Alan Keyes’ Gay Daughter

Politics1 notes that Alan Keyes is losing even more ground in his Senate bid:

State Senator Barack Obama (D) still holds a landslide lead over former Ambassador Alan Keyes (R). The new Chicago Tribune/Market Shares poll gives the advantage to Obama by a 68% to 17% vote, with “Others” at 3%. Obama has widened his lead by 10 more points since last month’s poll.

Apparently, they’re all stocked up on crazy in Illinois.

More surprising is this news:

A month ago, bombastic US Senate nominee Alan Keyes (R-IL) responded to a question from a radio talk show host by saying that gays were all living in sin and “selfish hedonists” — and answered that he included the lesbian daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney in that description. In fact, Keyes frequently denounces gays on the campaign trail. However, it turns out that Keyes’ own 19-year-old daughter Maya is an out lesbian. Now — before everyone gets worked up about violations of privacy or that a candidate’s family is “off-limits” — you should note that MayaKeyes chose to out herself online. Also, I didn’t report on this story until a day after many of the other sites covered it — so I’m not doing the outing. Maya is featured in a family photo on the Keyes campaign site (left), and frequently campaigns with her father (although Maya bragged on her own blog site that she usually wears a bunch of “gay pride” rainbow bracelets while doing so). The Chicago political blog Modern Vertebrate first discovered Maya’s own blog site, and connected the dots to postings by her on the campaign site that used the same email address.

Ron Gunzberger has collected some quotations from Ms. Keyes’ site in the post and, suffice it to say, her relationship with her parents is rather odd.

FILED UNDER: 2004 Election, Religion, , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Chuckg says:

    I live in Illinois.

    I do not want to vote for Obama. Really, I don’t.

    OTOH, I will *NOT* vote for Alan Keyes. Republican or not, conservative or not, he’s an obvious lunatic. Whatever happened to the relatively sane columnist I used to read several years ago?

    … you know, I really hate voting “None Of The Above”, even for county water commissioner, let alone US Senator. But it looks like I’m gonna have to.

  2. Bithead says:

    Almost as if someone was rooting around for bad news.

  3. bizba says:

    Isn’t interesting how often God makes gay and lesbian children appear in very conservative families?

  4. Jeff says:

    Chuckg, simply write in Jack Ryan (the candidate who actually WON the Republican primary in Illinois). Let’s send a message to the Illinois Republican party that they can’t force the people’s candidate out and then pick any MARYLAND resident out of a hat to represent us in elections.