Baby Bites Al Franken

Waiting at DC’s Reagan National Airport yesterday evening for a flight to Minneapolis, we caught a photo of this baby biting Al Franken’s nose:

Okay, so it was our baby.

Franken was very gracious and accommodating. One of the joys of being a United States Senator, apparently, is that one can not read a magazine — or for that matter, sit down — when flying back to one’s home state because fifty people are lining up to chat with you about one thing or another. Ditto the lavoratory line on the airplane. Thus far, at least, Franken is taking it all in stride.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. lunacy says:

    I sure hope your lovely baby is up to date on her shots.

    …to protect her from over exposure to Franken.

  2. Does that baby have an original birth certificate? Can she prove it?
    Because I don’t think foreign babies should be biting US Senators.

  3. That’s hilarious!

  4. Michael says:

    I know you’re a Republican James, but do you really think you should be teaching your child to attack Democrats at such a young age?

  5. floyd says:

    The baby is expecting milk from this big boob and will only get snot.
    The American people are in for a similar suprise!

  6. RileyB says:

    Do you know all of the “bugs” that are carried inside the nose and
    on the skin?
    Not to mention that this is Al Franken whose nose is being gnawed
    Watch for staph and strep…seriously.

  7. An Interested Party says:

    Judging from the few comments here…apparently there is nothing that cannot be politicized into a partisan issue…

  8. Michael says:

    Judging from the few comments here…apparently there is nothing that cannot be politicized into a partisan issue…

    It took this to make you realize that?

  9. floyd says:

    You mean like politicians kissing babies?
    Never seen that before…[lol]
    However; you’re observation is astute!

  10. An Interested Party says:

    It took this to make you realize that?

    Not really…it’s just a shame that a pleasant encounter between James and his family and Senator Franken can’t be just that–a pleasant encounter…

  11. Rick Almeida says:

    Your little girl is adorable, James.

  12. Herb says:

    That’s awesome. Twenty years from now, it’ll be even more awesome. The memories!

  13. Michael says:

    Not really…it’s just a shame that a pleasant encounter between James and his family and Senator Franken can’t be just that–a pleasant encounter…

    I think all the comments so far have been pretty light hearted and tongue in cheek.

    Except for the fact that noses are gross, and you shouldn’t let your baby chew on someone else’s. As a parent, that does kind of make me cringe.

  14. Franklin says:

    A few germs are good for kids. The lack of them in today’s hygienic society is one possible explanation for the sudden rise in severe food allergies.

    Anyway, this has already naturally become a caption contest. But I’ve got nothing …

  15. markm says:


    James to daughter: “NOOOO’no…ka ka”

  16. markm says:

    Daughter to Franken: “I’m smart enough and doggone it, people like me…but you taste like poo-poo”

  17. markm says:
  18. Mithras says:

    Extremely cute.

  19. sam says:

    Well, it coulda been worse photo-op-wise. My daughter liked to bite the end of folks’ noses. I think most babies would do it–after all, it does look something like a breast…. Anyway, the kibosh was put on the nose-biting the day she clamped on the tip of my nose with a newly erupted and theretofore unseen front tooth. Yeoooow!

  20. Great pictures – the baby is adorable – Al Franken not so much! Cheers.

  21. ynot4tony2 says:

    I wonder how long it will take the baby to get the taste of political corruption and obscenity out of her mouth after taking that dreadful taste of Franken.

    More than likely, this baby was registered to vote by ACORN, and is a Franken voter. But seriously, speaking of Franken’s electoral “victory”, why are the people of Minnesota and the rest of the country for that manner not speaking out against Franken’s theft of the election?

    Whenever there’s a recount, conveniently the votes ALWAYS increase for the Democrats (magic? I think not). And in Franken’s case, not only were several boxes of ballots “found” after the election was over, there were many precincts that reported MORE VOTES THAN REGISTERED VOTERS! WTF? People are taking this sitting down?!?

  22. Joe says:

    He should be kissing her. it was probably her vote that put him over the top.

  23. skatz51 says:

    What a smart baby!!

  24. erp says:

    D*mn that Rove really is good.

  25. Nate255 says:

    This confirms what everyone suspected. Franken is a boob. Also, I question the parenting ability of someone who would expose their child to that filth. – Disgusting

  26. Triumph says:

    Well, Franken is a yellow-bellied liberal; however, if you are going to have an oral encounter with a senator in an airport, I’d rather have it with him than Larry Craig.

  27. Don’t bite that nose.

    You don’t know where it’s been.

  28. Aaron says:

    You got her well trained. Maybe next time she’ll draw blood.

  29. Captain Jean-Luc Picard says:

    Let’s hope Franken change from pro-death to pro-life. He might get more love bites from little angels like this one.

  30. An Interested Party says:

    Wow, what a bunch of sore losers…here’s hoping the senator sticks around for a good long time to annoy the hell out of certain people…

  31. Franklin says:

    Triumph – good call!

    ynot4tony2 – might want to check your facts.

  32. Liberal cutie says:

    You people are ridiculous. Please read your own comments, and see how mean-spirited they are.

    Sore losers, much?

    This is cute, and James says Senator Franken was gracious about it. Give it up, dudes.

  33. TM says:

    It is disgraceful the little bitter comments by people on an overall innocent encounter. Personally it may be wise to block further comments because of the disgusting turn they seem to be taking.

    Adorable shot, a slice of life, and then the political blood hounds jump in – really where is the sense?

  34. Michael says:

    Personally it may be wise to block further comments because of the disgusting turn they seem to be taking.

    Better solution: How about people who are offended by partisanship stop whining about finding politics on a political blog and go waste their time on LOL cats instead.

  35. Michael says:

    For the record, there are now more comments complaining about the “all the mean comments”, than there are actual mean comments.

  36. Dem4life says:

    I saw Franken at a baseball game, and he was very friendly and put up with a lot of people talking to him. The crowd cheered when he left and gave us a wave.