Even Most Republicans Disagree With Trump On Transgender Military Ban
A new poll finds increasing support for transgender rights, even among Republicans.
A new poll finds increasing support for transgender rights, even among Republicans.
A new poll shows that a majority of Americans support equal rights for transgender Americans, with only Republicans disagreeing with that position.
The Supreme Court let a ruling against students opposed to a school district policy allowing transgender students to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity stand.
The Trump Administration is preparing a policy change that will essentially define transgender Americans out of existence.
Another Federal Judge has ruled in favor of a transgender student seeking the right to use the gender that conforms to the gender they identify with.
A Federal Judge in Oregon has rejected an efforts by a parent’s group to block a school district policy that allows transgender students to use the restroom facilities that conform to their gender identity.
A Federal Judge in Virginia has handed a significant legal victory to a student who sued their school district because they were barred form using the bathroom of the gender they identify with.