Abortion, an unrepresentative electorate, and candidate idiosyncracy ruled the off-off-year election.
We can all agree that Trump and Biden are over the line. But where is it?
It’s quite the week for politicians with generic names nobody has ever heard of.
The ongoing Republican debacle and what it says about representative democracy in the US.
A race a Democrat will definitely win will be the most expensive in US history.
There’s an inherent tension in public education.
The DC district attorney’s office is looking into allegations of masssive tax fraud.
West Virginia University may be the canary in the coal mine.
The Establishment is desperate for an alternative that’s not coming.
The English are having a periodic reassertion of the “right to roam.”
After other controls are applied, household income is still a huge advantage.
Some New York Republicans are fighting for their constituents and against the GOP leadership.
A simple typo misdirected millions of emails intended for the US military.
Thoughts after reading Part 2 of the Reuter’s series, “Slavery’s Descendants”
America survived a civil war and the turmoil of the 1960s. Can we rebound again?
Slavery is an inextricable part of our past, whether we want to talk about it or not.
The justices declined to review a bizarre 4th Circuit decision.
The Supreme Court sided with an anti-gay website designer.
All states but one receive more in federal money than they pay out in taxes.
Virginia’s governor is reportedly taking a shot at the 2024 Republican nomination.
The “We Were Soldiers Once” author and his wife have been honored.
Long after most people returned to normal, public health agencies have given in.
The New York Times looks into ties between a DC area law school and the Supreme Court.
The questionable ethics of living a lavish lifestyle based on high office.
A sensible compromise on a controversial issue.
A key pathway to success for low-income citizens isn’t working.