Beltway Traffic Jam

The real life traffic jam starts early in the Beltway on Fridays; the roads are packed by 2:30 or so. Oddly, the digital traffic seems to taper off somewhat around the same time and stay that way until Sunday evening.

  • Phil Libin suggests that we turn Iraqi sovereignty over to Glenn Reynolds.
  • Terry Oglesby points to a sign of the apocalypse.
  • Mark Cuban offers some reflections on losing in the playoffs, an all-too-familiar feeling.
  • Steven Taylor shares his thoughts on a Howard Dean television show.
  • Jon Henke reports that Hispanics are under-represented in our Iraq war dead.
  • Andrew Cline reflects on what his 20-year-old self would think of him now.
  • Smash dons a tie that will live in infamy. He’s taking bids for burning rights.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. jen says:

    Somehow I seem to come up with my weightier posts on Friday afternoons, which means that 1 person may see it. *sigh*