Texas Lawmaker Seeks to End Sexy Cheerleading

Now that all remaining problems with crime, education, roads, and other traditional problems faced by state legislatures have been fixed in Texas, lawmakers are working to root out such pernicious problems as high school cheerleaders shaking their asses too suggestively.

Lawmaker Seeks to End Sexy Cheerleading (AP)

The Friday night lights in Texas could soon be without bumpin’ and grindin’ cheerleaders. Legislation filed by Rep. Al Edwards would put an end to “sexually suggestive” performances at athletic events and other extracurricular competitions. “It’s just too sexually oriented, you know, the way they’re shaking their behinds and going on, breaking it down,” said Edwards, a 26-year veteran of the Texas House. “And then we say to them, ‘don’t get involved in sex unless it’s marriage or love, it’s dangerous out there’ and yet the teachers and directors are helping them go through those kind of gyrations.”

Under Edwards’ bill, if a school district knowingly permits such a performance, funds from the state would be reduced in an amount to be determined by the education commissioner.

It is a well documented fact that male high school students want to have sex with cheerleaders, so Edwards may be on to something.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Brian J. says:

    If I recall my high school years, it wasn’t just cheerleaders.

    Bring on the burqas!

  2. Gottlieb Almanegro says:

    Ah for the good old days in my hometown of Pekin Illinois, when scantily clad cheerleaders gyrated suggestively and chanted “Go Chinks, Go Chinks”.

  3. Alan Kellogg says:

    I’d like to Edward’s ‘favorites’ list. 🙂

  4. And what, exactly, would constitute a non “sexually suggestive” performance? My guess is that any performance that involve attractive females will be sexually suggestive in one way or another to all the teenage males in the audience.

    Indeed, aren’t cheeleaders, by defintion, sexy in some capacity?


  5. Eddie Thomas says:

    I’m not interested in anyone passing legislation on such a matter, but the comments so far suggest to me that you all don’t know what Edwards is talking about. The cheerleaders at my high school (back in the 1980s) surely didn’t “bump and grind.”

    And Edwards is absolutely right too that our culture is involved in a massive contradiction of exposing young people to sexuality at a very early age but then encouraging them to hold off sex (and child-bearing) until much later in life. You don’t need to be a prude to see a problem here.

  6. Jack Tanner says:

    Eddie – I agree with you but it’s not the gov’ts business to legislate morality. You’d think the schools would have enough sense to deal with this but unfortunately not.