Liberal Professors Fleeing Florida
The DeSantis crackdown on academic freedom is having its desired effect.
The DeSantis crackdown on academic freedom is having its desired effect.
Culling for the primary feeder job in American legal system begins in high school.
But from what? Comparing two stories from Tennessee that show our society’s contradictory impulses when it comes to “protecting the children.”
A marked rise in shooting deaths is going largely unnoticed.
Iowa Republicans have had enough of being represented by a racist buffoon.
Contrary to some expectations, Americans are logging three extra hours of work a day.
Chick-Fil-A is ending its charitable giving to organizations that oppose LGBT rights, and conservatives are predictably freaking out.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, already facing a rough re-election battle is now dealing with a blackface controversy.
Canada is headed for a new election at the end of October as Justin Trudeau finds his government daling with a scandal.
Iowa Congressman Steve King finds himself low on campaign cash and with virtually no support from his party.
Congressman Steve King has some rather unique views about human history.
Canada must have a Federal Election by late October, and the polls are showing that Prime Minister Trudeau could be in political trouble.
According to one new study, President Trump’s tweets aren’t having the same impact they used to.
Steve King, who has recently come under attack for a long history of racist remarks, is facing a strong challenge for the GOP nomination in 2020.
The President’s latest ravings are “very bad, very bad.”
There’s a political scandal brewing in Canada just as that nation starts looking ahead to elections later this year.
Reason’s Nick Gillespie makes an interesting case but I don’t buy it.
In a two-hour rant before an adoring crowd of CPAC sycophants. President Trump displayed everything wrong with him and his Presidency.
Steve King isn’t backing down from his history of white supremacy and racism. And he’s also running for re-election.
The best Relief Pitcher in Major League history has been unanimously inducted into the Baseball Hall Of Fame.
The House GOP has moved to rebuke Iowa Congressman for his racist remarks. What took them so long?
Iowa’s Steve King has long expressed anti-immigrant and racist views, now he’s asking why that’s a bad thing.
Congressman Steve King’s anti-immigrant, xenophobic rhetoric hasn’t bothered his constituents for twenty years, but he suddenly finds himself the focus of controversy and possibly vulnerable. It couldn’t happen to a more well-deserving guy.
President Trump wants to send more troops than we have in Syria and Iraq combined to the border to deal with a non-existent threat.
Marijuana is now legal in Canada, and many people are watching the country to see how it adjusts to this change.
President Trump got his revised version of NAFTA, but Canadians are less positive about the United States than they have been in at least twenty years.
Rebutting the President’s routine prevarications merely spreads them. Is there an alternative?
Not surprisingly, Canadians aren’t too thrilled with Donald Trump these days.
Not surprisingly, Canadians aren’t very happy about President Trump’s attacks on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
A seemingly innocuous change to a newspaper style guide has some significant implications.
Once again, President Trump seems intent on insulting a major American ally.
The rules of American journalism haven’t caught up with the reality of this Presidency.
President Trump is setting off another trade war, this time with some of America’s closest and most important allies.
In their first year as an NHL expansion team, the Las Vegas Golden Knights have managed to do something that’s only been done once before in any of the ‘big four’ professional sports leagues in the United States.
We don’t yet have enough information to assign blame here. Naturally, that’s not stopping anyone.
Roy Moore’s most die-hard defenders are living in a world of their own, and it’s unlikely they’ll change their minds.
While many on the right are condemning Roy Moore, there are far too many prevaricators and defenders out there.
Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party is set to follow through on a campaign promise.
Canada is phasing out coal as a source of electricity production by 2030. The same thing will happen in the United States no matter how much politicians try to stop it.
The last time the Cubs were in the World Series, World War II had just ended. Now, they have a chance to break one of the longest droughts in sports history.