Most PATRIOT Act ‘Sneak And Peek’ Warrants Used In War On Drugs, Not War On Terror

Not surprisingly, a law passed in the wake of the September 11th attacks has been used mostly for things that have nothing to do with terrorism.

Pat Roberts Engages In Gitmo Fearmongering To Win Re-Election

Facing a tough re-election battle, Kansas Senator Pat Roberts is engaging in abject fearrmongering.

The Attack On Canada’s Parliament And The Lone Wolf Terrorist

Yesterday’s apparent terrorist shooting in Ottawa reveals again a phenomenon that seems difficult if not impossible to stop in advance.

Weekly Standard Columnist Ends Up On TSA Watch List For No Rational Reason

The TSA is up to its usual shenanigans.

Obama’s Astrategic ISIS Strategy

The plan won’t achieve achieve its stated goals.

Obama’s ISIL Speech – First Reaction

The Global War on Terror isn’t over after all.

Has Obama Institutionalized Bush’s Worst?

Dan Froomkin says Obama is as bad as Bush, if not worse.

Star Trek Beginner’s Guide

AV Club produces an impressive overview of the entire Trek franchise.

Today in Circular Reasoning

Back to the Ten Commandments and Alabama politics.

Viet Xuan Luong Becomes First Vietnamese-American General

Viet Xuan Luong pins on a brigadier general’s star today, becoming the first Vietnamese-American officer to achieve that rank.

C.I.A. Admits Spying On Senate, Senate Finally Outraged About Surveillance

The C.I.A. has admitted spying on Senate investigators.

Despite International Pressure, Israeli Public Supports Netanyahu On The War In Gaza

The Israeli public if overwhelmingly behind the war in Gaza, and that means it will probably continue for awhile.

Israel Rejects Temporary Cease Fire Plan As Gaza Conflict Continues To Rage

Hopes for a temporary respite in the Gaza conflict faded away today.

Israel Begins Ground Operations In Gaza

The next phase of Israel’s attack on Hamas has begun.

Israel Intensifies Attacks On Gaza, Hints At Ground Invasion

Things look to be going from bad to worse in Gaza.

ISIS Declares Caliphate, Renames Itself ‘Islamic State’

Is ISIS’s reach about to exceed its grasp?

ISIS Threatening To Open A New Front In Lebanon

Is ISIS about to make the situation in the Levant even worse?

Insurgents Continue Advance Toward Baghdad

It’s sure beginning to look like a civil war in Iraq, albeit a rather one sided one at the moment.

Insurgents Linked To Al Qaeda Capture Iraq’s Second City

Things only seem to be getting worse in Iraq.

Guantanamo Bay Is Not Going To Close

Mostly because of politics, the hopes of some and fears of others will never be realized.

Obama Administration Pushes Back Against Criticism Of Deal That Led To Bergdahl Release

The Obama White House rejected Republican criticism of the deal that led to the release of the only American Prisoner Of War from the Afghanistan War.

Obama Outlines Realist Policy, Rejects Realist Label

The President’s second speech to the Corps of Cadets is a vast improvement over the first.

All U.S. Troops Will Be Out Of Afghanistan After 2016, Most Will Be Out By December

An imperfect timetable, but better than nothing.

Anti-War Republican Beats Back Bush Era Challenger

Congressman Walter Jones beat back a primary challenge from a former Bush aide who attacked him over his foreign policy views.

New Emails Revive Old Benghazi Arguments

A new set of emails is reviving the old partisan arguments about the attack in Benghazi.

Republicans Against The Sixth Amendment

Republicans attack an attorney for doing his job. So much for that whole “constitutional conservative” thing, I guess.

Edward Snowden Leaks Earn Pulitzer Prize For Washington Post, Guardian

Thanks to Edward Snowden, the Washington Post and the Guardian are Pulitzer Prize winners.

American Skepticism About Interventionism Is A Return To Historical Norms

Americans are skeptical about getting involved in the Ukraine crisis. This isn’t a surprise.

‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere of ‘Band of Brothers’ Fame Dead at 90

Staff Sergeant William Guarnere, made famous by the “Band of Brothers” miniseries, has died aged 90.

Do Women Make Better Military Helicopter Pilots?

One in ten Army helicopter pilot is a woman, yet men account for 97% of injuries in helicopter accidents.

TSA Touts Toothpaste Tube Terror Threat

Just when it became safe to keep your shoes and tablets on, a new threat to the friendly skies has emerged: toothpaste.

Robert Gates: Invading Iraq Diverted Attention From The War On Terror

Former SecDef Robert Gates is among those who believes that the Iraq War unduly diverted attention from fighting the War On Terror.

Would N.S.A. Data Mining Have Been Able To Stop 9/11?

.Many have tried to justify N.S.A. data mining on the theory that it could have prevented 9/11. Is that true?

Brian Schweitzer Hits Hillary Clinton Over Iraq War Vote

The beginnings of a populist challenge to Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Does Judge Leon’s Ruling On NSA Surveillance Vindicate Edward Snowden?

Does a determination that NSA data collection practices are likely unconstitutional mean that Edward Snowden’s actions were, in some sense, justified?

Federal Judge Rules That NSA Metadata Collection Program Likely Unconstitutional

A potentially big legal setback for a big National Security Agency program.

Is A Stronger Executive The Cure For What Ails American Government?

David Brooks thinks that the problem with American Government is that the Presidency isn’t strong enough.

Just How Bad Was Security At Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service?

Apparently, the security at Tuesday’s memorial for Nelson Mandela was so lax as to be nearly non-existent.

North Korea Says Kim Jong Un’s Uncle Has Been Executed

Well, that didn’t take long.