Don’t Support the Troops?

Virginia Tech English prof Steven Salaita implores us to “Stop saying ‘support the troops.'”

Air Force Now Accepting Single Parents, Pregnant Women

The Air Force will now allow pregnant women and single parents to join.

Military Green Lights Playboy and Penthouse Before Banning Them

The military has declared that Playboy and Penthouse don’t violate its standards but banned them from its exchanges, anyway.

Military Leaders Fighting Military Pay Raises Congress Forcing on Military

Congress really, really wants to give soldiers a 1.8 percent pay raise. Generals are begging them to hold it to 1 percent.

Frustration With Karzai Pushing Obama Toward “Zero Option” In Afghanistan

Frustrations with the mercurial leader of Afghanistan may increase the pace of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Iraq War And The Damaged Legacy Of The GOP

The Iraq War did significant damage to the legacy of the Republican Party.

No, It’s Not Fascism

Cory Booker Rocking Political Boats In New Jersey

Cory Booker’s decision to explore a run for the U.S. Senate has upset the powers-that-be in New Jersey Democratic politics.

Biden-Ryan Debate Mostly A Draw

Last night’s Vice-Presidential debate was combative, but is unlikely to have a major impact on the race for President.

Why Romney’s “47 Percent” Comments Matter

It may not be the one thing that costs him election, but Mitt Romney’s remarks about the “47 percent” are still a problem for his campaign.

Turmoil On Team Romney

The Romney campaign infighting is becoming public.

Could Foreign Policy Cost Mitt Romney The Election?

Mitt Romney’s foreign policy weaknesses are starting to become apparent.

Is The New Red Dawn The Dumbest Movie Ever?

The new Red Dawn promises to be even sillier than the first.

Ohio Military Voting, Media Framing, and Political Campaigns

Breaking: The American press often does a lousy job.

Military Health Crisis Mirrors America’s

Health care is eating up 10 percent of the Pentagon’s budget and rising fast.

Does It Matter If A Presidential Candidate Never Served In The Military?

For the first time in 68 years, neither major party candidate for President has served in the military. Does this matter?

Hollande Backtracks on Afghanistan Pullout Pledge

In office less than a day, Francois Hollande has already been forced to admit he can’t withdraw French forces from Afghanistan by the end of the year.

Who Wins From Obama’s Same-Sex Marriage Announcement?

Will Obama’s announcement on same-sex marriage benefit him or Romney in the upcoming campaign?

SEALs Swift Boating Obama?

Some Navy SEALs are weighing in on the brouhaha.

A Parade For Iraq War Vets?

As they did four years, ago the New York Giants will get a parade in New York City today. Some are wondering when Iraq War vets will get theirs.

The American Public Is Not SEAL Team Six

Last night’s State Of The Union Address contained another unfortunate example of the prevalence of militaristic rhetoric in domestic politics.

State of the Union Post Mortem

The speech did exactly what it was supposed to do: kick off Obama’s re-election campaign while disguised as a call for unity.

Ron Paul Steps In It In South Carolina

Once again, Ron Paul showed last night why he could never win the Republican nomination.

The War In Iraq Is Finally Over

After 3,193 days and more than 4,000 lives, the American war in Iraq is officially at an end.

Republicans Bash Obama For Doing What Bush Wanted To Do In Iraq

President Obama is being attacking from the right for following through on a policy decision made by his Republican predecessor.

Obama Sending Troops to Fight Lord’s Resistance Army

Obama is trying to get into Guinness under “US President with Most Simultaneous Wars”

Occupy DC: A Loud and Clear Yawp

Protestors have converged on DC, rallying against Afghanistan, Wall Street, and stuff.

The Rick Perry Hunting Lodge Story: A Trivial Distraction?

What was written on a rock outside of a hunting lodge in Texas 30 years ago doesn’t really matter all that much.

Boots on the Ground in Libya!

Four American soldiers are now on the ground in Libya. Reports have them wearing boots.

A Russian Looks at the War in Libya

A take on the conflict that’s probably different from the one you’ve been reading.

General John Shalikashvili Dead at 75

A legendary American soldier, General John Shalikashvili, has died.

Majority Of Americans Want Troops Removed From Afghanistan ASAP

As the President prepares to announce his plans for the future in Afghanistan, a majority of Americans want the troops home now.

Will Republicans Nominate a Dove?

WaPo’s Jackson Diehl asks, “Will the GOP nominate a dove?”

Romney & Bachmann Rise, Pawlenty & Cain Fizzle In Mostly Lackluster Debate

The debate format was the biggest loser last night, but there were a few memorable moments in New Hampshire.

A Political Opening For Non-Interventionism

The American public is increasingly skeptical of foreign adventurism. Why aren’t our political candidates reflecting that?

Paul Revere’s Ride: Don’t Know Much About History

If there’s anything all sides should be able to agree on after several days of back-and-forth is that most of us didn’t really know the story.

War Powers Act and Illegal Wars

Is the war in Libya illegal?

Obama vs. Pentagon on Libya

The Pentagon is frustrated that the Obama administration doesn’t “seem to understand what military force can and cannot do.”