The weirdness of this year’s polling gives the President’s team hope.
Most high-income Congressional Districts are Democratic and low-income Districts are Republican.
“Classical liberals” really need to rediscover self examination
The Democrats have lots of problems. Salesmanship is pretty far down the list.
The average American is neither progressive nor all that interested in politics.
Based on the early stages of the campaign for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination, it appears as though the party’s progressive wing has misread the signals being sent by the party’s voters.
Former Vice-President Joe Biden isn’t officially running for President yet, but says his family is on board if he does.
Former Vice-President Joe Biden will reportedly decide on whether or not he’ll be entering the race for President in the near future.
Michael Avenatti, the California lawyer best known for representing Stormy Daniels in her claims against the President, is dropping a bid for the Democratic nomination that never seemed like a serious effort.
The evidence that the GOP lost the midterms because of public repudiation of President Trump is overwhelming. The GOP will either accept this and learn from it, or they will not.
Surely a celebrity hound with no political experience can’t become President. Right?
The Atlantic fired one of their few conservative voices for saying women who have abortions should be hanged. Was this beyond the pale?
After seven years that mostly consisted of losing elections, there’s a battle going on over which direction the party should head.
So what’s wrong with the Whitelash Backlash thesis? Not everything, actually. But plenty.
On Tuesday night the Establishment won and won yuge. (From new OTB contributor, Michael Bailey)
Another month of resilient, but not noteworthy, jobs growth.
Donald Trump is doing worse with white voters than Mitt Romney did in 2012.
David Brooks thinks American politics “Could get ugly” before the ship gets righted.
Many pundits are arguing that the victory for ‘Leave’ presages good news for Trump in November, but there’s no reason to believe that.
The rise of Trump and Sanders has resurrected a debate as old as Western civilization.
The longer this race goes on, the hard it becomes to deny the truth about Donald Trump.
An adviser close to Hillary Clinton is talking about expanding the Electoral College map in 2016, but even without such an expansion the GOP faces an uphill battle.
In order to win, Mitt Romney needs the support of a large segment of the 47% of the populace he wrote off back in May.
David Frum begins a withering review for The Daily Beast, “Charles Murray’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 is an important book that will have large influence. It is unfortunately not a good book.”
Republican pollster Glen Bolger makes a bold promise: The GOP will retain House control in 2012 – Guaranteed.
The 2010 electorate was whiter, older, and more conservative than that of 2008.
Rural whites are outperformed by Jews and Asians and passed over by blacks and Hispanics in the name of “diversity” by elite universities.