It ain’t right. Norman Geras has been blogging for less than three days and already he has had an InstaLanche and several other mentions from big name bloggers.

I mean, sure, he’s a highly respected political theorist at the University of Manchester who’s been publishing influential books since I was in grade school. But he’s still on Blogspot, for goodness sakes!

I guess that’s just how it goes when everybody knows your name.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Hey–Venomous Kate has orders of magnitudes more hits than I, and we’ve both been blogging since March.

    Of course, she got ahead by using mustard gas and other things forbidden in the Geneva Convention. This will all be brought to light soon.

  2. James Joyner says:


    My understanding is that Kate had actually been blogging for some time on a group blog and just went solo in March.

  3. Norman Geras says:

    Hey, gimme a break, guys. I think you’ll find that everybody does not know my name. Correction: make that my name is known by far from everybody. That’s not great either. Anyway. And so I’m still on Blogspot – what, I should hang my head in shame?!

  4. Norman Geras says:

    Hey, gimme a break, guys. I think you’ll find that everybody does not know my name. Correction: make that my name is known by far from everybody. That’s not great either. Anyway. And so I’m still on Blogspot – what, I should hang my head in shame?!

  5. James Joyner says:

    Heh! Just yankin’ your chain, Norman. Welcome to the mad, mad, mad world of blogging.

    As for blogspot, some have called it the AOL of blogging, but it does seem to have gotten a lot better in the past few weeks. Most people who stay with it long enough grow tired of its limitations and move off to their own hosts and more versatile blogging software, though.