OTB Caption Contest Winners
The The Audubon Autobahn Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The The Audubon Autobahn Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
First: OzarkHillbilly – President Obama didn’t fool any one at the NRA with his Charlton Heston impersonation.
Second: Hal 10000 – Sequester cuts and other budget pressures have severely scaled back California’s plans for high speed rail.
Third: Moosebreath – Dave wishes he can graduate from NASCAR’s junior circuit.
Patrick McCain – Assad threatens Israel with Russian arms.
CSK – When Mitt Romney threatened to defund PBS, Big Bird sought-and quickly found-lucrative employment in the private sector.
John425 – Weiner enters Democrat primary race.
John Burgess – The latest CAFE standards are really going to change the way Americans commute, for once and for all.
Paul Hooson – “You cheated…you supercharged your ostrich on meth!”
Robert W. Armijo – Despite its exotic allure, Ostrich off track betting (OOTB) left much to be desired.
Mitt Romney still has nightmares about Big Bird.
“Release the Llamas”
If you’ve ever had a relative perish, right after saying “Hey y’all, Watch this!” You just may be a redneck.
Why do I keep hearing the Chicken Reel
The Monday Contest just left the Necron99 party.
Well thank you kindly, Rodney. Who doesn’t enjoy a good ostrich on meth joke these days. … I well remember my own grandmother working so hard, slaving away for long hours, just to prepare some good ostrich on meth jokes for the grandchildren when I was a kid, God bless her!