Limbaugh Leaving the Country if Health Reform Passes

rush-limbaugh-microphoneRush Limbaugh has pulled a Baldwin.

My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out. And once they’ve opted, they can’t see anybody Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the exchanges. They have to have a clientele of private patients that will pay them a retainer and it’ll be a very small practice. I don’t know if that’s been outlawed in the Senate bill. I don’t know. I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

Not surprisingly, liberal commenters are doing their best Dirty Harry impression: Make my day.   Also, there have been some Viagra jokes.

UPDATE: MediaMatters has the clip, which I’ve embedded below.

In full context, Limbaugh is arguing that a rather wild chain of events will naturally follow HCR and that — if all of them came to pass, he’d leave.

via ThinkProgess via Memeorandum

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Paul L. says:

    Looks like Thinkprogress/Huffpo is lying and taking Rush out of context. The headline should be:
    Limbaugh vows to flee the country if private health care is outlawed in US.

  2. Grewgills says:

    Later in the show he used the same brilliant logic when he told us, “If those idiot liberals and feminazis pass federal gun control and 5 years later they take our guns — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Japan.”

  3. Herb says:

    Poor Rush, always being quoted out of context, usually when he says something dumb.

    I guess since outlawing private health care has zero chance of ever happening, Rush is here to stay.

  4. kth says:

    Wow was Rush ever off-message. The party line is that health care reform will be so wildly unpopular that Republicans will be swept into power come November and immediately repeal it.

    But from his remarks you almost get the idea Rush thinks it will pass, and once passed be very difficult to repeal.

  5. Read the entire transcript. Limbaugh was speaking with a caller about what would he–Limbaugh–do about his health care needs if ObamaCare passed. He did NOT say he would move to Costa Rica; he said he’d seek care at a privately run clinic down there rather than go through a government-run program here.

    Honestly, jumping on something concerning Limbaugh emanating from the folks at ThinkProgress and you couldn’t at least go to the source?

  6. PD Shaw says:

    I think the first part of his response refers to Supreme Court rulings in Canada (and maybe Britain) striking down bans on private health care. The case was Chaooli v. Quebec — unconscionable delays in medical treatment in Canada meant ban on private health care insurance violated individual liberty.

  7. Private health care apparently involves having your housekeeper go score OxyContin for you in a Denny’s parking lot.

  8. narciso says:

    Not the first time, Mr. Joyner has taken something out of context, recently, the black bracelet rings
    a bell. Now he was talking about the damage that
    Obamacare will wreak in the system, even if it is

  9. legion says:

    Well, as I understand it, Costa Rica has socialized medicine, so this looks like a case of “fine for me but not for thee”.

    Flash-Rush Limbaugh is a lying hypocrite. Film at 11.

  10. Wayne says:

    Re ” Flash-Rush Limbaugh is a lying hypocrite”

    He says he wants private care and wants others to have it. Costa Rica has it. If he has to go somewhere like Costa Rica to get it he will. How is that being a hypocrite?

    A typical smear campaign against Rush. Yes taking a snippet of what he says when the rest of what he says right afterward makes it clear what he meant is taking him out of context. Unlike the Dems who claim they are taken out of context when their whole speech supports the snippet.

    Typical Liberal’s tactic, when guilty of being a lying hypocrite, they accuse others of it.

  11. Herb says:

    Honestly, jumping on something concerning Limbaugh emanating from the folks at ThinkProgress and you couldn’t at least go to the source?

    C’mon, dude. You posted this comment after Joyner updated the post to include audio of Limbaugh’s comment. He even included context in the update.

    Your complaint has no merit.

  12. steve says:

    Hmm, he should check data online. In general, European providers have better care, though IIRC, there are areas where India and some Latin American countries do have quality care. He should probably get his gastric bypass here.


  13. C’mon, dude. You posted this comment after Joyner updated the post to include audio of Limbaugh’s comment. He even included context in the update.

    Your complaint has no merit.

    Excuse me, Herb, but a) I didn’t listen to the audio clip, and b) the entry still begins with the Baldwin crack, and ends with “he’d leave” closer, so Joyner is still presenting the idea that Limbaugh was threatening to leave the country, which is a complete misrepresentation of what Limbaugh was speaking about.

    Your rebuttal, dude, besides lacking “merit,” lacks basic comprehensive sense. If the audio clip does actually provide the context you claim it represents, why then didn’t Joyner change the “pulled a Baldwin” bit? And the “context” you speak of amounted to blowing off Limbaugh’s comments without actually addressing them.

  14. Pete says:

    I listened to the show and he said he would seek private health care in Costa Rica. He won’t move out of the country because he prefers to stay here and drive liberals insane.

  15. Boyd says:

    But from his remarks you almost get the idea Rush thinks it will pass, and once passed be very difficult to repeal.

    Ain’t no “almost get the idea” about it. I caught about two minutes of his show today when he was talking about this, and while I don’t recall exactly how he characterized the likelihood of passage, he was adamant that if/when the Senate bill passes the House, it will never be repealed, nor will there ever be any “reconciliation”. I tend to agree with him on those points.

  16. Herb says:

    I didn’t listen to the audio clip

    Too bad…it’s very sourcey. And yes, it even has some context. You can even hear the caller asking the question!

    And yes, Joyner did keep up the “pull a Baldwin” bit, which is truly unfair. To Alec Baldwin! (To this day, he denies saying that he’d leave the country.)

    Whereas with Rush, we not only know exactly why he’s leaving (if private healthcare is banned in the US), but we know where he’s going (Costa Rica) and we heard all of this in his own voice!

    If you’re worried about me “blowing off Limbaugh’s comments without actually addressing them,” let me address them now:

    Rush Limbaugh is making idle threats about things that won’t happen. The proper response is derisive laughter.

    Not a lame complaints about James Joyner’s media bias.

  17. tom p says:

    Ain’t no “almost get the idea” about it. I caught about two minutes of his show today when he was talking about this, and while I don’t recall exactly how he characterized the likelihood of passage, he was adamant that if/when the Senate bill passes the House, it will never be repealed, nor will there ever be any “reconciliation”. I tend to agree with him on those points.

    bithead: If you can not recall the particulars, maybe you should not defend his statements?
    And maybe it will never be repealed because the vast majority of americans agree with the particulars of this bill?

    As far as Rush going to Costa Rica for health care… all I can say is “Bye, bye…” (ever been to CR?)(it is a great place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to die there)

    Who is he kidding?

  18. Bilby says:

    Wow. I guess I had this site all wrong. I can’t believe a story from Think Progress and Media Matters is being taken at face value.

    Here’s the transcript from Limbaugh’s show:

    CALLER: Hi, Rush. Hey, welcome from sunny Naples. Two part question for you regarding health care. If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself? And the second part of that is what happens to the doctors, do they have to participate in the federal program or can they opt out of it?

    RUSH: Well, in the first place, none of that’s going to happen for four or five years.

    CALLER: I understand that, but if it does, what happens to the doctors? Are they going to be forced into a federal program?

    RUSH: Yes! It’s going to be the only people providing insurance.

    CALLER: Where, then, would you go for health care?

    RUSH: Where would I go for health care?

    CALLER: Yeah, if the private doctors have to go into the federal program.

    RUSH: My guess is even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out. They can’t see anybody, Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the exchanges. They have to have a clientele of private patients that will pay them a retainer, and it’s going to be a very small practice. I don’t know if that has been outlawed in the Senate bill.

    CALLER: Okay.

    RUSH: I don’t know. I’ll just tell you this. If this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented, I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

    It’s clear from that exchange that he said he would go to Costa Rica for medical treatment, not that he was leaving the country to go live there.

  19. Herb says:

    Interestingly enough, Bilby, that’s exactly what the embedded audio says. It’s clear that Limbaugh said he’d go to Costa Rica, although where he specifies that it’s just for medical care and not for good…that’s not so clear.

    I’m willing to assume that’s what he meant…but an assumption it will remain.

  20. Bilby says:

    Why in the world would it only be an assumption when he’d just asked this?

    RUSH: Where would I go for health care?

    It’s perfectly clear he was talking about where he’d go for health care.

    Given it’s also in the audio clear as day, how can anybody only be willing to assume?

    I wonder how many people actually listened to the audio all the way through or read the transcript instead of just assuming it’s what he said?

  21. Bilby says:

    Again, the grievous error is taking what Think Progress and Media Matters report as the truth.

  22. Drew says:

    One of the more pathetic threads I’ve seen. I happened to be listening to the show. Bilby is correct.

    Let’s leave the high school Harry stuff to the herb’s and Bernard Finels of the world.

  23. Michael Reynolds says:

    I love that we’re discussing the health care opinions of a fat, cigar-smoking junkie.

    I hope Rush has a group policy at the station because in the private market he’d be uninsurable.

  24. floyd says:

    “”I listened to the show and he said he would seek private health care in Costa Rica. He won’t move out of the country because he prefers to stay here and drive liberals insane.””
    Drive?? That would be more like a putt, for the few that could still be thought sane.

    Oh well, I guess we’ve had our “Pax Romana”
    It appears the “American Tune” has been sung.
    I find it ironic that so many ostensibly educated people would eschew liberty in favor of a dissonant dystopia.

  25. Herb says:

    I happened to be listening to the show.

    No surprise there, Drew.

    Again, the grievous error is taking what Think Progress and Media Matters report as the truth.

    Perhaps, Billby, you can explain where TP/MM erred in their reporting. And then you can explain where Joyner erred in linking to it.

    I find it curious that no one is defending what Rush Limbaugh said. Just rehashing the old “He was taken out of context” nonsense. Anyone besides Rush actually planning on becoming a medical tourist if healthcare reform passes?

    Anyone else even consider how dumb that whole idea is? I mean, what’s Rush going to do if he gets into a car accident in Florida? Air lift down to Cocos Island? I don’t think so…

  26. Have a Nice G.A. says:

    Slow news day? lolhehe…….

  27. Bilby says:

    Perhaps, Billby, you can explain where TP/MM erred in their reporting.

    The claimed he said he was moving to Costa Rica if Obamacare passes, when he clearly said he would go there for health care if Obamacare passes.

    And then you can explain where Joyner erred in linking to it.

    I’ll give him the benefit of a doubt and assume he took their headline at face value. I also can’t believe he listened to the audio all the way through. Perhaps he just assumed since there IS audio then surely Think Progress wouldn’t lie about what it contains.

  28. devildog666 says:

    I find it ironic that so many ostensibly educated people would eschew liberty in favor of a dissonant dystopia.

    Well said, but then an well educated idiot is still an idiot.

  29. Boyd says:

    Contrary to what you may think, tom p, I am not bithead. I don’t look like him. I proofread my comments, so they’re spelled properly and make complete sentences. Other than the fact that we’re both old farts, there’s not much similarity between us.

    And your reading comprehension needs some work. I didn’t say what you said I said. But never let 1) the wrong person 2) saying (well, writing) something other than what you think they’re saying ever get in the way of trying to attack bithead.

  30. FormerHostage says:

    I wonder if Think Progress will include the clip from yesterday when Limbaugh explicitly stated that he was NOT talking about moving, but just going to CR for private (i.e. paid for by him) care. He does not have health insurance and simply pays cash for care, he’d do the same thing there if he had to.

    Yes, CR might have socialized medicine, but they also have private practices, something that ObamaCare will kill.

    As far as the false “good for thee but not for me” complaint that some liberals are making, keep in mind one thing: President Obama underwent a virtual colonoscopy for his checkup. Nice for him but tough luck for Medicare patients since it is not covered by that great government medical program. I guess it’s a good thing that, if they had the money, they could still pay a private practice for the proceedure…for now.

  31. Franklin says:

    Contrary to what you may think, tom p, I am not bithead.

    Thank goodness, because two bitheads are definitely not better than one.

    I find the clip only mildly ambiguous (although I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s PERFECTLY clear), and I believe Rush clarified today that it would indeed only be for healthcare purposes. End of story.

  32. Herb says:

    The claimed he said he was moving to Costa Rica if Obamacare passes, when he clearly said he would go there for health care if Obamacare passes.

    No, they “claimed” that Rush Limbaugh said he’s “leaving the country” if Obamacare passes. Then they included the audio of Rush Limbaugh using exactly those words.

    Rush is responsible for the clarification as to whether the “leaving the country” is permanent or just for medical tourism, not TP/MM and certainly not Joyner.

    Bottom line…when Rush says something stupid, it’s Rush’s fault. No one else’s.

  33. FormerHostage says:

    Bottom line…when Rush says something stupid, it’s Rush’s fault. No one else’s.

    Does the same hold true for you Herb?

    I’m not moving to Costa Rica

  34. FormerHostage says:

    By the way, Herb said he was all for euthanasia for older people once they reach a certain age. If I misunderstood him, then he’s responsible for clarification, not me.

  35. Herb says:

    Herb said he was all for euthanasia for older people once they reach a certain age. If I misunderstood him, then he’s responsible for clarification, not me.

    Say whuh? You can’t put words in my mouth, then claim to misunderstand me. I mean, doesn’t that mean you are misunderstanding your own puerile projections?

    Not exactly a demonstration of sterling wit there, bud.

    At any rate, it’s nice to know that Rush not only didn’t mean what he said, but he didn’t say what he meant. He is only human, after all. It is, however, a bit annoying that he can’t take responsibility for it and that his fans don’t want him to. Instead, it’s someone else’s fault…it’s always someone else’s fault, usually the media’s.

  36. Grewgills says:

    Yes, CR might have socialized medicine, but they also have private practices, something that ObamaCare will kill.

    CR has had universal care for quite some time and many of the controls that people claim will kill private insurance here have been in place there for years, yet private insurance thrives in CR to the point that Rush has singled it out as his chosen medical tourism destination.
    How is it so many seem to believe that implementing universal coverage in the US will ensure that private coverage dies even while recognizing that implementing universal care in Costa Rica and even Canada and the UK did not?

  37. bbbeard says:


    I hope Rush has a group policy at the station because in the private market he’d be uninsurable.

    What an idiotic comment… Rush is a multi-millionaire. He pays for his medical care out of his very deep pockets.

  38. USJOCK says:

    Hurry pass the bill…..LOL

  39. floyd says:

    Right, hurry pass the bill and force everybody to live the way you want them to…OR should we… “let everyone live as they wish?? This is why we have a country!!!! REMEMBER?????”

  40. AST says:

    I think he’s also assuming that a colony of elite physicians and hospitals will pop up in Costa Rica, although I’m willing to bet that prescription meds there will be cheaper than here, if they aren’t already.