Trump and Abortion

Trump Claims Arlington Photo-Op was a “Set-up”

I guess he is unaware of the concept of a “self-own”?

Tim Walz’s Political Origin Story

An oft-told tale turns out to be bullshit.

Post-Affirmative Action College Campuses

More data shows a more complicated picture.

[JD Vance] [JD Vance]

“Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party” VP Candidate Publicly Eats Supporter’s Face

J. D. Vance seems to have a cruel sense of humor and issues with women. Weird!

Dumb Critique or the Dumbest?

Fast food silliness.

A Quick Comparison

One of these things is not like the other.

Harris Pivots to the Center

It’s not 2019 anymore.

A Photo for Friday


On Polling and Trolling

Harris appears to be getting a post-convention bounce while Trump and Vance stay classy.

Israel Expands War in West Bank

Another step closer to a regional war.

The Violence Inherent in the System

Things may well get ugly regardless of the outcome of November’s election.

Biden’s Second Term? Or Trump’s?

A Republican columnist is angry that Trump, not Harris, is being seen as the incumbent.

Grossly Dishonest or Just Grossly Incorrect?

An FNC report on the Alaska House race is a mess.

Harris Gets 200 GOP Endorsements, Trump Gets Tulsi Gabbard

We live in interesting times.

McMaster on Trump

His former National Security Advisor is not impressed.

Mental Health Therapy and Insurance

Our fee-for-service system is broken.

Getting Americans to Buy Smaller Cars

Going electric may require reversing a decades-long trend.

Election Tabs

[a cartoon of a diverse group of people] [a cartoon of a diverse group of people]

A Diversity Anecdote

It would be nice if it just happened without any help.

MIT After Affirmative Action

The predicted has happened.

A Photo for Friday

“Electric Light”

Kamala Harris and Incumbency Curse

The sitting Vice President isn’t getting blamed for the economy.

A Hopeful Convention

A stark contrast in vibes.

On Appealing to the “Median Voter”

Because I think too much about this stuff.

The Ezra Klein Phenomenon

From Juiceboxer to arguably the most important media figure on the left.

Phil Donahue, 1935-2024

The talk show pioneer is gone at 88.

Could Someone Please Get Maureen Dowd a Dictionary?

Or maybe a gift certificate to some online poli sci courses?

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

Ezra Klein on Manliness, Cat Ladies, Fertility Panic and the 2024 Election.

Motherhood Politics

Just another challenge of being a female candidate in American politics.

Biden’s Long Goodbye

A surreal Democratic National Convention.

Trump Has a Point

His rants about the new race are unhelpful but not unfounded.

The Lack Of Economy In Trump’s “Economy” Speech

I love a good data visualization!