mad Men’ End?

The final episode airs tonight. How will Matt Weiner will wrap it up?

Top North Korean General Executed For ‘Showing Disrespect’ To Kim Jong Un

North Korea’s mercurial leader has apparently executed yet another high ranking official.

Jeb Bush Says His Top Middle East Adviser Is George W. Bush

Jeb Bush told a group of supporters that his brother is his top Middle East policy adviser. This strikes me as being a bad idea.

Two Gunmen Killed In Apparent Attempted Attack On Anti-Islam Event In Texas

Two men were killed last night before they could carry out what appears to be a planned attack on an anti-Islam event in Texas.

U.S. Forces In Afghanistan Involved In More Than Just Counterterrorism Despite Obama’s Promises

U.S forces in Afghanistan have been involved in missions that go far beyond the counterterror mission the Obama Administration said they would be limited to.

Two Hostages, Including One American, Killed In Raid On Al Qaeda Targets

An attack on al Qaeda outposts in January resulted in the death of two hostages, but also resulted in the death of two high value al Qaeda targets.

Rubio’s Israel Litmus Test For An Iran Nuclear Deal Is Foolish And Unrealistic

Conditioning an Iranian nuclear deal on recognition of Israel is foolish, unrealistic, and very bad diplomacy.

Pope Francis Speaks The Truth About The Armenian Genocide, Turks Get Predictably Upset

Unlike most world leaders, Pope Francis is wiling to call a genocide a genocide.

After Two Month Stand Off, House Passes Clean DHS Funding Bill

As expected, Republicans have caved in the showdown over funding for the Department of Homeland Security.

Denmark Terror Attacks and Machine-Gun Censorship

Yet another attack on religious freedom in Europe.

FRANCE 24 | Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq 14 October 2014 FRANCE 24 | Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq 14 October 2014

Authorizations to Unlimited Military Force

Daniel Larison is far less ambivalent about our war on ISIL than me.

On Existential Threats

I don’t Think that Means What you Think it Means (Huckabee Edition)

Pope Francis: One Cannot Make Fun of Faith

Pope Francis has earned a reputation as a liberal in comparison to recent predecessors but he’s no liberal.

Why The GOP Is Likely To Cave In The Fight Against Obama’s Immigration Law Changes

Even with a House and Senate majority, the GOP is unlikely to get what it wants in its current immigration battle with the President.

German Newspaper Firebombed After Republishing Charlie Hebdo Images

The terrorism wave that began with the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo offices has not ended with the killing of the perpetrators. A follow-on attack has occurred in Germany and there are reports of “sleeper cells” being activated in France.

Charlie Hebdo Suspects Dead After Dual Standoffs

The men responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre are dead, but the problems for France, and the rest of Europe, may just be at the beginning.

Will The Paris Terror Attack Undercut Republican Efforts On DHS Budget?

The terror attack in Paris seems likely to undercut GOP efforts to use the DHS budget to attack the President’s immigration policies.

Terror Attack Kills 11 at French Satirical Newspaper Charlie Hebdo

At least 11 are dead and 10 wounded in an attack on free expression.

Sony To Allow Limited Screenings of The Interview

Reversing a previous decision, Sony will allow The Interview to be screened in a small number of theaters.

In Responding To North Korea’s Cyber Attacks, The U.S. Has Limited Options

There’s not a whole lot the United States can do to respond effectively and proportionally to North Korea’s hacking attack against Sony.

Did 24 Help Make Torture Acceptable?

In the wake of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on C.I.A. torture, some have suggested that eight years of Jack Bauer helped make torture more acceptable to the American public.

F.B.I. Charges North Korea With Being Behind Hacking Attacks On Sony

The U.S. Government has formally charged North Korea with responsibility for the hacking attack on Sony. How to respond to that attack is a more complicated question.

Sony Hacking Scandal Elevates To Threats Of Terrorism If Film Is Released

Hackers who have divulged embarrassing secrets from deep within Sony Pictures are now threatening violence if a film about a plot to kill Kim Jong Un is released.

Sydney Hostage Taker Man Haron Monis: Lone Wolf Terrorist, Or Lone Nut? Does It Matter?

Was Man Haron Monis a terrorist, or just a lone nut who had latched on to the rhetoric of ISIS to justify his own delusions? In the end, it hardly matters.

Hostage Crisis In Sydney, Australia Cafe Apparently Linked To Terrorism

A hostage crisis has been unfolding overnight at a cafe in Sydney, Australia that has apparent links to international terrorism.

Senate Intelligence Committee Report Reveals A Dark and Regrettable Time In American History

A dark and regrettable time in American history is finally seeing the light of day.

Supreme Court To Try To Draw Line Between Free Speech Online And Criminal Threats

Next week, the Supreme Court will be asked to determine the line between free speech online and criminal threats

GOP Options In Response To Obama’s Executive Action Are Limited, Perhaps Non-Existent

In the end, there appears to be very little, if anything, the GOP can do to stop or roll back the executive actions the President will announce Thursday evening.