My latest for The Atlantic continues the debate over work-life balance spawned by Anne-Marie Slaughter’s cover story “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All.”
If the GOP wins in November, there will be very few actual barriers in the way if they really want to repeal the PPACA.
Is there a logical flaw in the way Chief Justice Roberts addressed the tax issue in his opinion? Not really.
In his ruling on the ObamaCare cases, Chief Justices Roberts reached back to a judicial philosophy with roots in men like Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and Felix Frankfurter.
There is another explanation for the sometimes confusing nature of the dissent in the ObamaCare case.
If Roberts did switch his vote, it should not be considered odd.
Electing Romney hardly means repeal of the PPACA, even if he will make it sound that way.
Who benefits from the Supreme Court’s ObamaCare ruling?
Either the majority and dissenting opinions in NFIB v. Sebelius were among the sloppiest in Supreme Court history or the Chief Justice switched sides at the 11th hour.
Congress has found Eric Holder to be in contempt. I am not entirely sure what that accomplishes.
While it upheld the Affordable Care Act today, the Supreme Court also placed some clear limits on Congressional power. That’s a good thing.
The Republican strategy on health care in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision needs some tweaking.
Chief Justice Roberts: “Although the breadth of Congress’s power to tax is greater than its power to regulate commerce, the taxing power does not give Congress the same degree of control over individual behavior.”
Obama holds up “MANDATE STRUCK DOWN” headline from CNN in “DEWEY BEATS TRUMAN” photoshop
Chief Justice Roberts sided with a majority in upholding the individual mandate and, indeed, all but some trivial portions of the Affordable Care Act.
Thanks to a surprising decision by Chief Justice Roberts, the Affordable Care Act has survived the Constitutional challenges against it.
The US Supreme Court has struck down the Stolen Valor Act, which made it a federal crime to lie about military honors, on free speech grounds.
Regardless of how the Court rules on the Affordable Care Act, the upcoming election has the potential to reshape the Court for decades to come.
As gas prices fall, the politics of fuel prices are changing.
A Fortune Magazine investigation puts a new spin on Operation Fast And Furious, but questions still remain.
Justice Scaiia’s dissent in Arizona v. United States included many odd forays into areas that had nothing to do with the case before him.
There’s no evidence that Fast & Furious, whatever it was, was a conspiracy to lobby for tighter gun control laws.
Men who graduate elite universities earn an additional $107,000 lifetime. It costs $234,440 to get a Yale degree.
In advance of tomorrow’s ruling, some pundits on the left are displaying some very odd views on the role of the law in American politics.