Yglesias Bros on Vlogging
Matthew and Nick Yglesias discuss the virtues of vlogging. In a painfully awkward video, Nick describes why most bloggers are “painfully awkward” on video and that vlogging has few of the advantages of text blogging (aka, “blogging”).
He’s right. Indeed, I seldom watch professional quality newscasts and talking heads shows anymore precisely because the time and concentration commitment required to get much out of television can be used so much more efficiently online. Amateur television has all of the disadvantages of professional television without the advantages of professionalism.
Speaking confidently as one with a face made for radio, I view the rising importance and influence of vlogging askance. I eagerly await the Milli Vanilli of vlogging. Or maybe we’ve already had it with Lonely Girl 15.
Although there may be the occasional prodigy out there, to my mind vlogging is to blogging what music videos are to music: the production is more important than the message. If the rewards were higher, there’d be a bigger motivation for fraud.