Voters Hate Newt Gingrich and Hillary Clinton the Most

A new Zogby poll of likely voters finds that a majority (53%) would “never” vote for Newt Gingrich and just under a majority (46%) would never vote for Hillary Clinton.

Some other findings:

  • 70% of conservatives, 79% of the very conservative, and 42% of moderates say they would never vote for Clinton.
  • 54% of households with military connections would never vote for Gingrich, 50% for Clinton, or 46% for Gore
  • Gingrich is the least popular candidate with both sexes, with 53% of both men and women saying they’d never vote for him
  • 42% of women say they’d never vote for Clinton, along with 51% of the men
  • The least unpopular among men: Giuliani (29%), McCain (32%) and Obama (35%)
  • The least unpopular among women: Obama and Edwards (both 30%), and McCain (32%)

Unfortunately, the report is poorly written and there is no information given in some categories for some candidates and no summary tables are provided. Here’s what I compiled:


Presuming these trends are not artifacts of the polling methodology, I’d say neither Gingrich nor Clinton have any shot of getting elected president. Gingrich is universally unpopular even among core Republican constituents. Clinton is polarizing, as expected, but is so unpopular among women and moderates that I don’t see how she can win.


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Dave Schuler says:

    Advertising works!

  2. This is why, for the good of the country, I call on Obama to step down and let Hillary have the nomination. Or in the alternative, I would like to see Hillary atop the unity ticket in ’08.

  3. Bigfoot says:

    I don’t hate Newt by any means, but I lost some respect for him because of his affair with a staffer. Made himself look absolutely Clintonian (well, minus the perjury part, anyway), especially bad at a time when Mr. Bill’s pecadillos were hitting the fan.

    Not saying that Bill excuses Newt or vice versa, but when accusing someone of bad behavior, you might want to avoid the behavior yourself.

  4. floyd says:

    The choice between Newt and Hillary is obvious to any truly intelligent voter!

  5. Bandit says:

    How could they not?