James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.
In all honesty, and I used to watch the Andy Griffith Show quite regularly, I don’t remember Andy Griffith ever smoking on screen. Nor do I remember any of the other characters smoking, with perhaps the exception of Floyd the Barber.
Actually, he smoked quite often on the show, although certainly not in every episode. He was especially fond of a cigarette whilst out on the front porch in the evenings.
Wow! It has been nearly 15 years or more since I’ve seen an episode. Huh. I guess my memory ain’t all that great. They have a cure for Alzheimers now, right?
In all honesty, and I used to watch the Andy Griffith Show quite regularly, I don’t remember Andy Griffith ever smoking on screen. Nor do I remember any of the other characters smoking, with perhaps the exception of Floyd the Barber.
Actually, he smoked quite often on the show, although certainly not in every episode. He was especially fond of a cigarette whilst out on the front porch in the evenings.
Wow! It has been nearly 15 years or more since I’ve seen an episode. Huh. I guess my memory ain’t all that great. They have a cure for Alzheimers now, right?