Kim Update
Just a quick note to let people know that all’s as well as could be expected. Katie obviously notices the absence of her mommy but, typical for her age, doesn’t really understand the concept of permanence. Ellie seems blissfully unaware and made the transition from mother’s milk to formula quite easily.
We’re holding a service for Kim Saturday at 11. Details are on her Facebook page.
Certainly, a comment on the post announcing her passing or her Facebook wall is more than enough but a few have asked for an address for cards and the like. They may be sent to 3707 Purks CT, Alexandria VA 22309.
Kim’s company, Public Opinion Strategies, has set up a college fund for the girls for those who wish to donate. The Atlantic Council and some of my foreign policy Twitterati are doing the same. I was initially quite reticent about the idea because, even with the loss of Kim’s paycheck, we’re far from destitute and there are certainly needier kids than mine. But I’ve come to view the funds as a means for people trying to help in a horrible situation to do something tangible rather than as a charitable cause.
Checks can be made out to “College America” with “Joyner girls” in the memo line and sent to Glen Bolger at Public Opinion Strategies, 214 North Fayette Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Assuming the cause of her death becomes known at some point, one could always set up a foundation in her name to help fight the said cause. Just an idea.
James, you did not give a link or address for donations. Can I just send it with a card?
James: I know you’re far from destitute, but we’re your “friends” and, honestly, when something horrific like this happens, donating to “the kids” can help us feel a bit more useful when our friend is going through a terrible time. It feels much better than saying “I’m sorry” or “Sorry for your loss.”
If a well-to-do person dies of cancer, it doesn’t mean we don’t want to donate to cancer research. Give us a link to help Kim’s kids. It will make us feel better and will help your children.
I’d rather HELP with, well, something, than just type words.
Dear James, Katie, and Ellie,
I only learned of your loss last night. Needless to say my heart is aching for you all. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you in this heartbreaking time of grief and loss. There are no words that anyone can say but I hope you know how deeply we all feel for you and your families at this time.
I am so sorry I won’t be able to make the funeral today, but please know that I will hold you close in my heart and am certain that God will have his arms of love wrapped around you.
With my deepest condolences and sympathies,
James, I was barely 5 when my mother died. I do have some memories of her (all visual memories). I think of Katie and Elliie – and you – and pray for all of you. The one thing I do remember is that there were many people who stepped up to help. I do not remember being abandoned, and always sensed that there were adults who cared for me. Obviously, the sadder moments are forgotten.
I’m not looking for you to post status reports on your daughters. Just know that, in some sense, I share your loss and wish you strength and hope in caring for your family.