Tom Brokaw Farewell Video
PunditGuy terms Tom Brokaw a “class act,” and provides a .wmv video of Brokaw’s farewell from last night’s NBC Nightly News.
Actually, I’ve always liked Brokaw and even Peter Jennings and Dan Rather. They’re all bleeding heart liberals and their coverage is sometimes a little biased, but they’re engaging fellows who are passionate about what they do. Rather has embarrased himself a few times with his arrogance, most recently and notably his unwillingness to admit error on the “60 Minutes” forged document caper, but he generally comes across as a guy you’d like to have a couple of beers with.
While visiting family over Thanksgiving, I heard him close out one retrospective video with something like we need to find a way to work with people that like our culture but hate our government. I thought that was one of the most simplistic comments regarding what is currently going on in the world.
I do think he has much more class than many anchors, but after hearing comments like the above I have to question any analysis he attempts to do.
But you don’t like beer…